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[0.20] Subassembly Loader - 0.20 Compatibility Patch


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Wait, so "Deadbeef is still around, just too busy". What does that mean?

He's too busy to fix his mod so no one else is allowed to? How precisely is that any different than "not around"? Might as well not be here at all if he can't be bothered to maintain his code.

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To the common user, it looks deleted. Hopefully its just hidden from view, because I REALLY don't wanna type all that out again. {smirk}

I happened to still have it up. Copy/Paste for ya:

I'm not an artist, and I'm not a GUI developer. I'm a "Function Over Form" kind of guy. So this page is probably going to look bland. ;)

This thread:

This is *NOT* a support thread. The support thread is here: [ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...read.php/37009 ]. If questions are asked in this thread, I will post answers in the support thread, and then link here.


Deadbeef is the original author of this project, however, he seems to have disappeared just prior to the 0.20.0 launch. This plugin did not work with 0.20.0 due to the new file structure required, and incompatibilities with the source code and this new method Squad has introduced. People have been really wanting this to work and have certain functionality. I downloaded the source from a patched revision (I don't remember which one, unfortunately, I'm sorry. I know TheDeadFish had his hands in this), and added a few tweaks, then submitted my own revision. I have sent a private message to Deadbeef within this forum requesting if I can take over this project, but as of yet, have not received a reply.

About me:

I've been a developing software, all tools and utilities, since the Commodore Vic-20 days. I've seen a lot of languages, and have used a few of them. I'm brand new to C# and Unity as of KSP 0.20.0, although I have used C/C++ back in my college days. I haven't decided if that counts yet. ;) I feel this is an awesome start for me to learn the ins and outs of two new (to me) technologies. I am NOT, nor claim to be proficient with C#, so don't laugh too hard when you see some of my code in this language.... or laugh if you must, but at least don't be eating or drinking while looking at the code. I'm kind of brute-forcing this thing to make it work. ;)

Boring details:

Original Author: DeadBeef - James Bradwell - http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/author/deadbeef/

Original Spaceport URL: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/subassembly-saver-loader/

License: None provided in original download, nor on the spaceport page.

Disclaimer: I will cede control of this project to Deadbeef when he requests it. This forum post will be emptied, and a request for it to be locked at that time.

Note: Source code for DeadBeefs version is included in my package, as is my code. The DLL included is compiled against my code. AFAIK, he is also the original author of all icons. I have the graphical aptitude of a 4 year old with melted (AND COOLED) crayons. The images provided in this package were provided by Deadbeef and will always be included in the package until he states I have full control, however, the actual use of the images are subject to change, but will be kept in their original file name format, just put somewhere else in the archive.

My License: (As of 2013-06-21)

Feel free to modify the source code for your own use, however, permission to redistribute modified code elsewhere is NOT granted. If you'd like to request changes to share with the community, please let me know either in the support thread or in private. Credit WILL be given for your work within the source code, but I will retain ownership of the code. Any and all images developed be me, or any contributions from the community will belong to me, but proper credits will be given if desired. I understand that there are forks of this project already out there. I can't, and won't support those. There is no external, public, read-only repository, nor will there be. My official releases will be versioned, and accessible in this thread.

Revision History since I took over (This is NOT the same version numbers as what is on SpacePort)

v1.0 - June 6, 2013

- Initial inauguration into my version control system

--No link available

v1.1 - June 12

- Confirmed working with Microsoft Vision Studio

- Removed the "Delete" function when trying to save something without any available nodes.

--No link available

v1.2 - June 13

- Added ability to create new categories on the fly.

** At this point, I haven't found a method to DELETE the categories since this relies on an actual disk file structure.



To Do:

- Scale the load/save window to a percentage of the current screen size.

- Have two distinct buttons. One to save the current assembly, another to load.

- Load existing full ships into your current build. In other words, if you have a payload already created, you can import that payload onto your current ship in the VAB/SPH.

- Modify the method in which categories are managed so sub-categories can be created.


Known issues:


Drag your ENTIRE ship up to the SAL icon to save. Doing otherwise WILL BREAK your fuel lines and struts on your sub assembly. This technically isn't a fault of SAL but in the way KSP handles moving ship parts around. When you select a part of your ship to remove it from the rest of your ship, you will notice that ALL your fuel lines and struts become disconnected. SAL will save that assembly in that bad state, unfortunately, and this is due to the parts not having an end point to connect to at that time. I've not found a way to enforce a reconnection of those pipes and struts on a reload.

2> Categories cannot be deleted

Typos happen. To mitigate this issue, you will have to go outside of KSP and use your operating systems file browser and manually handle the directories. The directories are stored under {YourKSPDirectory}\GameData\subassemblyLoader\suba ssemblies\. Squad has severely restricted disk file IO operations, and with very good reasons.



Q: I see a small red question mark?

A: Browse to {YourKSPDirectory}\GameData\subassemblyLoader and make sure you see the following files and directories. This is the MINIMUM required. Everything else is created on the fly.



ââ€â€š subassemblyLoader.dll







Red - Directories

Blue - Files

If these do not exist, you may see that red question mark

Edited by sal_vager
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Thanks Pontiac ... ... this post (above, thanks to Spektyr) was deleted ?why? now? That's utterly ridiculous. If it's due to models, I'd be happy to make you some. AFAIK the source is open, and you're legitimately forking it. And fixing what has pretty clearly been abandoned.

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I really don't understand why Subassembly functionality wasn't built into KSP from the beginning. Given that KSP is at its core a spacecraft design and construction simulation the ability to construct assemblies and mix and match in the VAB should be a fundamental part of the software. Do the KSP authors really expect us to build a spacecraft from the ground up every single time we want to design a new spacecraft? ;)

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The reason is that there are very specific rules that deal with copyright that Squad needs to follow. I don't own subassemblyLoader, but even though I stated very VERY clearly, that if DeadBeef wants it back, he's in control. However, Squad looks at it quite in the "black and white" instead of dealing with any gray.

So, until I can raise Deadbeef, I'm not releasing anymore, however, that doesn't mean that UNTIL I get hold of him, I'm not going to keep working on it.

Edit: Should also mention there are no models in this package. Only images. But source code is also covered under copyright as far as Squad is concerned, regardless if there was no license included or not.

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