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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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I'm just concerned as to why Sempiternal is used to having hot things pressed onto her.

Well, I like to think my boyfriend's attractive.


Enough about me, how are you guys doing?

Edited by Sempiternal
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Well, I like to think my boyfriend's attractive.


Enough about me, how are you guys doing?

You have to specify that kind of stuff because we all have very sadistic or disturbed minds in here.

It's 95F, It's humid, and for some reason i'm wearing a hoodie and jeans. In Texas. How do you think i'm doing?

(If too aggressive, I blame the weather for my mood)

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Good idea.

So... HAS anyone read good books lately?

Still muddling through Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff. It's not that it's a bad book, it's just that lately my time has been taken up with other things (including this site).

Also reading through "Doc" Smith's Lensmen series, which I finally got a copy of a few weeks back. (It's a multivolume set.)

Finally, the closest book in reach of my laptop at the moment happens to be a Penguin Classics collection of selected works written by Marcus Tullius Cicero (though "spoken" might be the better term, since most of them were originally speeches).

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Good idea.

So... HAS anyone read good books lately?

I've read The Onion's Our Dumb World recently. It's basically a fake atlas that uses stereotypes, observations, and various bits of humor to poke fun at the countries of the world.. For example, in Austria's History section they have a picture of Hitler painting with the caption "A young Hitler finishes work on "You Better Buy This Painting If You Know What's Good For You"". If you get it, be sure to save North Korea for last.

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