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KW Rocketry and v2

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I have the programming skill of a monkey (... strangely the logo for Squad.... hmmmm) but I can read configs and make changes with the best of them.

Here's the rub...

Go into any .cfg associated with fairings and add

scale = 1

// --- asset parameters ---mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1.875
scale = 1

There are 18 part.cfg files to scrub.

1m base wall and fairing

1m expanded base wall and fairing

2m base wall and fairing

2m expanded base wall and fairing

3m base wall and fairing

3m expanded base wall and fairing

Edited by LawnDartLeo
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Catullus, All good here from inventory standpoint.

Tallinu, your mod to the KWR service propulsion unit has a typo... 0.1 instead of 1.0. Otherwise no issues found. I was plunging into the cfg's for all components when I saw your post. I guess you have faster fingers than I when it comes to typing/cutting/pasting.

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  LawnDartLeo said:
Catullus, All good here from inventory standpoint.

Tallinu, your mod to the KWR service propulsion unit has a typo... 0.1 instead of 1.0. Otherwise no issues found. I was plunging into the cfg's for all components when I saw your post. I guess you have faster fingers than I when it comes to typing/cutting/pasting.

Wups, you're right. The scale was originally set to 0.1 in most of the engines. I must've missed the fact that the SPS didn't have scale set and just pasted in the same thing I pasted for the other engines. Thanks for catching that. I'll update the download in a minute.

Done. Same URL for the download:


Edited by Tallinu
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The edited KW config posted earlier seems to work. I'm saddened though- I reduce the mass on the fairings by a factor of 10 for each module (because 6 tons for a 5m fairing base that I'm forced to use is just ridiculous), now I have to do it again.

I wonder if Winston will show up to talk about this?

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Hey, does anyone know why you can't put the KW files in the Gamedata folder, with other mods? It's very useful for organization purposes, kind of a shame that you can't.

  Wait, Was That Important? said:
The edited KW config posted earlier seems to work. I'm saddened though- I reduce the mass on the fairings by a factor of 10 for each module (because 6 tons for a 5m fairing base that I'm forced to use is just ridiculous), now I have to do it again.

I wonder if Winston will show up to talk about this?

No kidding--KW was my preferred fairing/engine/tank set (especially since Kosmo's Angara hasn't returned yet), and I never even thought about the weight of fairings. I guess the pack is just so flexible it's easy to ignore.

Edited by Synthesis
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I have not had a chance to mess with .20 yet, are these issues .20 only related? I ask because some may not know about the way you use KW fairing system. You must start at the top first and work your way down. Not the other way around. Start with the nose first and then add your walls. After you have a complete faring then if you need to remove it to see what is inside you just click the bottom most part and it will remove the entire assembly for you. You can then place it back when you are done.

As far as the rescale factor, is this something new as well? While I change a lot of the other settings for these parts, I have never had to change that before. I have only concentrated my efforts on only the 1.25 and 2.5 meter items but I have noticed that the unit of measure for certain items seem to change from mod to mod. So instead of using pounds of thrust think kN instead. Same goes for weight, ton and metric ton or volume, gallons vs. liters for tanks. The best way to keep track for me is to use a spread sheet that I have made to keep track of all the standard settings the mod has. I also place any changes I have made along side those setting so I can tell what I have changed. Now it reminds me that I need to go update it for 19.1 so I can move to .20.

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  LawnDartLeo said:
Synth, as far as I know you can.... with a lot of work. See this link -->> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30559-20-And-mods

Just fooling around, I was able to easily tag some of the CFG parts--unfortunately, not all the CFG files are ordered the same way, so it'll probably take some sorting out. I hope Winston DOES resurface and update the pack.

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