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How I got borderless windowed mode working on my setup.


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This worked for me (Win7 x64, dual widescreen monitors, Radeon HD 6970):

- Fresh 0.20 Steam install with no addons (those come next, muhaha!)

- I ran the game and set graphics to 1920x1080 with fullscreen disabled, hit apply/accept, and restarted it. KSP still started fullscreen.

- I closed the game, then added -popupwindow to my desktop shortcut and started the game again (run as administrator is checked in the shortcut's compatibility tab.)

- For posterity, my shortcut's target field reads "D:\apps\steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe" -popupwindow

- In-game, I went into settings and set the resolution to 1024x768, then hit apply and accept. Then I set it back to 1920x1080 and hit apply and accept.

- Now KSP is running at 1920x1080 in a borderless window. Since then, I've restarted the game (still using the popup window shortcut option) and it kept the setting. I hope this helps.

Edited by anarchistdalek
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  • 2 months later...

Well, you have in the Games Properties in Steam the ability to add arguments to the executable when launched. This is straightforward and requires no sorcery of any kind.

For non-steam users, you have to have a shortcut linking to the KSP.exe file. And then in its properties, you add -popupwindow in the target text box.

In a similar way, this is all the arguments you can add for special actions: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html (under "Unity Standalone Command line arguments")

You can also append them, so for example "-popupwindow -single-instance -screen-quality Fastest" will launch KSP borderless, with only one instance allowed (if I try to launch a second KSP, it will switch to the first one), and with the "Fastest" graphic option.

"-screen-width 2048 -screen-height 1080 -force-opengl" will start KSP with a window of 2048x1080 (2k mode for NASA supercalculators :sticktongue: ) and force the Open GL rendering method.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

So I've had my desktop shortcut for KSP set to use OpenGL and open in a popupwindow. I now am trying to add a 2nd monitor. When KSP launches, the popup is centered between both displays: half on the left display, half on the right...Of course, being borderless I cant just drag it fully onto one of the displays.

Is there anyway to do this? Just for giggles, i tried adding the "--show-screen-selector" to see if something would appear where I could get it onto one screen or the other, but adding the argument didnt appear to do anything...???


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