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Hi From France


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Hi everyone, I started to play in March, but today i decided to become an more active member of the KSP World.

I'm very proud to be a part of the adventure, even if the only thing i made for the game was buying it :0.0:

I love this community, players from everywhere on earth, ready to launch rockets...or blow up everything around them.

Fly (un)safe and ,first of all, fly as far as you can!

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Welcome to the forums! :)

If you need help getting started, there are some tutorials for beginners listed on the Drawing Board (link in my sig). The people over in the How To section will also be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about what you can do in the game. If you think you'd understand better in your native language, you can also try posting in the International section of the forums as well.

Happy landings!

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