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I would be cool to See KSP come to G+. not just twitter and Facebook. there is already a thriving community https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108423331596060497489 i think being able to do hangout with the DEV's would be great check it out ( a hang out is a mass Video chat or a Text chat)

Edited by Big_Ron
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As an unofficial fansite there's nothing really wrong with it. I don't think it would really be used for any kind of official functionality though, as Squad has already established their preferred methods of doing that.

Unfortunately the devs are busy fixing the problems with 0.20 right now, and as soon as the pending bugfix update gets out the door they'll get right back to work developing the next version. They probably won't appear there.

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i personnel feel that Google plus is far superior to Face Book. and Google+ works with Twitter. the Link i posted was a good community but they would of course make there own that we all could Flock to. but Odin i feel you may be correct... one could home though.. G+ is the second biggest Social media out there followed by youtube, twitter and a few others. It would be great for KSP to use it also.

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