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Duna Permanent Outpost Mission Architecture Challenge

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The time to "ready" your lifter (either build a new one or refit one that was recovered) is the minimum time between ready-to-go launchers. However, you do not need to launch every time a lifter is available. Keep track of how many lifters you have available at any given point, based on the refit-formula, and launch them when it makes sense to do so for your mission plans.

Good luck and welcome to the challenge! :cool:

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Another quick question, should I post everything concerning my mission here? or should I start a separate thread for my mission?

I am really looking forward to this challenge! I have already started working on my component designs and mission planning.


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I'd post initial design stuff here to show what you're doing, along with your schedule. The details of the mission I'd put in a separate thread to cut down on massive picture overload. It seems the general way of things on this thread :)

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Duna Outpost Challenge


MET Day 1-56 Phase 1 Initial Deployment

  • Day 1 Launch 1 Duna RAV (Reusable Ascent Vehicle) A mostly reusable Ascent vehicle for manned return missions. This is the mission critical component. Launches first for maximum flexibility in case of failure
  • Day 2 Launch 2 Pilot return mission from LKO using Aeris 4a to rendezvous with RAV. A mistake on my part, forgot to remove pilots from craft prior to launch. I suppose they snuck aboard for the snacks.
  • Day 32 Launch 3 Duna HAB Module (Hibernation And Bathroom Module) Launch This is another mission critical piece. Launched with plenty of time to abort mission to next launch window. Contains 400 days worth of supplies for my TAC Lifesupport.
  • Day 36 Launch 4 Duna UT1 (Utility/Transport #1) Unessential supplies giving a crew of three over 1340 days worth of supplies. Also carries experimental propulsive landing system. Has extra large insertion stage to place on "quick" transfer to test high energy Dunian Aerobraking. Quick launch justified by 1m parts. They assembled it in a different VAB stall or something. It has 6 of those right. This is a WELL FUNDED mission after all *cough cough congress*
  • Day 54 Launch 5 Duna T/DV 1 (Transit/Descent Vehicle #1) A Mk1-2 Pod with heat-shield, parachutes, and experimental propulsive landing system. Has a Cruise stage with 240 days worth of supplies. Enough energy remaining in Drive stage to abort once around. Abort procedures further down in post.
  • Day 55 Ejection Preliminary Burn: All vehicles use fuel reserves in Titan Booster to raise orbit to 1,000km x 1,000km, separate from Titan Booster, propulsive landing.
    MET Day 56-113 Phase 2 Ejection, Cruise, and EDL
  • Day 56 All Vehicles insert to Duna Encounter using approximately 900-1000m/s dV from drive stages.
  • Unknown date Mid Course correction burn to place Peridune at 200km.
  • Arrival Date Aerobrake to highly elliptical orbit using Engine as heat-shield (works for SpaceX, works for Deadly Re-Entry, works for me) Also note, not using NERVAs so there are no problems with the rules.
  • Day 112 EDL1 UT1 commences Atmospheric interface. Target is the Canyon lowlands at the equator. Landing should prove the parachute model as well as the Landertron technology deployed on the other craft. This is KSC's first attempt at using automated landing devices. Results uncertain.
  • Day 112 EDL2 Duna RAV attempts precision landing near UT1. This is a go no go. If landing is unsuccessful then the Duna T/DV will exchange supplies with the still orbiting Duna HAB module, discard, and execute a return to Kerbin. We will tell the populous that this was planned and that the mission was never designed to land. They will never know. . .
  • Day 113 EDL3 Duna HAB module begins decent. After the landing procedure is started the T/DV can no longer abort to Kerbin without landing first. It would lack the supplies. If the HAB module experiences SVDS then the mission can proceed. It will be crampt, but UT1 already on the surface has the supplies to last until the Duna-->Kerbin window.
  • Day 113 EDL4 Duna T/DV lands. This would be the 4th use of the landing system so it will be well tested by now. It is qualified to land on parachutes alone, this however places far more G's on the crew, which is bad.
    MET Day 114-250 Phase 3 Surface Operations
  • Day 114 Jebediah, Bill, and Bob use materials aboard UT1 to connect lifesupport systems aboard T/DV to UT1 and HAB. This is time critical, the T/DV descends with only 24 hours worth of supplies.
  • Day 116 Bob and Bill use KAS ground pylons to secure all materials int the event of a Dunian Weather Event, most probably a sandstorm or dunequake.
  • ~~~Science Activities conducted~~~
  • Day 250 Jebediah and Bill Ingress the Duna RAV and launch. They rendezvous with the discarded T/DV cruise stage and await the window to return to Kerbin. (Supplies are tight here, the lighter craft may be sent on an accelerated return trajectory dV is not by any means an expensive commodity on this drive system)
    Abort procedures

All manned craft have functioning LES systems on the Launch Vehicle. The T/DV SPSI has a docking port for Kerbin return at any time. Resupply may be necessary. At any point in time there will be enough supplies either in Duna orbit or on the ground so that the loss of one mission will not endanger the crew. There are also enough supplies that Kerbals could remain on Duna for three cycles while awaiting rescue.

Craft and Album from start of mission

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Ohh, the mods. FAR, Deadly Reentry, TAC Lifesupport, Kethane, KAS, SCANsat, KW, Stockalike, Near Future Propulsion, Interstellar mod (nothing cheaty, I want to land a reactor eventually, I also like the radiators. Visual Enhancements, Infernal Robotics, texture replacer, Alarm Clock, Landertrons, maybe some others I forgot. I will let you know If I remember any more.

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After many technical difficulties, I am finished with the first episode of my attempt! I was hoping to get it done sooner but oh well. I should be able to get out another episode or two over the break. Anyway, link is in my signature!

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I got some more time, and flew additional missions here.

Finally reached day 500. Now onwards to day 1000.

6 Kerbals hit Duna on day 353 in average, resulting in an early mission score of 147*6 = 882.

With 15 Launches of my 23t -reuseable Lifter, which are 345t of nominal payload. That is an efficiency of 2.55.

Well, at this stage the 3rd Interplanetary ship to Duna is already finished, and the 4th has begun construction. I'll have to see, when I'm start to send them back to Kerbin in order to save on launches. I'm a bit short on aero-break heat shields without the DCV's.

It the nonimal payload capacity required to calculate the efficiency, or the actual intended payload weight?

If latter, will orbital manouvering stages count as payload?

Achievements so far:

Mission Execution: 1

Crew mobility: 2 (7 pressurized rover seats for 6 crew. Idk if I will keep sending one rover per Kerbal over there...)

Base mobility: 3 (the Crane has actually towed every piece of the base to the Base's location)

Crew safety: 1 (I got enough spare modules/supplies/rovers, but the DCV requires both engines to work, or it will spin to death, while the DCVmk2 tackles even that)

Mission robustness: 1 (Crew gets there after supplies are there, I could cancel out on additional supplies to recover from any single failure. But atm the Crane/Kethane fuel truck/DCV have no replacements there and are essential)


Images of part 4 will get added later. Atm my I-net isn't that good.

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  rileym65 said:
I have been looking at this challenge and am starting to formulate my plan for doing this. I do have a question about the launch delays for booster construction/preparation. If I were to plan my first transfer to Duna for the 2nd launch window instead of the one at day 55, can I have my rockets built and therefore plan launches closer together. For example, if my launch vehicle can launch 20 tons, normally requiring 40 days between launches, but I will be heading to Duna on the 2nd hohman transfer window, in theory several rockets would have been built and therefore not need as much time between the launches. I can understand it takes time to assemble the final rocket pieces and move them to the launch pad so still can understand some time between the launches. Thoughts on this?

My main reason for this approach is to not have too much hardware sitting in lko way before the departure window for Duna. My initial thoughts on the mission plan were to send a single vehicle to Duna for each mission which would contain the habitat, landers/ascent vehicles, supplies, etc, but will need multiple launches to assemble the final mission vehicle prior to departure.

Welcome to the challenge, rileym65!

Can I ask why your prefer not to have too much hardware sitting in LKO? Launching hardware to LKO as soon as they are available is good for mission robustness, in that if a launch failed early, you'll have time to adjust your plan and build & launch replacements. IRL launch failures(excluding pad aborts) always result in total loss of hardware, whereas problems with hardware already in LKO have a chance to be fixed. Of course it would be your responsibility to consider which ones to launch first. For example in my schedule fuel / interplanetary tugs are launched late to reduce the imaginary "propellant boil-off".

Also for the sake of keeping rules simple, I'd prefer to stay with just a "minimal time between launch" rule rather than having separate times for building hardware and readying launch. Make sense?

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Aaaagghhhh. I'm starting to plan my mission out long term. Juggling kerbal arrivals and returns (and at delta-v light times) is hard. :confused:

I'm sure I'll manage, but jeez. I'm only planning one swap (at the moment... who knows) to make it easier though. I should have another episode up in a few days though, none of the confusing stuff happens until later. Oh, and good work Klemoir and BlazingAngel665 :)

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  BlazingAngel665 said:
Duna Outpost Challenge


MET Day 1-56 Phase 1 Initial Deployment

  • Day 1 Launch 1 Duna RAV (Reusable Ascent Vehicle) A mostly reusable Ascent vehicle for manned return missions. This is the mission critical component. Launches first for maximum flexibility in case of failure
  • Day 2 Launch 2 Pilot return mission from LKO using Aeris 4a to rendezvous with RAV. A mistake on my part, forgot to remove pilots from craft prior to launch. I suppose they snuck aboard for the snacks.
  • Day 32 Launch 3 Duna HAB Module (Hibernation And Bathroom Module) Launch This is another mission critical piece. Launched with plenty of time to abort mission to next launch window. Contains 400 days worth of supplies for my TAC Lifesupport.
  • Day 36 Launch 4 Duna UT1 (Utility/Transport #1) Unessential supplies giving a crew of three over 1340 days worth of supplies. Also carries experimental propulsive landing system. Has extra large insertion stage to place on "quick" transfer to test high energy Dunian Aerobraking. Quick launch justified by 1m parts. They assembled it in a different VAB stall or something. It has 6 of those right. This is a WELL FUNDED mission after all *cough cough congress*
  • Day 54 Launch 5 Duna T/DV 1 (Transit/Descent Vehicle #1) A Mk1-2 Pod with heat-shield, parachutes, and experimental propulsive landing system. Has a Cruise stage with 240 days worth of supplies. Enough energy remaining in Drive stage to abort once around. Abort procedures further down in post.
  • Day 55 Ejection Preliminary Burn: All vehicles use fuel reserves in Titan Booster to raise orbit to 1,000km x 1,000km, separate from Titan Booster, propulsive landing.
    MET Day 56-113 Phase 2 Ejection, Cruise, and EDL
  • Day 56 All Vehicles insert to Duna Encounter using approximately 900-1000m/s dV from drive stages.
  • Unknown date Mid Course correction burn to place Peridune at 200km.
  • Arrival Date Aerobrake to highly elliptical orbit using Engine as heat-shield (works for SpaceX, works for Deadly Re-Entry, works for me) Also note, not using NERVAs so there are no problems with the rules.
  • Day 112 EDL1 UT1 commences Atmospheric interface. Target is the Canyon lowlands at the equator. Landing should prove the parachute model as well as the Landertron technology deployed on the other craft. This is KSC's first attempt at using automated landing devices. Results uncertain.
  • Day 112 EDL2 Duna RAV attempts precision landing near UT1. This is a go no go. If landing is unsuccessful then the Duna T/DV will exchange supplies with the still orbiting Duna HAB module, discard, and execute a return to Kerbin. We will tell the populous that this was planned and that the mission was never designed to land. They will never know. . .
  • Day 113 EDL3 Duna HAB module begins decent. After the landing procedure is started the T/DV can no longer abort to Kerbin without landing first. It would lack the supplies. If the HAB module experiences SVDS then the mission can proceed. It will be crampt, but UT1 already on the surface has the supplies to last until the Duna-->Kerbin window.
  • Day 113 EDL4 Duna T/DV lands. This would be the 4th use of the landing system so it will be well tested by now. It is qualified to land on parachutes alone, this however places far more G's on the crew, which is bad.
    MET Day 114-250 Phase 3 Surface Operations
  • Day 114 Jebediah, Bill, and Bob use materials aboard UT1 to connect lifesupport systems aboard T/DV to UT1 and HAB. This is time critical, the T/DV descends with only 24 hours worth of supplies.
  • Day 116 Bob and Bill use KAS ground pylons to secure all materials int the event of a Dunian Weather Event, most probably a sandstorm or dunequake.
  • ~~~Science Activities conducted~~~
  • Day 250 Jebediah and Bill Ingress the Duna RAV and launch. They rendezvous with the discarded T/DV cruise stage and await the window to return to Kerbin. (Supplies are tight here, the lighter craft may be sent on an accelerated return trajectory dV is not by any means an expensive commodity on this drive system)
    Abort procedures

All manned craft have functioning LES systems on the Launch Vehicle. The T/DV SPSI has a docking port for Kerbin return at any time. Resupply may be necessary. At any point in time there will be enough supplies either in Duna orbit or on the ground so that the loss of one mission will not endanger the crew. There are also enough supplies that Kerbals could remain on Duna for three cycles while awaiting rescue.

Craft and Album from start of mission



Ohh, the mods. FAR, Deadly Reentry, TAC Lifesupport, Kethane, KAS, SCANsat, KW, Stockalike, Near Future Propulsion, Interstellar mod (nothing cheaty, I want to land a reactor eventually, I also like the radiators. Visual Enhancements, Infernal Robotics, texture replacer, Alarm Clock, Landertrons, maybe some others I forgot. I will let you know If I remember any more.

You should probably reread rule #2....

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DUna Mobile Advanced surface System MKII (AKA Vincit Qui Patitur)

Mission concepts

Mission planners (at least, the ones who survived the gulag) learned their lessons from the errors made on the first failed attempt at estabilishing a permanent base on Duna: a crawler base that was too much heavy and too asymmetrical for a safe launch, the overreliance on few nuclear tugs, the problem with sending fuel to LDO, the difficulty of a parachute landing on Duna......

The new DUMAS will overcome those problems with an overall redesign of the mission harware and of the execution, while mantaining the same core mission: estabilish a fully mobile surface base, with room for 8 kerbals on long term missions, and of a reliable supply train from Kerbin. A firm point is the safety of the crew: several contingency plans had been devised to ensure the survivability of the crew in the worst possible scenarios.

The payloads are far smaller, and are designed to be launched mated to an expendable transfer stage where possible, or to be part of a self propelled complex.

The difficulty of fuel transport invalidated the concept of an orbiting station with reusable landers: instead an expendable interplanetary complex capable of landing has been designed.

Some things had to be discarded: for example, the Duna Atmospheric Exploration Vehicle (DAEV). Some argue that if it was named Duna Atmospheric Vehicle for Exploration (DAVE) the Kongress would have saved it, being a far too cool named thing to be cancelled.

Mission hardware

Ouranos IR Lifter

This is essentially an Ouranos I lifter stripped down of the Aither upper stage and with reusable strap on boosters. It has a 25 tons to LKO payload capacity. Its short construction time means a greater number of launches, to counterbalance the lighter payloads.


Aither Upper Stage

This will be used as a trasfer stage to propel the lighter payloads to Duna, such as the DLREVs or the Supplies Packages.


Duna Towable Hab

A very flexible piece of equipment, each segment house 4 kerbals, with 150 days of provisions, comm device and autonomous electrical supply. The basic plan calls for 2 hab to be sent, but the extended mission could include more segments to expand the system.


Duna Long Range Exploration Vehicle

This long range rover had been ereditated directly from the first DUMAS plan with very little modifications. His role is indeed very different: it now has the role of towing the DTH around the surface, since this is not self propelled.


DLREV and DTH towing test

In this image we see the engineer Gusdan and the test pilot Bill testing on the field the complex.


Galatea NTR

A greater simplified version of the NUTS, this transfer stage will be used to transport the first two DTH to Duna, and as an orbital fuel depot for the IEP.


Ike Exploration Package

Another piece of hardware from DUMAS MKI. Designed to bring 2 kerbals on Ike and returning them to LDO in safety.


Emergency Return Vehicle

This contingency system (still in redesign phase) can land to recover some stranded kerbal on Duna or Ike, refuel at the orbiting Galatea and bringing them back to Kerbin.

GRS-D (Geographical Radar Satellite - Duna)

Altough the subsatellites released by the Olympos mission sent back invaluable data about atmospheric composition and gravitational properties, Duna surface has never been extensively mapped. To fill this knowledge gap about the planet, a new version of the Almak-T radar surveillance satellite has been re engineered for Duna service. The information collected by the probe will help the mission planners to direct long range explorations towards target of major scientific interest.


Tindalos Exploration Complex

Te original DUMAS plan called for two separate Interplanetary Crew Vehicle, two reusable landers and a Duna station to dock all of them. This design proved to be impossible with the new lifter: an Ouranos IR can't even take an ICV to orbital height, and assembling it in orbit would consume too many launch windows to be a feasible option (not counting the landers and their transfer stages). So the mission planners designed an expendable interplanetary vessel, to be launched in three parts, capable of landing 4 kerbals and returning them home, all on his own: the Tindalos.


It's composed of:

Tindalos cruise stage

This will accelerate the complex out of Kerbin SOI, make the necessary course corrections, and raise the periapsis after aerobraking, before being ditched.


Tindalos Lander

This is a far more interesting piece of hardware: after detatching from the orbiter, the craft will perform a parachute assisted powered landing near the DTH. The wheels ensure the mobility of the lander, thus giving the DUMAS a full mobility to explore the planet without limits.


Tindalos Crew Compartement

Another marvel of kerbal engineering: this orbiter, after rendezvous with the lander in Duna Orbit, will return to kerbin, aerobrake and wait a crew return vessel in orbit, since it has no chutes, to save weight.

To ensure the crew won't suffer from muscolar atrophy and bone weakening after the long trip at 0g, a state of the art inflatable centrifuge has been added at the design.


Mods used

Landertrons, KW rocketry, AIES, KER, ASET ALCOR pod, PorkWorks Inflatable Habitats.

Edited by borisperrons
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Looking good borisperrens! Looking forward to your attempt. I've also finished the second episode of my attempt, Project Research, Explore, Discover (R.E.D.). Click on the link in my signature to check it out and let me know what you think.

Keep up the good work guys. :)

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Planned launches timetable

10- DTH #1

47- DTH #2

84- Galatea NTR

121- DLREV #1 (Non critical launch. if one of the previous launches fails, it goes up on this launch window. The base will be static for a cycle.)

158- Tindalos 1 Cruise Stage

195- Tindalos 1 Lander

232- Contingency Launch Window (If not needed, launch of GRS-D)

269- Tindalos 1 Crew Compartement

283- [transfer window K->D] Tindalos 1 / NTR + DTH / DLREV #1 / GRS-D

306- Supplies Package #1

343- Emergency Return Vehicle

380- Tindalos 2 Cruise Stage

417- Tindalos 2 Lander

454- Tindalos 2 Crew Compartement

491- DLREV #2 (Non critical launch)

511- [transfer window K->D] Tindalos 2 / ERV / SP #1 / DLREV #2

528- Supplies Package #2

565- Tindalos 3 Cruise Stage

602- Tindalos 3 Lander

638- Tindalos 3 Crew Compartement

676- IEP (Non critical launch)

713- DLREV #3 (Non critical launch)

723- [transfer window D->K] Tindalos 1

739- [transfer window K->D] Tindalos 3 / IEP / SP #2 / DLREV #3

861- Tindalos 4 Cruise Stage

898- Tindalos 4 Lander

935- [transfer window D->K] Tindalos 2

935- Tindalos 4 Crew Compartement

967- [transfer window K->D] Tindalos 4

(KSC <-> LKO, LDO <-> Duna transfers not shown)

Flight plan VERY prone to changes.

Edited by borisperrons
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I've actually 'just' found this thread. Where 'just' is yesterday evening.

Made a new KSP folder, entered in a few proper mods, and started to design a couple of things I wanted to send, when I realized that I needed to use the SAME lanuch system on each launch. I was thinking that if I launched 'x tons' the first launch, then I would be able to launch 'y tons' on the next one, and started to make a spreadsheet and plan out the launched to hit the different windows.

Then, I just realized that I need to use the same launch system on everything, and then it all failed, as one module (to LKO) were 42 tons, a 2nd one were 32tons etc.

It were rather easy to trim down things to 30tons, as it seems to my calculatios to be the sweetspot, so one can do 2 launches before the 1st window open, and then 4 each window. However, this made for some ugly rockets without farings and stuffs... So that is a problem as well. I guess I just need to rethink my entire stratigy, and do it abit different.

Anyhow. It is based on the 'Mars Direct' suggested by Robert Zubrin in the early 90s.

I guess I need to install some more mods, so I can tailorfit even more. I.e. a slightly shorter or longer fueltank, and similar. I know i can use the tweakables to have less fuel in a tank, but the dry weight remain the same...

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  Death Engineering said:
Your lifter reminded me of the Soviet UR-700. :cool:

That cross-feeding direct ascent giant!!! I didn't noticed it, but now that you made me thinking of it I see it's pretty much the same concept. Comrade Chelomei would be proud of it!! :D

  YarTheBug said:
A New Entry!

Discount Duna by YarTheBug

Congrats for the 100% reusable rocket!! A very elegant and small design, I have to say.

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Just made another belated update the entries sheet & scoreboard. Looks like more interesting entries are still on the way!

KeithStone, Borisperrons and kookoo_gr:

Your entries have met the challenge requirement, but to put them properly on the scoreboard I'll need your calculated scores and claimed achievements.


Could you provide some information about your schedule, your lifter's capability and weight of your launched modules?


Optimizing the capability of the lifter vs. weight of various modules is a indeed a BIG part of the challenge.

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  sturmstiger said:
Your entries have met the challenge requirement, but to put them properly on the scoreboard I'll need your calculated scores and claimed achievements

Yes, completely forgot it. :blush:

So, the achievements.

Mission execution 3 - I'm writing a mission report, and I plan to fly the missions all the way down to day 1000

Crew mobility 2 - I'll land 3 rovers, with a total capacity of 9 kerbals, versus only 8 surface personnel.

Base mobility 3 - The base itself it's towable by the rovers, and i'm using a wheeled lander.

Crew safety 2 - I'll explain all the contingency plans in a dedicated entry in the mission report.

Mission robustness 2 - As explained in the flight plan above, i've got non critical launches and contingency launch windows, to be prepared for eventual launch failures.

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I am trying to calculate my score but i am a bit confused with the scoring rules. here are my stats and my calculations for sanity check

for mission efficiency

up to day 500: 6 launches x 50 tons --- 500/(6*50) correct? or is it 600/(6*50) from the first post?

from day 500 to 1000 5 launches x 50 tons --- 1000/(5*50)?

Anything extra to this calculation?

Days spent on duna

This is where i am very confused.

Fisrt crew (3 kerblas) landed at day 356 and left at day 583, so for early Missions Value i have (500-356)*3 correct? or is it (583-356)*3?

The second crew landed at day 678 and left at day 934 spending 256 days at duna. how will i calculate the score 256*3 or (934-356)*6 (last day on duna - first day on duna * 6 kerbals)?

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kookoo_gr, it looks like you are attempting to figure out your score after that efficiency because it needs that score to calculate, example.

Early mission scoring (day 500 and prior)

Landed on day 356, crew left after cut off for early score. Day 500 minus the last day with no kerbals, 355, gives us 145 days with Kerbals on Duna before day 500. For the 145 days you had 3 Kerbals on Duna, so 145 X 3 for an early mission score of 435.

For early mission efficiency your early mission score is divided by your launches times lift capability. 435 (early score) divided by [6 (launches) times 50 tons (lift capacity)] or 435/(6X50) = 435/300 = an early mission efficiency score of 1.45

kookoo_gr, I don't like to be the bearer of bad news but you have a problem with your overall plan not being ambitious enough :(

First crew landed on day 356 and left at day 583

Second crew landed at day 678 and left at day 934

Basic Requirement

To qualify as an entry, you must describe a plan to land a minimal crew of 4 Kerbals on Duna before Day 500, and that they and their replacement crews will keep your Duna outpost(s) continuously occupied. Post pictures and brief descriptions of your (single) launch vehicle, each type of your spacecrafts & payloads as they reach LKO (Low Kerbin Orbit), Duna transfer burn of any docked spacecrafts, Duna surface modules during their EDL (entry, descent & landing), and your Duna outpost at various stages of completion. You'll also post a schedule/plan of your launches & other mission components until day 500 (and optionally until Day 1000). Your entry should also follow the rules below.

I know managing those hand offs and having sufficient supplies to do so keeps making a mess of my draft entry plans.

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And now, in the news, the DUMAS Expedition I landed on Duna on day 355! In this update:

-Lousy writing!

-Cheesy speeches!


-Near-disaster landings!

-An enemy from the past of the Doctor! (???)


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