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How did you get your username and avatar?


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My name comes from an RPG I played as a kid and the Avatar is Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from the cartoon Phineas and Ferb (which is the most awesome show on television in the US - a hell of a lot better than reality TV). Dr. D is portrayed as "as a routinely bumbling, incompetent and forgetful evil scientist intent on taking over the entire tri-state area" which I thought was super appropriate for my spacecraft building skills. Of course I'm planning on taking over the entire Kerbin-Space area.

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Prepare for long post.

My avatar is Unimpressed astronaut.

My username comes from a issue I had whilst signing up for Xbox live about 5 or 6 years ago. I used to have Killroy3 as my username for everything but when I tried to use it for Xbox live i discovered that it was already taken. There was a column of suggestions on the far right side of the screen. One of them was rage097. I used that and it stuck as my username for everything. Even If it's already in use on a website I'll try to use a variation of it like RxAxGxE or rage098.

Long Post is long.

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Bit of a long story but here goes.....My name is what a friend from high school called me. He liked the Wu-Tang Clan and everyone called him Bza. My actual name is Guy so he used to call me Gza, as in Gza the Genius. When ever I called myself Genius online the name was always taken so messed about with the spelling till I got Gniuz as in G-ni-uz. Now I can always get my online name as no one ever takes it. :) best thing is, if it is taken its normally by me and its just that I didn't realise I have already registered for something.

The picture was a space themed pic I found on google images which had the right dimensions.


EDIT- incase you don't know the lead members of the Wu Tang are called RZA and GZA

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My avatar is a photo of me that I altered in Photoshop.

My name "Nyrath" comes from the Elder Edda (Norse Mythology). It seems that J. R. R. Tolkien use the Edda to name various characters in his novels. My name Nyrath is about two sentences below "Gandalf"

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Well, some years ago we had an Airsoft team, i was also the scriptor (taking notes on meetings and generally making protocol). Since we were all fans of the series "Generation Kill" it just fits my Occupation there as The Warscribe, like the guy who wrote about the iraq war while being with the marines.

The avatar, though? I love all things Cyberpunk/steampunk, the logos i designed do contain circuitry and cogwheels

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This is actually a completely different name from what I normally use.

But this one comes from

Sempiternal - New (Awesome) BMTH Album, and a cool word.

Avvie - Render of the album artwork

My title and location are names of songs from the album and my sig is the intro to the final song on it.

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Back when I was nine or ten years old I was one of those "LOL SO RANDUMB ACORNS LOLE XD XD" kind of kids. So the first thing I ever used a username for was this online moonbase chatroom. My username was either NUTTY555 or Acorn555. This stuck with me for other games like Roblox. Then that changed a year or so later when I got steam. My chosen account name was nutt005, which changed in to Nutt007 quickly. And forms there it's just stuck with me.

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In order to make this post more interesting I decided to formulate it in the form of a poem, more precisely in form of a limerick.

Once upon a time in a village called Lame

I decided that I needed a Spartan (-II) sort of name.

Browzing names like Zosen,

and a surname was chosen!

My dads old nickname worked quite the same.

Indiana Jones, a immortal hero bruised

But without a number my name would be refused

I scan numbers and codes

and my head implodes

concluding 250 was still unused

Finding a avatar was quite the trouble

But conscription came on the double

As a Marine commando

crawling trough the sando

As Sarge seeing my green beret in the rubble.

So as NCO in charge of snipin´

Something struck me quite as lightning

Indeed I was struck

Infact by Lady Luck

I could use our Cockade quite frightening.

Later on, honorably discharged

I found my curiosity overcharged

Like a manatee

I crawled to KSP

And on a new adventure I barged!

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In order to make this post more interesting I decided to formulate it in the form of a poem, more precisely in form of a limerick.

Once upon a time in a village called Lame

I decided that I needed a Spartan (-II) sort of name.

Browzing names like Zosen,

and a surname was chosen!

My dads old nickname worked quite the same.

Indiana Jones, a immortal hero bruised

But without a number my name would be refused

I scan numbers and codes

and my head implodes

concluding 250 was still unused

Finding a avatar was quite the trouble

But conscription came on the double

As a Marine commando

crawling trough the sando

As Sarge seeing my green beret in the rubble.

So as NCO in charge of snipin´

Something struck me quite as lightning

Indeed I was struck

Infact by Lady Luck

I could use our Cockade quite frightening.

Later on, honorably discharged

I found my curiosity overcharged

Like a manatee

I crawled to KSP

And on a new adventure I barged!

You win this thread.

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Mine is rather simple, to be honest.

This is a name I use EVERYWHERE in lieu of my real name. An alternate alias, one might say. And I like it. It also kind of makes sense, when you read it: "ohm maker". Ohms, as you should and might know, are a measure of electric current resistance. So - in short - I make electricity. >:3

My avatar I made myself in GMod pre-13. I used the cactuar model - because Final Fantasy for the win - and put an ushanka on its head. The Majora's Mask moon.... I have no idea what I was thinking. XD

But, while it's not visible in the avvie, I also inserted.... Derpy Hooves into the background. Again, I have NO idea why I did. x3

Well then.

- Machre

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I haven't got... An avatar... So uuhh, in no way, I guess?

But my name is from when I played Runescape. I couldn't find a name, so I let the game choose for me. It has stuck since. And only yesterday, I noticed the importance of ''42'' in my name. :o

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Chobits was my favourite anime through high school and I used Chobit-389 as my username when I used to play Gaia Online. The 389 came from changing the main characters name from letters to numbers (A=1, B=2 and so-forth). I haven't needed to change my username for much of anything but briefly was known as "Karma" on Steam

The avatar, come on guys... you know me by now.

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Username: It's my normal Internet handle. I'm not quite sure when I picked it up, though.

Avatar: My sister gets annoyed with Fluttershy, so one day I changed everything I could to her. I had this picture on my Steam and left it there for a while. Now whenever I try to have a different avatar, it doesn't look right to me.

Plus, just look at it. HHNNNGG!

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Username: I made up the name Rockcooler when I was ten as a idea of putting rocks into coolers. But had to cut the last R off for some online game that I can't remeber. The name just stuck.

Avatar: I drew the picture myself.

Edited by Rockcoole
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Username: When i made my first forum account, i needed something that sounded good, easy to remember, and reflected my personality. ( Head in the clouds, airborne ;) )

The avatar is just something i'm trying out, i don't use one avatar for everything.

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I'll reply in a form similar to Jones-250

Downloaded the game, liked it quite a lot

So here to the forums I come, no I trot

Clicked on a thread, "You need to register" did it warn

so upon that small comment, a new user was born.

Clicked on the link, some thoughts I think

Like "How long will this take" and "I need a drink"

The page finally loads, with it's .php and such

Looking at this page, it requires not too much

Needing a username, a good woody sort of word

If it isn't woody, I might just Flip The Bird

"Fly", yes "Fly", a nice woody start

To my username, "Fly" has now become a part

But alas, this forum requires more than that

I wrote down some woody words and put them into a hat

I pick some and pick some and pick even more

Aha! Yes! "Me" has just walked in the door!

"Fly" and "Me", both woody words on thier own

But when put together, the word "tinny" do I groan

This name needs a woody word to finally outsmart

The tinny word that "Fly", and "Me", are now a part

"To" is a bit tinny, this I know

But to "Flyme" the word "To" is happily sewn

No, it's gotta get woodier than that

I've really got to revise all these words in my hat

"Screw the hat" I yell and then comes a thought

"The", yes, "THE!" THAT'S WOODY, IS IT NOT?

"The" is tacked on, and my name is almost complete,

But "Flymetothe", well, that's a phrase that's not neat.

I start to think about how to end this name

I think and I think, even while I play the game

I open the map screen, and what do I see?

The Word "Mun", ready for exploitation by me!

Mun, being woody is finally added on

My username is complete! The task is now done!

"Flymetothemun", a nice woody sort of name

I have now registered with the forums of this game.

I start to look around, and there's something I see

Pictures, yes pictures, made by them, seen by me!

Looking at profiles, they're named avatars

And it turns out they're about as numerous as stars

"Oh well, i'll do that later" I say

As I comment on threads and go about my day

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