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Weekend Ride: The VTOL Hog

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Tired of the mundane? Ready to live on the edge? Get a VTOL Hog. People will wonder why you have such a dangerous ride. They don't understand. Leave them smelling your jet fuel exhaust as you ride off into the sunset.

Not an easy rider

Piloting this craft will require manual use of RCS thrusters to change the orientation of the engines. The thrust of the Hog's twin engines should be kept right around 30 kN for best results. Failure to follow these instructions is likely to result in a glorious explosion. The good news is the Hog can be fairly acrobatic if you get comfortable with it.

Photo and demonstration:


requires kspx for the RCS tanks:


craft file: http://www./download/bdb66c0ivtrh00w/VTOL_Hog_Nazari.zip

Edited by Nazari1382
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