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AT Buggy

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Well, I made this rover in .19, but this came out before I could do anything with it. So I redesigned it, and added the awesome little external seat :P




Angle/Below View:


The All Terrain Buggy, a one seater transport/exploration buggy that can be unmanned or have one brave little Kerbal driving it.


This sexy little beast can cruise at 18ms comfortably, and maneuver SOMEWHAT safely at this speed, just be careful :P

It handles perfectly on Kerbin, I haven't gotten around to testing it on the Mun or any other surface. Its hard to design the lander/delivery vehicle.

There are some action groups to make your life easier, though in .20 (maybe since earlier, I'm not sure) every time you switch vessels you have to hit the action group again to turn off the front wheel motors. [Recommended to do so]

Action groups:

1: Toggle Ladder

2: Toggle solar panels

3: Toggle com antenna

4: Toggle emergency com antennae

0: Disable front wheel motors (To save on power consumption)

If anyone designs a lifter for this feel free to share it :P

EDIT: They aren't the best pictures, but I got lazy, mehe

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