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A question for the bronies


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First off If you are in here to harass people or start a fight please leave

This is out of curiosity, not trying or planning to ridicule anyone.

What I want to know is - Why?

What is the attractive feature in the show, the psychology behind it

I just genuinely want to know if someone would be willing to inform me

I really want this kept civil and I can see this getting out of hand, so If this becomes a problem Id appreciate the thread being closed

Thank you all in advance

If you feel it necessary you can PM me instead of posting in public

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It\'s smoothly animated, well-written, has strong characterisation, interesting characters, good (if generally predictable, but that\'s part of the charm) plots, humour, and the occasional \'holy christmas, did that pony really just do X\' moment.

Plus it\'s nice that it isn\'t cynical. Certain of the characters are quite sarcastic, but the show itself is good-natured, which is a nice change.

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I would have to agree that any show that could be funny in a frame of innocence would be nice,

Predictability is never an issue with modern TV You may see the same general concept done a thousand times, yet only one or two would be memorable

As for characters, Is there progressive development ?

And the point where I may become interested, do they have motives, likes, dislikes, etc etc etc actual depth

Or are they like in MOST things on tv , that is to say typical 'shallow but well defined' having a personality but that personality is more a set piece than a plot device ?

Cynicism and external references sort of break my \'suspension of disbelief\' (exactly why I HATE family guy)

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  foamyesque said:

Plus it\'s nice that it isn\'t cynical. Certain of the characters are quite sarcastic, but the show itself is good-natured, which is a nice change.

Yeah, that most of all. It\'s very laid back, very easygoing. Nobody\'s getting shot or stabbed, people\'s lives aren\'t getting horribly ruined, etc. And it\'s actually quite funny.

  Ryn said:

As for characters, is there progressive development?

A little bit, but not very much. There are mental breakdowns, though, which is always fun. IMO the best way to decide whether or not you should be interested in the show would be to actually watch an episode or two, rather than quizzing people on a forum.

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  Sordid said:
IMO the best way to decide whether or not you should be interested in the show would be to actually watch an episode or two, rather than quizzing people on a forum.

I was more curious of why people say they like it than what there is to really like

But im also looking for a reason to watch it

But I guess you are right! On my to-do list :D

Thank you both And We will see tomorrow

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Enjoying a cartoon that isn\'t aimed at your demographic isn\'t that odd.

Hoisting the \'bronie\' flag and adopting avatars (or painting textures on spaceships...) well, that is an Internet fad, and like all others before it, this too shall pass.

At least we\'ve moved on from Dragonball Z? :)

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I watched the Pilot as well as the first two episodes, With the exception of a few 'oh god :-[' moments (I\'m the type that blushes and covers their face when something silly or embarrassing happens on TV), I generally liked it

its not as bad as i though

Its not that bad

its alright

I sort of like it

It is Cute and charming

Thank you all

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  Tiberion said:

Hoisting the \'bronie\' flag and adopting avatars (or painting textures on spaceships...) well, that is an Internet fad, and like all others before it, this too shall pass.

guess theres worse choices around. peppa pig for instance

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  Tiberion said:

Enjoying a cartoon that isn\'t aimed at your demographic isn\'t that odd.

Hoisting the \'bronie\' flag and adopting avatars (or painting textures on spaceships...) well, that is an Internet fad, and like all others before it, this too shall pass.

At least we\'ve moved on from Dragonball Z? :)


You rang?

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Here\'s the opinion from a non-Brony who watches the show:

It\'s nice to have something positive and light-hearted to watch occasionally. Considering the rest of my television viewing is mostly crime shows, it\'s useful to have the capacity to take a break where there\'s just clean fun without death and serious violence, or without adult themes.

Plus, the characters do kind of grow on you.

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Personally I am at an impass for myself. I am not against it and will not give anyone any greaf about it until I watch an episode. But I have a friend who has a rusted old scalpel and he hates My Little Pony and I he continues to talk about something happening like in the story cupcakes.

oh and becoming an entry level assassin is easy. You just need a weapon and some training. There is a reason not many assassins exist above entry level!!!!

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