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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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ahh, stereotypes...

americans are fat

english have bad teeth

italians are hairy

muslims are terrorists

mexicans smell

jewssss have biiiggg noooosssessssss

Edited by Sempiternal
Gosh darnit. That was meat to be all caps.
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Who the hell cuts the grass at half 10 at night anyway?

It may not be 10 at night for her. She's Canadian (or so she leads us to believe) and currently, in Cananda it's...ehh...maybe 3:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon. For me it's currently 4:37pm.

And, contrary to popular belief, a higher percentage of Americans are not fat. Or at least in my State anyway.

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It may not be 10 at night for her. She's Canadian (or so she leads us to believe) and currently, in Cananda it's...ehh...maybe 3:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon. For me it's currently 4:37pm.

It was a joke, sweetie.

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It may be all the supposed tea drinking. Unless i'm mistaken.

We used to have free dental care for all ages under the NHS, now its just for under 16s so why the bad teeth?

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A) It's currently 17:52 for Chobit and I.

B) The British bad teeth goes back to the era of the British empire, when the upper class had exceeding access to sugar. So much so that the lower classes, who lacked this access, would dye their teeth to emulate. There was a survey done, that proved the Poles had the worst teeth.. I think globally.

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A) It's currently 17:52 for Chobit and I.

B) The British bad teeth goes back to the era of the British empire, when the upper class had exceeding access to sugar. So much so that the lower classes, who lacked this access, would dye their teeth to emulate. There was a survey done, that proved the Poles had the worst teeth.. I think globally.

We do love to emulate the upper classes here in Britain. It happened with Bread, white bread was seen as posh in the middle ages with brown bread as lower class and so later on in towns in Georgian times people would buy white bread which contained bones and ash to whiten it. Then brown bread became upper class and the lower class followed suit. Its a weird yo-yo effect.

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So this is where we go after a hard day of building rockets, to the graveyard of our failed designs to indulge in non-rocket talks.

That was almost poetical. I think I may create a cafe/bar on Vahalla, and call it The Junkyard. WHO WANTS A CAMEO??? :D

It'll probably be comic-relief, getting-punched-by-one-of-the-ladies type of a role.

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Waiting to get punched in the Junkyard café. (I bet that has never been said before)

being punched is fun if youre anything like me

then again if youre aything like me so is being burnt and cut so you should probably see a shrink

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There was a survey done, that proved the Poles had the worst teeth.. I think globally.

What... WHAT !?

I never had even one serious teeth problem in my life, my father has 50+ with teeth untouched... who the hell made this research ?

EDIT_1: Don't drink cola if you (-r teeth) want to live.

Edited by karolus10
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The Junkyard.

Well works for me at least. I'm trash.

It seemed oddly fitting, since it's all the odd bits and pieces of this forum that don't really fit anywhere else.

Plus I know I'll sometimes visit such places to obtain special bits of hardware on a budget needed to make fancy contraptions and different kinds of experiments. They're not always the kind of places people expect them to be.

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