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Duna Permanent Outpost Mission Architecture Challenge

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  borisperrons said:
Thank you! Hope I won't disappoint you :)

You won't, just remember we are here for help if you need clarifications / advice etc as there are a fair few people with this challenge tucked under their belt, or like me stalled at a late stage! The thread itself contains a wealth of information also as most stuff that needs clarification has been previously clarified....

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DUMAS hardware designs

Ouranos IH-R


The latest addition to the Ouranos lifter family, this rocket can drive a nominal payload of 30 tons all the way up to LKO. Also, in a move to regain the simpaty of the ambientalist movement after the not-so-succesful NERVA test, the two lateral Ouranos Common Cores are fully reusable.

Nuclear Universal Transfer Stage


A can of fuel, a space GPS and a bunch of weapon grade plutonium. Really, rocket science is much easier than the common kerbal thinks.

Interplanetary Crew Transfer Stage


This remarkable flying machine can safely shuttle 4 kerbals between Kerbin and Duna, guaranteeing all the comforts of a 1963 Mini Minor. To ensure crew safety, two chemical rockets are included in the design in addition to the main NERVA engine, and a strict avoid-to-put-psychotic-AI-in-charge policy was implemented.



An orbiting docking rig for Duna orbit.



The Duna lander for the DUMAS program. The weight of the vessel was reduced to the maximum kerbally possible, removing unnecessary equipement such as long range communication devices, lavatories, emergency oxygen supplies etc. (a revolt of the kerbonauts stopped KSC from removing extra snack supplies). The downfall of this approach is that the vehicle can sustain the kerbals just for the travel between LDO and surface, living little room for error.

Emergency Return Vehicle


The liferaft for the stranded kerbals. It can land and bring them back to orbit, take them back home across the infinite void of mind and make an excellent coffee. To accomodate the kerbals in such a small space without paranoid rage otburst, two approaches were considered:

1- the Gallyfreyan bigger-on-the-inside approach;

2- the daily-subministrations-of-anhestetics approach.

Because we live in the real world and we're green men, and not two hearted time travelling aliens, the solution was clear.

Self Propelled Satellite System


Those three satellites have the pivotal role of ensuring all-day communications between Duna and Kerbin from a geostationary orbit, and to monitor the metereological situation of the planet. No more unexpected killer sandstorms on your base!

Ike Exploration Package


Originally designed for the Mun, this two kerbals lander was refitted for Ike exploration. To bear the aerobraking heat, the engine bells are built with the toughest material ever invented by kerbality: gold-titanium alloy, with the adding of unobtanium and a touch of chromed zinc, for the shiny effects.

Kerbin Refueling Station


Just an expanded Aither upper stage with three docking ports and a basic gyroscopical stabilty system. After the chromed zinc, we had to save money from another place.

Duna Crawler Base


The most advanced roving vehicle ever conceived by a kerbal mind. It can easily accomodate a crew of 8, with all the comforts of a fresh and breathable atmosphere, and carry them around Duna in the most comfortable way.

It also includes some useful thingyes, like:

-long range communication antennas;

-12 all-terrain amortized wheels, for the maximum driving comfort on unpaved roads, wich are the most likely to be found on Duna;

-an internal laboratory and sample processing facility, for your everyday scientific needs;

-4 (yes my dear sir, 4!) Two Seat Semiautomatic Surface Transporters (TSSST) for short to medium range explorations, that also double as automatic probes, thanks to the internal autonomous driving computer;

-3 parachute assemblies, detatchable to keep a clean outline eliminating all unnecessary and eye-hurting equipments,

-automatic parking system (???)

Duna airship


The original plan called for a winged craft, and preliminar Kerbin high altitude tests showed a maximum service ceiling for propeller driven crafts of 8500 meters, a result that was initially deemed a great success.

But KSC janitor had the necessity to ruin Spaceplane Design Office party by pointing out that to find a comparable air density on Duna, the pilot would likely had to dig for about a kilometer.

While this fact trew SDO engineers in a severe depression state, it was considered the best news ever by the boffins at Balloon Division, Because it made them pass overnight from a "I assure you, an airship can be really useful in space! PLEASE DON'T CUT OUR BUDGET!!!" situation to a "Take this, spaceplanefags! UP YOURS, SDO!!!" one.

Duna Long Range Exploration Rover


I'm pretty sure that the name explains almost everything about this bad boy.

Edited by borisperrons
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Awesome Borisperrons great design work - I see a few things there that I wish I'd had the idea for. The sat tree is a really elegant design. I'm progressing again now should be able to finish my report by Saturday - then I can upgrade which is great as I cannot wait for the tech tree to take me back to basics.

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I've been tinkering at this for a little while, and I've finally got enough to post. Note that this is till very much in progress, as I've just send my first ship to Duna. Bonus points for you if you know what the project name (and my launch vehicle) is named after. :wink:

Pretty pictures:

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Elements of the Mission:

Multi-Use Labor Element (M.U.L.E.), the main launch vehicle.

I didn't take any pictures of it here, but it is visible in some of the pictures above. It's a simple design, capable of putting 18 tons into a 70-ish km orbit. That's about all there is to say about it.

Interplanetary Tug

Pretty much a bog-standard tug. In the first picture, there is no docking port on the bottom, but I will be using one there for my next ship. There also might be slight modifications between tugs depending on the payload, but they are all about the same.

Short-Range Rover (for lack of a better name)

Does what it says on the tin (or fairing in this case...). Seats two kerbals for short term land expeditions. Comes with a probe (which I now realize is upside down... I'll have to fix that for the second one) so it can be controlled remotely. Also features fairing/heat shield, and a maneuverability unit that is attached under the fairing.

Maneuverability unit

This is a fairly general term, but so far it's the smallest 2.5m tank with RCS tanks and radial orange engines to perform rendezvous and docking, then to deorbit the attched payload. It also will have different versions based on the payload.

What's Next?

Currently, the first ship is en-route to Duna, and I'm going to launch the next tug soon (as the required amount of days have passed). I still need to work out my lander, main base, and how they are returning. But it's starting to get late, and I only get to use this computer every other day, so it might be a while before I update. But still, stay tuned and let me know if you have feedback.

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Backup-Backup Plan C-3

After the Tri-Hub Lander and 6 kerbals successfully set up camp on Duna, a shift in the Kerbol's phase from 0.21 to 0.22 caused all deployed landing gear to spontaneously retract. The resulting impact of the sensitive aerospike engines onto Duna's surface caused the starboard engine on the backup surface-return lander to detach! Since this vehicle relies on two functioning engines, it was rendered inert.

Luckily, a backup plan was already in place! After discovering that the Tri-Hub Lander did not burn fuel evenly from the outboard tanks, meaning it could not return to orbit, plans were already in place to send a backup to the backup surface-return lander. An Ike landing mission was also accommodated thanks to the cancelled plans to send a second, flawed, Tri-Hub Lander.

Launches in this update:

  • 298: 600 Unit Surface Supplies
  • 334: Ike Landing Mission
  • 370: Ike Crew module
  • 406: Ike IP Stage
  • 442: Surface-return lander
  • 478: IP Stage/Phase B supplies

The plan is to use the surface supplies to exhaustion then use the second surface-return lander to return the 6 kerbals to the Phase B orbiting station. Supplies will already have arrived at the station for the return mission. If all goes well, the last day on Duna will be day 713, seven days before the Duna -> Kerbin window. There is no backup-backup-backup plan, so if this revised mission profile fails, Bill will return home in the Phase B alone, leaving 6 frozen kerbals on Duna.

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I've been at it again! This update, I mostly just got the first payload onto Duna's surface. Anyway, pretty pictures!

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After that was over, I launched the tug for my next ship. Also, last time I forgot the mission log! So here's the log for this post and the one before.

Day 10: Interplanetary Tug 1 launch
Day 46: Short Range Rover 1 launched, then docked with Interplanetary Tug 1
Day 55(about?): Project Irata - Ship One (comprising of the first two launches) heads for Duna
Day 82: Interplanetary Tug 2 Launch
Day 105-6: Aerobrake and capture of Project Irata - Ship One. Short Range Rover 1 then undocked and then descended to Duna's surface, losing two sets of wheels.
Day 118: Next launch (TBD!)

Oh, and the only mods I am using are Procedural Fairings for fairings (oddly enough), and Kerbal Engineer Redux for delta-v calculator and flight info.

And one question: If no rentry effects appear, and heat shields not required? Thanks, and stay tuned for next time! Let me know if you have any feedback.

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  Weegee said:
And one question: If no rentry effects appear, and heat shields not required? Thanks, and stay tuned for next time! Let me know if you have any feedback.

For heat shielding, I think most people installed shields for anything that uses aerobraking, which is how I did my first entry to this challenge. On the second entry for the challenge, I have shielding for anything that aerocaptures through Duna or Kerbin. However, I have designed my landers with the intent of doing a semi-powered descent with parachute assistance, so they're never really going through the atmosphere with any dangerous speeds and thus no shielding. No real way to prove it's safe that way, as I don't use 'deadly re-entry', but in theory it should be fine.

Looks like a rough landing! :( I've not had a lot of success with parachute only landings on Duna. What is the nominal capacity of your lifter for this challenge? Looking forward to seeing your kerbals on Duna! :D

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  Death Engineering said:
For heat shielding, I think most people installed shields for anything that uses aerobraking, which is how I did my first entry to this challenge. On the second entry for the challenge, I have shielding for anything that aerocaptures through Duna or Kerbin. However, I have designed my landers with the intent of doing a semi-powered descent with parachute assistance, so they're never really going through the atmosphere with any dangerous speeds and thus no shielding. No real way to prove it's safe that way, as I don't use 'deadly re-entry', but in theory it should be fine.

Looks like a rough landing! :( I've not had a lot of success with parachute only landings on Duna. What is the nominal capacity of your lifter for this challenge? Looking forward to seeing your kerbals on Duna! :D

Hehe, I already knew via Hyper-Edit advanced computer simulations that that would happen. I've gotten it to only pop its middle wheels before, leaving it completely drivable, but that didn't happen and I didn't want to re-do the descent :P I'll add more parachutes to the next one, but I didn't really have room for more on that one.

I'm thinking that I won't be putting heat shields on at least what kerbals need to transfer to, because then I'd need to make one from scratch (not a fairing) and it's not all that necessary.

As for the lifter, in the other post I said it can lift 18 tons into a 70-ish km orbit, though I might be able to manage a little more. I found that I really don't need that much capacity, and I think I'll only have one thing over the capacity of my lifter, which is the main base module that lands. If it ends up being too heavy, I might just chop it in half (since its symmetrical) and send it up on two rockets, because I think I have extra launches before the next window.

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Smaller update, after I post this I'm off to bed. Anyways, pretty pictures!

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Next on the list is the Mobile base (which the kerbals will land in) and the return method, as I only have 2 launches before the window.

Stay tuned!

New mission log:

Day 118: Rover 2 launched, and docked with Interplanetary Tug 2. Renamed as Project Irata - Ship 2 when docked.
Day 154: Supply Pod 1 launched and docked to Project Irata - Ship 2
Day 190: Interplanetary Tug 3 launched

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Weegee: Very neat operation you got going on there!

Death Engineering: This is the second time round for you isn't it? You sir are brave! I really enjoyed following your first attempt.

I've finally finished my mission up to day 1021 - report link in my signature for anyone that wants to check it out!

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  Speeding Mullet said:
Death Engineering: This is the second time round for you isn't it? You sir are brave! I really enjoyed following your first attempt.

I've finally finished my mission up to day 1021 - report link in my signature for anyone that wants to check it out!

Yep, I am nearly done a second run at this challenge. Much smaller scale and tried out assembling large space-trains in orbit with multiple launches.. did not work so well on my PC.

Thanks for reading the "Duna Space Program" mission reports! It is continued here. Thanks! :D

Edit: did you add up your score for this challenge?

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  Speeding Mullet said:
Awesome Borisperrons great design work - I see a few things there that I wish I'd had the idea for. The sat tree is a really elegant design. I'm progressing again now should be able to finish my report by Saturday - then I can upgrade which is great as I cannot wait for the tech tree to take me back to basics.

Thank you! :)

Yes, the satellite system is a favourite of mine, as it's really useful for putting equally spaced probes on the same orbit. (Also it's the only avaible method for me, since i'm a bit crappy at orbital mechanics :D )

After posting I made a couple of design changes (mostly added a couple of RCS tanks here or a parachute there) and now I'm ready for liftoff, as soon as RL stops bothering me, and after Doctor Who 50th special is released.

I looked at your mission report and, well, bravo!!! Really elegant, if I can say my opinion on it :)

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Hmm. I'm still in the planning stages of my next two launches before my fleet of two ships (eventually comprised of 6 launches) has to leave for Duna. The only parts left to design are the habitation the Kerbals will live in on the surface and the return method. I'll eventually come up with an answer for those, but I have a bigger issue: How do I get the crew up there? I'm very bad at spaceplanes (I haven't even made an SSTO yet) so this will be problematic.

My question is: Can I either use another person's SSTO and presume that my space program bought it, or can I just ship them up there with the payload? This challenge was created before .21, when it was very hard to put kerbals into a command pod that wasn't the main control unit, so I don't know if this would be against the rules or not. I'm thinking of going with the latter, because I'd much prefer it to using someone else's design.

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Duna Space Program - Second attempt completed

The final launches which brought supplies to the Duna surface team and to the Duna orbiting station, another surface-return craft, and an Ike landing mission were all successful. The surface team exhausted their surface supplies on day 711 and ascended to the Phase B Kerbin return craft in Duna orbit. During their short stay in Duna orbit while awaiting their Kerbin return window, the Ike landing mission earned no points in the challenge, but was successful all the same. Once the Ike landing crew member (Bob!) made it back to the return vehicle, the crew headed for home.

After a rather long transfer from Duna to Kerbin, the crew landed on Kerbin on day 822. This second attempt at this challenge was intended to have a much higher score for Kerbals on Duna, but issues with how docking-port crossfeed (didn't) work meant that a second landing team was not feasible. Then, complications with the 0.21 -> 0.22 update caused the loss of the Duna return craft, requiring another one be sent out to Duna as a replacement. These problems caused the 'Mission Execution' score to be just '1', but did earn scores of '2' for both 'Crew Safety' and 'Mission Robustness', since everyone made it back despite losing two spacecraft and one rover.

In the end, this was a good rehearsal for the mission profile of returning crews to Kerbin using different spacecraft which got them there and doing precise inter-planetary orbital insertions. It was also a realization how much flexibility comes from using more, smaller launches instead of fewer, larger launches.

Final Scoring to Day 1000

Mods used: Kerbal Alarm Clock

Until Day 500:

  • 14 launches
  • 336t NIMLKO
  • Early Mission Value: 888
  • Efficiency: 2.64

Until Day 1000:

  • 14 launches
  • 336t NIMLKO
  • Sustained Mission Value: 1266
  • Efficiency: 6.41


  • Mission Execution: 1
  • Crew Mobility: 2
  • Base Mobility: 0
  • Crew Safety: 2
  • Mission Robustness: 2
  • Score: 7

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  Weegee said:
My question is: Can I either use another person's SSTO and presume that my space program bought it, or can I just ship them up there with the payload? This challenge was created before .21, when it was very hard to put kerbals into a command pod that wasn't the main control unit, so I don't know if this would be against the rules or not. I'm thinking of going with the latter, because I'd much prefer it to using someone else's design.

As I understood the rules, you don't have to actually fly up your kerbals in a SSTO, but you can just pretend, for example, that your launcher is fully recoverable and that it can be refitted in a few days, a là Falcon 9 Heavy.

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  borisperrons said:
As I understood the rules, you don't have to actually fly up your kerbals in a SSTO, but you can just pretend, for example, that your launcher is fully recoverable and that it can be refitted in a few days, a là Falcon 9 Heavy.

Ah, alright. I'm just about to launch my hab module up into orbit as I'm typing this, so I kinda needed to know by now :D. I'll just have to fit some extra supplies on so they can wait the extra time until the window. It annoys me that I could almost launch another payload before the next window, I'm only off by 8 days. :(

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  Weegee said:
It annoys me that I could almost launch another payload before the next window, I'm only off by 8 days. :(

Well, just do it :) . A launch window to another planet doesn't open and close in a single day. For example, Maven had a 20 days launch window. It's a period of time, you can launch on the end of it, and still have and encounter with Duna (although you'll need a bit more dV, and maybe a midway correction burn).

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