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FusTek Station Parts Dev Thread (continuation of fusty's original work)


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Yup, either add a new tank definition and apply it to a part, or add resource hooks to existing MFT tank definition(s) and apply one to a part.

Eagerly awaiting the makeover, btw--I've been holding off because I'm memory-limited, but the remakes will make it possible I think!

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Just saw your blog post about the MSEV project, and had to finally register and comment here on it. I'm currently trying to design a "long" version that is a pseudo-lookalike with an expanded role on a 2.5m base diameter, using the FusTek Kupola for the "nose", the combined chute-ports from this mod here for the side ports on it, and with modular cargo and rover packages that can be added to the base SEV to expand the small available cargo already contained in the base design. It also features VTOL rocket propulsion (which I'm in the process of working out the fine balancing act for placement...tricky because I want it to have balanced RCS translations as well of course).

Anyway, would LOVE to see this actually done as a properly modded version with all the parts actually designed to work together. Especially if there were a significant number of "mission modules" to go with it as well, all designed to properly mesh with the base model (rover, cargo, extended-range, etc). However, even more important in my eyes at least is that any new parts made are able to be integrated with other projects/expanded on as well - so likely a wide variety of adapters, etc. would be needed as well as just the base version.

Have you got any idea yet what size you are planning to go for? From what info I was able to find, and RL pictures of the foam mockups of the "core" that they were using for window-layout testing, it appears that it is designed for 1 pilot, and 2-3 additional individuals, and has full "standing room" on the interior with room to spare (though considering that the mockup was of course an empty shell, that may not be true of the final version if it ever actually gets built :P). That's why I went with the 2.5m core dimension though, as it seemed to offer the closest approximation to size with a variety of parts to choose from to cobble it together from.

One area in particular that I've a suggestion/request in advance...the stern of the core module. The design calls for it having two "suit ports", as well as an outer docking collar (to attach to the mission modules). Assuming you do go with a 2.5m core, how about an "adapter piece" (instead of being built-in) that has two of the FusTek-style square hatch openings side by side (which is similar to what the "suit ports" look like when not attached to a suit) in addition to the 2.5m IACBM built into the edge? And then on the rear of the "core" model it could have two of the yellow hatches. The "core" would have two side-by-side 1.5m stack attachment points (same spacing as the current 2.5m-2x1.5m collar) as well as the 2.5m central stack attachment point (which is where the above "adapter ring" would then attach just like the current 2.5m IACBMs).

Anyway, not to hijack this thread further (though I love the mod here too, my uses for it are somewhat limited except for the combined chute-port, as I rarely use the frustum capsules), just got really excited when I saw the blog post and had to toss in my thoughts from what I've been doing with currently available parts so far :)

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Hmm, apparently somehow my above post got put here instead of as a reply to the Service Module System thread while it was being moderated for approval - the references to the combined chute-port and the original remarks on the MSEV are of course directed to the discussion in that mod's thread, and not the FusTek station parts (though I am using the Kupola from this pack for the SEV nose, as mentioned).

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Just saw your blog post about the MSEV project, and had to finally register and comment here on it. I'm currently trying to design a "long" version that is a pseudo-lookalike with an expanded role on a 2.5m base diameter, using the FusTek Kupola for the "nose", the combined chute-ports from this mod here for the side ports on it, and with modular cargo and rover packages that can be added to the base SEV to expand the small available cargo already contained in the base design. It also features VTOL rocket propulsion (which I'm in the process of working out the fine balancing act for placement...tricky because I want it to have balanced RCS translations as well of course).

Anyway, would LOVE to see this actually done as a properly modded version with all the parts actually designed to work together. Especially if there were a significant number of "mission modules" to go with it as well, all designed to properly mesh with the base model (rover, cargo, extended-range, etc). However, even more important in my eyes at least is that any new parts made are able to be integrated with other projects/expanded on as well - so likely a wide variety of adapters, etc. would be needed as well as just the base version.

Have you got any idea yet what size you are planning to go for? From what info I was able to find, and RL pictures of the foam mockups of the "core" that they were using for window-layout testing, it appears that it is designed for 1 pilot, and 2-3 additional individuals, and has full "standing room" on the interior with room to spare (though considering that the mockup was of course an empty shell, that may not be true of the final version if it ever actually gets built :P). That's why I went with the 2.5m core dimension though, as it seemed to offer the closest approximation to size with a variety of parts to choose from to cobble it together from.

One area in particular that I've a suggestion/request in advance...the stern of the core module. The design calls for it having two "suit ports", as well as an outer docking collar (to attach to the mission modules). Assuming you do go with a 2.5m core, how about an "adapter piece" (instead of being built-in) that has two of the FusTek-style square hatch openings side by side (which is similar to what the "suit ports" look like when not attached to a suit) in addition to the 2.5m IACBM built into the edge? And then on the rear of the "core" model it could have two of the yellow hatches. The "core" would have two side-by-side 1.5m stack attachment points (same spacing as the current 2.5m-2x1.5m collar) as well as the 2.5m central stack attachment point (which is where the above "adapter ring" would then attach just like the current 2.5m IACBMs).

Anyway, not to hijack this thread further (though I love the mod here too, my uses for it are somewhat limited except for the combined chute-port, as I rarely use the frustum capsules), just got really excited when I saw the blog post and had to toss in my thoughts from what I've been doing with currently available parts so far :)

Hmm, apparently somehow my above post got put here instead of as a reply to the Service Module System thread while it was being moderated for approval - the references to the combined chute-port and the original remarks on the MSEV are of course directed to the discussion in that mod's thread, and not the FusTek station parts (though I am using the Kupola from this pack for the SEV nose, as mentioned).

I specifically asked the moderators to move your post here.

While you did mention chute-ports in your original post, most of the content focused on the as-yet conjectural MSEV add-on idea, which had very little to do with SDHI in general. But technically, your response would have been more appropriate in the comments of the blog post itself anyway.

Since you asked, I'll clarify that I'm not planning on suitports or any equivalents to the MSEV. And the overall system would be much simpler than what you describe.

are you going to add a new part to support the new Kas containers

As I already mentioned a number of times before, I'm primarily aiming for KASPAR payload racks instead.

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I was trying to comment on the blog post, but could find no option to do so (presumably because I just finally registered here, I suspect that is another of the abilities that is restricted from new accounts), so I had placed it there because I thought that was the post you had originally mentioned it (could be mistaken, I have been doing a lot of forum browsing recently :P).

Anyway, since you say you are looking at making the system much simpler, could I ask what sort of plans you actually have for it as far as number of pieces, expansion adaptability, etc? Or is your intent to basically just be a single monolithic pod with appropriate attachment locations for such things as the docking ports, etc? If the latter, what sort of propulsion do you envision?

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Anyway, since you say you are looking at making the system much simpler, could I ask what sort of plans you actually have for it as far as number of pieces, expansion adaptability, etc? Or is your intent to basically just be a single monolithic pod with appropriate attachment locations for such things as the docking ports, etc? If the latter, what sort of propulsion do you envision?

As I already mentioned in the blog post, it would consist of a common cockpit with various one-piece rear sections.

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Ah ok, I hadn't caught that they were intended as single-piece rear attachments, with the way you described the "halves" of the pressurized version, in addition to the cockpit and the various possible accessories. The only bit I saw as being a single-piece was the rover add-on as you had described it. Either way, definitely looking forward to it :) Meanwhile, back to getting my Duna station FusTek'd...

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I can't wait for the Fustek SEV. I'm a big fan of Fustek and a big fan of the SEV concept.

Are you going to have the side docking ports ? I was thinking that you could have the forward pod module with the windows, the interchangeable rear modules, and an optional docking module with nodes for side-mounted IACBMs that would go between the two. Is this how you plan to do it?

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Are you going to have the side docking ports ? I was thinking that you could have the forward pod module with the windows, the interchangeable rear modules, and an optional docking module with nodes for side-mounted IACBMs that would go between the two. Is this how you plan to do it?

The side docking ports are probably only going to be available for the pressurized crew rear module.

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Hi sumghai , I have an idea for a part or maybe a new module here and this infact would only change one thing around the dimentions of the models themselves..

As you know the Karmony III modules has a docking port around the circumference of the cylinder that is 1.25 meters across. Is there anyway to make a variant wher those side porrts can accept a 2.5 meter IACBM unit? I mean right nwo the solution I have is using a unit that adapts a 1.25 meter IACBM to a Sum Dum bulkdhead to a 2.5 meter IACBM. So why not cut out the middle man and lut put a 2.5 meter port there instead of just the 1.25? or how about some sort of connector that is like that.. Think of it as a port adapter..

of course there could be a problem as the docking port would cause the entire circumference of the cylinder to increese.. to a whopping 5 meters in diameter... But at least if we could look into an idea this might actually allow some of us to build a huge station..

Just a thought..


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As you know the Karmony III modules has a docking port around the circumference of the cylinder that is 1.25 meters across. Is there anyway to make a variant wher those side porrts can accept a 2.5 meter IACBM unit? I mean right nwo the solution I have is using a unit that adapts a 1.25 meter IACBM to a Sum Dum bulkdhead to a 2.5 meter IACBM. So why not cut out the middle man and lut put a 2.5 meter port there instead of just the 1.25? or how about some sort of connector that is like that.. Think of it as a port adapter..

of course there could be a problem as the docking port would cause the entire circumference of the cylinder to increese.. to a whopping 5 meters in diameter... But at least if we could look into an idea this might actually allow some of us to build a huge station..

Sumghai's rule of thumb is that it has to fit into the regular sized KW fairings to be considered realistic, and a 5m section most certainly wouldn't. Not trying to be cantankerous Space_Coyote, just giving you a heads up.

15nelsoc is correct - I design nearly all of my station parts to either fit neatly under a 2.5m Expanded KW Fairing, or can be cut up into small segments to do so, for the sake of realism.

Procedural Fairings is certainly an interesting add-on (and a part saving one, too) - however, I don't like the idea of people building one-piece stations and then launching them on some crazy asparagus setup with an oversized bulb on top.

ASIDE - I asked the moderators to move your responses to the FusTek thread (since it appears you erroneously posted in the SDHI one instead)

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just wondering because even though you have been doing a lot of stuff with SDHI but is there any progress with FusTek that can be expressed through like say images? just wondering....

I remember talking with him about an update coming in the not-too-distant future which would remove the command pod functionality from most stuff and make the orbital warehouse KASPAR compatible and thus useful for more than just people that use orbital construction. Personally, I'd like to see a KAS version too. Lastly, Sumghai,do you happen to have a tentative release date? I am doing a multiplayer game with someone but I don't want to use this mod if it will get updated soon and possibly break stuff.

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Lastly, Sumghai,do you happen to have a tentative release date? I am doing a multiplayer game with someone but I don't want to use this mod if it will get updated soon and possibly break stuff.

I'm only wrapping up the SDHI stuff just now - I haven't even looked at FusTek yet, so I can't give out any release dates.

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As a blender newbie, I made an exercise of modeling an adapter meant to expand the side ports of the Karmony module to a 2.5m connection.


I'd be glad to pass the blender file along to someone who can texture it to match the existing FusTek parts + deal with making colliders around the concave bits.

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(Vaguely sounding like) Progress Report, 14 October 2013

I've started working on consolidating the models and textures for the FusTek parts.

Unfortunately, unlike post updates where I could post screenshots of new and unique geometry, there's nothing really exciting about optimization in general, other than implementing clever ways of chop up models and remap textures for re-use via the 0.20 MODEL{} node system.

I will, however, now start pushing DEV versions of the station parts pack to Dropbox for the intrepid amongst you to play with - be warned, though, that they will definitely break crafts and saves, so if you guys really want to try them out, it may be best to have a second, separate KSP install ready.

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(Vaguely sounding like) Progress Report, 14 October 2013

I've started working on consolidating the models and textures for the FusTek parts.

Unfortunately, unlike post updates where I could post screenshots of new and unique geometry, there's nothing really exciting about optimization in general, other than implementing clever ways of chop up models and remap textures for re-use via the 0.20 MODEL{} node system.

I will, however, now start pushing DEV versions of the station parts pack to Dropbox for the intrepid amongst you to play with - be warned, though, that they will definitely break crafts and saves, so if you guys really want to try them out, it may be best to have a second, separate KSP install ready.

Great news! I hope I'll finally be able to publish that Fustek additional skin pack =)

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Progress Report, 15 October 2013

Guess there's still screenshots to share after all:


Fig 37 - (WIP) FusTek Station Parts - Optimization for R0.04a (NB At the time this screenshot was taken, I hadn't yet imported the Kirs Docking / Kupola / Kuest Airlocks / Parts Warehouses)

The essence of optimization in the context of these station parts is to break the models up into major, reusable primitives that would only be loaded once into the game, and thereafter referenced via MODEL{} node calls as many times as required to make all the different variants. Through this method, I managed consolidate things down from 22 to ~15 or so models.

You may also be wondering why I have all the parts loaded into the same document, instead of the usual workflow of one model per .blend. This is because I plan to texture as many of the primitives as I can in one go, using just a handful of texture atlases (down from around 83 individual PNG files) - some mesh subdividing and UV island sharing tricks would be needed to make the use of textures as efficient as possible.

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