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Will Squad Be Releasing This On Xbox One?


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Would be perfect for it imho lol. :sticktongue: It's designed for easy PC porting after all.

Actually what else would be good for the final release... Hmmm... an ARG maybe (Alternative Reality Game) where you have to make a rocket in your back garden and try to launch yourself into orbit? Maybe go and visit the peeps on the KISS (Kerbal International Space Station). Maybe make your bedroom into a rocket capsule and live in it for as long as it takes to get to the Mun and back... IN NORMAL TIME (ie not speeded up). Radio the real ISS and tell them you are Jebediah Kerman and want to know who they are to put something into space without your say so.

What would you suggest as fan support for the final release (I know it is a long way off but hey, this is just theoretical).

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I sincerely hope they have no plans to bring the Xbox community into this. My boyfriend is part of it, I know just how awful they are.

I approve this hate for consoles. They give gamers a bad reputation.

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Ignoring the senseless Xbox bashing, despite the new console's relatively beefy specs, I still heavily doubt KSP will be able to run on it. This game is seriously hardware intensive due to the physics involved, and it's also 100% optimized for PC, so I doubt porting it would be easy, or even possible. It's more fun on PC anyway. :P

Even if it did come to Xbox One, I wouldn't be buying it because I'm skipping Xbox this gen.

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Well, I do like the idea. But I think there are a few issues here. Firstly, the Xbox has to support the Unity engine. Without unity support no KSP. Since the new Xbox will share the kernel with Windows 8 this might be possible. But we'll have to wait for E3 for an announcement like this. Also, we do not know (at least at the current moment) how indie games are handled by MS. How will updates work. How expensive will a license be etc....

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The new consoles are basically PCs. x86 cpus closely integrated with a radeon 7000 series flavour and a custom memory solution.

That being said: KSP belongs, and only belongs to the true PC gaming master race.

Console players can go play Call of Duty: Wardog edition with enhanced fish AI for all I care.

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I sincerely hope they have no plans to bring the Xbox community into this. My boyfriend is part of it, I know just how awful they are.

I'm part of the console community...well, I was since I play more and more PC games and less and less console games but I don't think people who play console are espacially bad. I played a lot console games because I couldn't afford a beasty PC so console was a cheap alternative. And a lot of people are in this case.

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I think this is a keyboard-mouse game. It would be complicated to play it only with a controller.

It would be interesting to see the VHB in the WiiU pad, but I doubt the rest of the game would work on its harware.

Furthermore, Indie games can't self-publish on Xbox One without partnering with Microsoft Studios or a third-party partner, and I like Squad having all the controll on the game development.

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I've got nothing against consoles. I do about half my gaming on consoles even though my PC can run most games with decent settings. There's a lot to be said for having a single configuration and knowing when you buy a game that it's going to run on your hardware.

That said, I think KSP would be a horrible fit for consoles. RTS games also require a lot of mouse clicking and while a few have been tried on consoles, it just doesn't work as well on a PC. Also KSP is intended for a pretty specific type of sim fan. I think your average console gamer would quickly get frustrated with how difficult it can be to accomplish stuff in this game.

Finally, Xbox live is a closed system. That's what makes it easy to use and mostly virus proof. There'd be no spaceport downloads and the only new content would come from the devs.

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It could work, but with decreased functionality. I play KSP with an Xbox controller, but I still use the mouse and keyboard for building and other small things

The controller sure makes for much easier flying

I wish I could use the triggers as axis' for Yaw, but I can't. Other than that it works great for flight. The D-Pad is bound for Forward left right and Back translation/Rover controls, too. It works so well for flight in KSP it's like the controller was made for the game, or vise versa

Y for SAS

X for Staging

A for Throttle up

B for Down

LB and RB for Yaw

Left stick for Pitch and Banking

Right Stick for camera controls

D Pad for RCS and Rovers, still need the keyboard for translating Up and Down, but I could put those on the Triggers if I wanted

Click the left stick for Time Warp decrease, right stick for increase

Select for map, Start for pause

Edited by Sabor
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I actually believe that you could pilot a rocket using all the axes given to you by the Xbox controller (one stick for pitch and yaw, one for rolling and throttle), and then switch to a docking mode (one stick for forwards/backwards and up/down translation, one for rolling) to dock and do fine maneuvers.

The controller mapping isn't the issue. The issue is the development costs involved in dealing with Microsoft (which are large) and the payoff (which Microsoft will take a cut from). Maybe we could see some preliminary work to porting KSP on the upcoming Steambox and see how it works with controllers, but I severely doubt that Squad will waste the time to port such an early alpha game to a console and deal with the incurred cost.

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The Unity engine IS multi-platform and so porting it given the engine is possible, yet it also depends on how feasible it is. As for whether or not the console as a gaming device is suitable for this kind of thing... you Could make it work, but it'd be interesting to see how they handle selecting items for right clicking... perhaps cycle through 200 or so parts, or have a pointer appear and move that with one stick. I'm not quite sure how modding would work either, though I'm not sure what support they'll have for that on the x-box one. HOWEVER, from what i've heard when it comes to the xbox 360, windows demands about 10.000$ for rolling out any size of patch. And so features expanded upon such a platform might have to be sold as DLC to make sure that Squad doesn't suffer a loss from it. At the very least, it won't happen before the game is finished, and even then, depending on how intensive the game is, it may not reach any other console. Though one should never say never.

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Isn't the Xbox One a pain for indie devs to work with as you have to go through another publisher first or something? Either way it's a lot of effort that may not pay for itself.

KSP is a difficult game to grasp for many and time intensive, consoles, particularly the new Xbox, are aimed at more casual players. Minecraft works amazingly well for that since you can pick it up at any point and just get to work. KSP requires time built on ships, time built on testing those ships, time built actually launching those ships, time built landing those ships successfully or restarting the whole process after a catastrophic failure.

I don't think a console market would receive KSP very well due to the devotion required for it, which is more than most games these days.


There's clearly more to be said but I think that when it comes to sales, it wouldn't do too well on a console of any kind due to the different audience.

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ROFLMAO... I guess none of you understand sarcasm. Read my original post AND TELL ME WHAT ABOUT IT IS SENSIBLE IN ANY OF THE SUGGESTIONS. Was supposed to be a joke... but nobody seemed to get it.

Or does this just show that people read the post title, assume the post content and then rant away with no idea what the original post was about. :confused:

Edit: Oh yeah, and I guess you all missed the little Kerbal sticking his tongue out when I suggested KSP on Xbox One.

Regarding PCs vs Consoles I do both. I have the Xbox One on pre-order too because it really does look good. Reason I'm not getting a PS4... well, most of the "exclusive" games I like are on Xbox. I'm not a Japanese RPG liker (like Final Fantasy). The only game I have liked for the PS4 is Beyond Two Souls. That looks pretty darned nice tbh.

Edited by NeoMorph
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I'm not a frequent forummer, not yet at least, so I assume you're insane. It's not uncommon for people to suggest every PC game that's great be ported to consoles. It's actually annoyingly common and I have a friend who does that every time I show him a PC game I like.

"Think they'll move it to Xbox? Maybe add..."

Unless you're going to be blatantly obvious with sarcasm, such as using italics and it just being painfully obvious, never assume people can pick up on sarcasm in a forum. >.>

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