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How do I make a rocket to go to pol?(stock)

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A lander with just rcs propulsion would probably do.

Is the challenge getting the lander to Pol or actually touching down on Pol?

Kerbin to Jool orbit is apparently 6670 ish m/s delta V.

I am not convinced about that number as it came from adding numbers in my head from an outdated chart... but it's something to make a start with anyhow.

Edited by falofonos
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Pol is very very low mass, so just about any propulsion system can give you a safe landing.

Are you comfortable with less ambitious navigation? ex: Could you get to Eve or Duna without spending huge amounts of fuel? Minmus? Can you do a rendezvous/docking?

Ideally you want to make a Kerbin --> Jool transfer with a periapsis at roughly the altitude of Pol's orbit. This is a case where aerobraking is not the best option because maneuvering in Jool's gravity well is fairly expensive. Once you've reached your Jool periapsis, burn until you are just captured by the planet and adjust your orbit's inclination at the highest altitude (slowest speed) orbital node you've got. If the orbital nodes are at high velocity points of the orbit and off by a significant amount, it might be cheaper to make a massive adjustment at apoapsis and bring one of the nodes out to a higher altitude, lower speed point in the orbit where it can be corrected more easily.

As for the ship, there's not much to it. If you're going with a 1 kerbal vessel, you can use the Mk1 command module, an ASAS, an X200-32 fuel tank, and one LV-N engine. Use the long trusses to extend your landing gear past the nozzle of the LV-N and you're set. The ship as described has nearly 10 km/s of delta-v and masses roughly 20 tons. If you can get that into orbit as is, it is more than capable of getting you to Pol and landing (~2km/s to get to Jool, ~2km/s to be captured at Jool, ~2km/s to rendezvous with Pol, ~200 m/s to land.)

Ideally you would want to save as much fuel as possible for the trip for the inevitable deviations from the ideal, but if you need to use part of the delta-v to get to LKO you could also add a docking port and refuel before departing for Jool.

Edited by Jason Patterson
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