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[0.22] Ion Hybrid Electric Pack 30.08.13 --- Soon FKSP!!! See Development Monitor


What do you want us to do next? Propositions for next release or Part Packs  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want us to do next? Propositions for next release or Part Packs

    • More parts in Ion Hybrid Elec Pack. (solar panels,more engines,new technologies)
    • Standard parts (fuselage,tanks,luq enignes,chassis) in future design as Ion and Hybrid engines
    • Base/station parts, PODs, and other "structural" parts.

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Still Ion Hybrid Electric Pack, but soon FKSP

Discussion and development thread.


Album of parts included in Mod

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change log:

v 2.2
fixed thrustTran[b]S[/b]form problem with IP-15 Radial Ion Engine

v 2.1
Rebalanced Parts
See [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31286-0-21-1-Ion-Hybrid-Electric-Pack-28-08-13-NEW-RELEASE-v2-0?p=622830&viewfull=1#post622830"]THIS[/URL] post for details.

v 2.0
Collaboration with Yorik and his Planetes Corporation

-completely redone models and textures for parts including:
-hybrid engines
-ion engines
-xenon tanks

-resized solar panels from previous version are no longer included
-MMI batteries are still in mod pack, till they get new models and textures

v 1.4.6
-mod still compatible with KSP 0.21
-fixed nodes for Large Battery Bank

v 1.4.5
-changed name of larger solar panels to 1×6 and 2×3 for better recognition
-changed mass of external batteries to be similar to stock
-changed mass of solar panels (gigantor, 1x6, 2x3)
-fixed nodes for large battery bank, and for Large Xenon tank
-deleted duplicated battery bank

Pack includes 14 parts:

HF-2500 Large Hybrid Engine
HF-1000 Medium Hybrid Engine
HF-85 Radial Hybrid Engine

IP-10 Small Ion Engine
IP-20 Medium Ion Engine
IP-15 Radial Ion Engine

MMI.S External Battery
MMI.S External Battery Large

G60-M Medium Generator
G120XL Large Generator

X30 Radial Xenon Tank
X120-M Medium Xenon Tank
X240-L Large Xenon Tank

Monitor development progress: [v3.0]

Last update of Dev monitor: 3.06.2014

[SIZE=4][B][WIP]New parts: [/B][/SIZE]

Structure Cargo part long - [B][COLOR="#009933"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#009933"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]config[/COLOR][/B]
Structure Cargo part short - [B][COLOR="#009933"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#009933"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]config[/COLOR][/B]

Solar Panel - [B][COLOR="#009933"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]
Solar Wing A - [B][COLOR="#009933"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]
Solar Wing B - [B][COLOR="#009933"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]

VTOL engine + landing legs - [B][COLOR="#009933"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#009933"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]Exhaust FX[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]config[/COLOR][/B]
Small VTOL engine - [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]Exhaust FX[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]

Small side energy battery - [B][COLOR="#990000"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]
Side energy battery - [B][COLOR="#990000"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]

Landing leg part - [B][COLOR="#990000"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE=4][B]Reworks and improvements:[/B][/SIZE]

Model reworks, so they would fit FKSP package"
IP-10 Small Ion Engine - [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]
IP-20 Medium Ion Engine - [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]
IP-15 Radial Ion Engine - [B][COLOR="#CC6600"]model[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]textures[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="#990000"]config[/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE=4][B]FX Particles for:[/B][/SIZE]

[B][COLOR="#990000"]HF-2500 Large Hybrid Engine[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="#990000"]HF-1000 Medium Hybrid Engine [/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="#990000"]HF-85 Radial Hybrid Engine[/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="#990000"]IP-10 Small Ion Engine[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="#990000"]IP-20 Medium Ion Engine[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR="#990000"]IP-15 Radial Ion Engine[/COLOR][/B]




Short license:

You can use mod and change it for your own and only your own purpose.

You can't share it or release it.

If you think your changes are good enough to release them - contact dev, me, maybe i will implement changes.

Edited by EPD
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  XVeris said:
Yay!! Ion Hybrid Engine Pack is back!! Been wondering whether it got lost in the April purge or was just buried under other resubmits :3

Yeah, i was buried under tons of paperwork Xd

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You are back! Yay! Is this now 0.20 compatible?

Good to see you're looking for a modeller, these need a little something to differentiate themselves from regular ion engines, and the hybrids from the ion engines.

P.S. I still reckon the hybrids should use more xenon. They're not going to be using it as efficiently, as the xenon particles are giving there momentum to the particles from the chemical reaction. Or something like that.

I'm also going to re-suggest making the amount of gas in the tanks more realistic for their volume. I'll probably do that edit myself again.

Edit: Saw spaceport. One step closer to fully getting my save to 0.20. Good you managed to dig your way out of paperwork.

Edited by Tw1
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If you're using the patched module updater:

@maxThrust = 2
@ratio = 3.0

Save it to something like GameData/IonHybridElectricPack/IonHybridElectricPack.cfg

And then don't forget to update the gamedata.cfg to include:

include = IonHybridElectricPack/IonHybridElectricPack.cfg

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Small update v1.4.4

-changed name of larger solar panels to 1×6 and 2×3 for better recognition (they were before OX-B and OX-B4)

-changed mass of external batteries to be similar to stock (from 0.65 to 0.1 and from 1.1 to 0.2)


not actual.

Edited by EPD
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You should really increase the mass of the larger solar panels. They're *considerably* more efficient than the smaller ones, and frankly the smaller solar panels are so efficient it's almost cheating (especially the little static rectangle one).

The basic 2x3 has a mass of 0.0175 and generates 2/second. The double-size one has a mass of 0.02 and generates 4.5/second. Considering the ion engines are more powerful relative to stock, this is almost getting kind of cheaty. The mass of the large ones should be more like 0.04. But then again, I also subscribe to the theory that larger parts should be more inefficient.

The Gigantor Mega XXL actually is cheating - it weighs less than the original and puts out considerably more power.

Your batteries are still pretty inefficient, but personally I blame the ridiculous underweightedness of the stock batteries for that.

Edited by Frostiken
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  Frostiken said:
You should really increase the mass of the larger solar panels. They're *considerably* more efficient than the smaller ones, and frankly the smaller solar panels are so efficient it's almost cheating (especially the little static rectangle one).

The basic 2x3 has a mass of 0.0175 and generates 2/second. The double-size one has a mass of 0.02 and generates 4.5/second. Considering the ion engines are more powerful relative to stock, this is almost getting kind of cheaty. The mass of the large ones should be more like 0.04.

The Gigantor Mega XXL actually is cheating - it weighs less than the original and puts out considerably more power.

Yeah, i noticed that, in hour ill upload fix for it, and for nodes to battery banks. There will be no notice about it, so just redownload pack if you want.

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  dueb said:
Is it intended that there is a battery bank duplicated from the original one ?

Nah, its probably from 0.19 version... Now its deleted, thx for help ^^

-So Ive fixed masses to solar panels, and fixed nodes for Xenon Large tank, and Large Battery bank.

Since its some more than one fix, ive placed it under 1.4.5v so redownload now pls. Download links updated for Spaceport and Mediafire also.

Small update v1.4.5

-changed mass of solar panels (gigantor, 1x6, 2x3)

-fixed nodes for large battery bank, and for Large Xenon tank

-deleted duplicated battery bank




From now i think version of IOE pack is stable, next release will contain (hopefully) brand new model parts of engines.

Edited by EPD
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Well I was going to mention a few things, but I'll put this here instead then :)

I decided to take a closer look:

- Your batteries are still pretty inefficient, but personally I blame the ridiculous underweightedness of the stock batteries for that. I changed them to 750 and 1500 to provide different power levels from the regular batteries (the small one had the same capacity as the stock big battery pack, just with more weight). I then changed the weight down to reflect 10000 power / ton (vs. stock 20000 power / ton), giving me new weights of 0.075 and 0.15 respectively.

- Regarding battery banks - you've included a 1-meter battery bank that is completely identical to the stock bank. I'm not sure why it's in there (IEP_BatteryBank). Maybe a holdover from an original version of the mod? Also, just an observation that the KSPX mod has a Z-1000 battery with its own model so anyone using both packs would end up with two batteries.

- Changed the Gigantor to 0.6 mass. I personally think 0.9 was a little too far in the other direction

- Similar to the KSPX battery, there's also a KSPX 1-meter xenon tank.

- Xenon tanks are somewhat underpowered from an efficiency standpoint. The stock game has 14,000 units of Xenon per ton, whereas your medium and large tanks are 7500 and 6000 respectively. KSPX on the other hand does the opposite, and amusingly had a 25,000:1 ratio for the medium tank. I changed all the parts so that the 1m tank now holds 2300 Xenon (at 11,500:1 efficiency) and the large holds 4500 (9000:1). This is considerably better than the original values. I also changed the KSPX medium tank to match, and the radial to 0.04 mass / 500 Xenon for at 12,500 ratio. This obviously still makes the tiniest tank the most efficient, but it's a bit less unfair.

I put my changes here in Modular format if anyone cares to use them:


It includes the changes to the KSPX parts as well. If you aren't using KSPX (or if you're not using IEP) it won't hurt anything. Also note that since the batteries in IEP have spaces in their name, for now they aren't affected by this mod, not until the moduleManager.dll gets updated.

Edited by Frostiken
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  Frostiken said:
Well I was going to mention a few things, but I'll put this here instead then :)

I decided to take a closer look:

- Your batteries are still pretty inefficient, but personally I blame the ridiculous underweightedness of the stock batteries for that. I changed them to 750 and 1500 to provide different power levels from the regular batteries (the small one had the same capacity as the stock big battery pack, just with more weight). I then changed the weight down to reflect 10000 power / ton (vs. stock 20000 power / ton), giving me new weights of 0.075 and 0.15 respectively.

- Regarding battery banks - you've included a 1-meter battery bank that is completely identical to the stock bank. I'm not sure why it's in there (IEP_BatteryBank). Maybe a holdover from an original version of the mod? Also, just an observation that the KSPX mod has a Z-1000 battery with its own model so anyone using both packs would end up with two batteries.

- Changed the Gigantor to 0.6 mass. I personally think 0.9 was a little too far in the other direction

- Similar to the KSPX battery, there's also a KSPX 1-meter xenon tank.

- Xenon tanks are somewhat underpowered from an efficiency standpoint. The stock game has 14,000 units of Xenon per ton, whereas your medium and large tanks are 7500 and 6000 respectively. KSPX on the other hand does the opposite, and amusingly had a 25,000:1 ratio for the medium tank. I changed all the parts so that the 1m tank now holds 2300 Xenon (at 11,500:1 efficiency) and the large holds 4500 (9000:1). This is considerably better than the original values. I also changed the KSPX medium tank to match, and the radial to 0.04 mass / 500 Xenon for at 12,500 ratio. This obviously still makes the tiniest tank the most efficient, but it's a bit less unfair.

It includes the changes to the KSPX parts as well. If you aren't using KSPX (or if you're not using IEP) it won't hurt anything. Also note that since the batteries in IEP have spaces in their name, for now they aren't affected by this mod, not until the moduleManager.dll gets updated.

Maybe i will change some values to the xenon tanks, however they would still get lower xenon per ton ratio with bigger sizes. As for solar panel in my opinion it has right amount of mass, since Gigantor solar panel IS rly big, and must contain some mass to be more real.

It wasn't my intention to just rescale parts, and make them as efficient as stock. You have choice - you can use more efficient stock parts, or you can use less parts but with more difficulty.

Anyway these aren't some great stuff i need to fix right away, so I wont till next bigger release. If some of you want to change cfgs for they own - go ahead.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the model of those batteries are not yours, you should give credit to its original author (Dani-sang, author of the Mechanical Mouse Industry pack). I played a lot with his pack before 0.18, and I was disappointed to see no mention of his name, here.

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  Ravski said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the model of those batteries are not yours, you should give credit to its original author (Dani-sang, author of the Mechanical Mouse Industry pack). I played a lot with his pack before 0.18, and I was disappointed to see no mention of his name, here.

I just love your kind of guys who are just looking for ppl mistakes, wait to attack and get +1 to Posts counter.

Yes Mr. Ravski, External Batteries models ARE taken from MMI, by permission of Dani-Sang. Mention about it is in short description on SpacePort.

Also there was a Bold text in old IOE pack thread, giving full credits to Dani-Sang for his model, but as whole thread was lost, so some "thanks" inside of it.

Tell me, why ppl like you can't be nice. Why you didn't write this post like "Very good mod, but maybe there should be credits for Dani-Sang?". But of course its cooler to write "IM SO DISAPPOINTED".

I had a tough day, i fought i will see some posts like "hey, at last you want to include some new parts to pack, i wanna help with creating them", but no... It's better to piss off someone if we can. :D

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Hmm, I like this pack. Especially the cool radial batteries. Maybe you should add an inline battery that is identical to the stock one, but just in the same visual style as your radial batteries? That would be quite cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like this mod, though i've yet to use it for anything other than a bit of testing on the runway, one thing that may be useful is to create some "hybrid tanks", ones that contain liquid fuel, oxidizer, and xenon in equivilent quantities, e.g. perhapse (using the "KW Rocketry SB-2" from KW rocketry as a base for the model)

// 1800 base value
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 1620
maxAmount = 1620

name = Oxidizer
amount = 1980
maxAmount = 1980

name = XenonGas
amount = 360
maxAmount = 360

this simply adds an extra resource entry to the tank that adds enough xenon to match the oxidizer and liquid fuel, imho useful for hybrid engined craft. As the tanks weight is autocalculated based on the fuels contaqined it would only need a small mass addition to represent the xenon fuel bladder

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