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[Scenario] Hostage Rescue: Icy Prison

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Do you have what it takes to be an special forces agent? Here is the chance to show us your mad spy skills. Destruction and explosions are optional, but become mandatory if Jeb is on board :D

Attention everyone, this is KSC Mission Command calling for assistance in a top-priority mission: Our chief scientist Wernher von Kerman has been captured by our enemies from KSC 2. He is currently beeing kept on a small island near the sout pole. Rescue him as soon as possible, we cannot allow our competitors to learn about his new project, the Infinite Improbability Drive!


On the island, there are several hostile targets as indicated on the map shown below. You can destroy or evade them with any method you like as long as you stick to the restrictions detailed below.


General rules

- To win, you need to return Professor Wernher von Kerman to KSC grounds alive.

- The island offers no natural hiding obstacles. If you are detected, the mission fails immediately. If a kerbal or a vessel on the island enters an illuminated area, you will be detected. To prevent detection, you must do the mission during night-time, stay out of artificially lit zones and you may not use any parts that emit light (with engine exhaust and plane gears beeing the only exception). Prohibited parts include minor light sources like battery lights, ladder lights and ramjet intakes. During EVA, the lights must stay off.

- If you want to jump right into the action, the scenario comes with a SPH vehicle "Infiltrator Plane" that is capable of solving the mission with minimal destruction. SPOILER ALERT, do not look at the vessel if you want to figure out how to solve the task for yourself!

The Radar Tower

- The radar has a range of 25km and immediately detects anything that is larger than a big orange fuel tank.

- You can avert detection with bigger vessels by staying below 100m altitude. If you destroy the tower, you must free the prisoner within 45 minutes or the mission fails due to missing routine reports from the tower to the prison.

The Patrol Cars

- The patrols detect anything within a distance of 1000m after 10 seconds.

- The cars patrol within 10km distance of the prison. To emulate this, the mission fails if you stay in the patrolled area longer than 30 minutes.

- Every patrol you destroy adds 15 minutes to the time you are allowed to stay in the patrolled area. If you destroy all three, the patrol clock stops entirely.

The Prison Complex

- The prison detects anything within a distance of 1000m that is 4m above ground level and weighs more than 0.2t, assuming that a kerbal weighs 0.05t. So, to prevent detection, any heavy vehicles should be as flat as possible (no ladder towers), and anything that is higher or flies should be extremely lightweight.

- The prison has an outer wall. Only a kerbal infiltrator in EVA may pass the wall, anything else will be detected immediately.

- You may not destroy any part of the prison walls/gates/towers or anything inside it until after you have freed the hostage.

- The hostage is in the big tower within the inner walls. To free him, you need to reach the doors of the command pod without stepping into the lights, and without stepping on metal plates with pressure sensors (solar panels). Then, switch to the prison complex and activate EVA mode for the scientist. Now get out ASAP. You now have 20 minutes to leave the island (remember, the patrol clock is still ticking, and if you have not destroyed the radar tower you should stay out of its detection range as well).

- To win, return the professor to the KSC alive.


-Recon Duty - launch a manned or unmanned mission to explore the prison and its surroundings

-Infiltrator - reach the professor

-A winner is you - win the scenario

-Multipurpose Vehicle - win the challenge with one launch without prior recon (and without looking at the included infiltrator plane).

-Night Stalker - leave the radar tower and all three patrol cars intact

-Explosions for Jeb - destroy at least one patrol or the radar tower

-Destruction Expert - destroy all cars and the radar tower

-Retialation Strike - destroy the prison complex after leaving with the professor

-Wheels on Fire - reach a land speed of 150m/s or more

-Water Runner - use a boat, and reach a water speed of 100m/s or more

-Permadeath Specialist - Win the challenge without quickloading/restarting the flight or resetting the mission.

Technical Stuff

* I recommend using Kerbal Alarm clock to track the countdowns.

* This is a scenario, download this zip into your saves/scenarios folder and unpack it using "unpack here". Then, you will be able to select the scenario from the scenario list.

* as indicated above, the scenario uses light as a game mechanic. Increase the "pixel light count" in the graphics settings to at least 25 to prevent incorrect terrain lighting.

* The prison complex has ~360 parts

* All mods ok, this is about creating a good story. If you want alien laser weapons or other cool spy gadgets, go ahead and use them. But note that it is totally possible to solve the scenario with stock parts only.

Have fun, i am looking forward to your mission reports!


Alternative Scenario for all those who dont want to read "so many rules"

The enemy has set up a military base near the south pole! Bring out your long-range fightes and obliterate it! Post pictures of your fighters and other warfare vessels in action!

Edited by SirJodelstein
too many rules? just blow it all up!
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  Francesco said:
what if I destroy the radar tower and all the patrols?

is there still a time limit then, both to reach the prison and to escape from it?

Destroying the tower imposes a time limit to reach the professor, regardless of the patrols. The escape-time-limit is not that harsh, and destroying the radar makes a timely escape really easy, so i don't think we need an additional rule here.

The patrols are dumb and do not have a regular reporting schedule set up, so destroying them only makes your life easier.

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