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Platform Enigma- an off topic chat thread.


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Depends on how many background characters I need.

As for anesthetic making one loopy, all I remember is not being awake more than an hour at a time for several days after the surgery...

I remember Bits and pieces. Iremember being wheeled into the procedure room. them talking about and I guess the nurse Injected it into the IV while I wasn't looking and *boop* Next i remember trying to stand and failing at it. I remember saying I needed a wheelchair. I guess they wheeled me out to the parking lot with my family. I remember the parking lot. The time passed again. next I was in the car driving through a recognizable area. Then I remember being in front of the back door to my house, walking in, and passing out on the couch. weird.

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I decline anaesthesia whenever possible. Being drowsy makes me feel helpless, and I'd rather experience excruciating pain than a panic attack.

Kinda hard to decline for abdominal surgery. I did have my wisdom teeth removed with just local freezing, though. The week after the afore-mentioned abdominal surgery...

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Reading all of this, I'm glad I haven't had surgery before. I've only been to the hospital 3 times, when I was young I cracked my head open and they fixed it with superglue. The other two times were for broken arms, first the right one then years later the left one.

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I remember Bits and pieces. Iremember being wheeled into the procedure room. them talking about and I guess the nurse Injected it into the IV while I wasn't looking and *boop* Next i remember trying to stand and failing at it. I remember saying I needed a wheelchair. I guess they wheeled me out to the parking lot with my family. I remember the parking lot. The time passed again. next I was in the car driving through a recognizable area. Then I remember being in front of the back door to my house, walking in, and passing out on the couch. weird.

I remember going into the room, and the surgical staff checking that they had the right patient and procedure. Then I remember waking up in recovery and wanting my mommy and my teddy bear.

EDIT- Yes, I am a wimp.

Edited by Trekkette
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Reading all of this, I'm glad I haven't had surgery before. I've only been to the hospital 3 times, when I was young I cracked my head open and they fixed it with superglue. The other two times were for broken arms, first the right one then years later the left one.

Don't get me started on Skull crackin'.

I've busted my head open twice when i was young. The first time was at a pool part at a friends house. He had a little rock waterfall thing and I decided to do a front flip off of it. Hit my head. fell into the pool, got fished out and I don't remember after that. BUT THEN, a year later AT THE SAME FRIENDS HOUSE. I was skipping down the stairs, I tripped and hit my head IN THE SAME PLACE on the vertex of their brick fire place. Hospital. I now have to live with a forehead scar forever and have a small bit a brick embedded in my head.

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Don't get me started on Skull crackin'.

I've busted my head open twice when i was young. The first time was at a pool part at a friends house. He had a little rock waterfall thing and I decided to do a front flip off of it. Hit my head. fell into the pool, got fished out and I don't remember after that. BUT THEN, a year later AT THE SAME FRIENDS HOUSE. I was skipping down the stairs, I tripped and hit my head IN THE SAME PLACE on the vertex of their brick fire place. Hospital. I now have to live with a forehead scar forever and have a small bit a brick embedded in my head.

Those accidents sound much more interesting than when I break anything. I cracked by head open walking into a doorframe looking through a magnifying glass. My right arm when I rolled down a small hill and into a wooden play frame and the left arm falling of a sofa trying to reach for a remote control.

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I broke my finger running to answer the door. And I broke a toe by falling off a stool.

My dad wins, though. The summer before I was born, he broke a leg falling off the floor.

What did he fall onto? Did he just trip and the shock of landing on a leg broke it? That's what happened with my left arm, the shock went up my arm and broke the bone above the elbow.

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Those accidents sound much more interesting than when I break anything. I cracked by head open walking into a doorframe looking through a magnifying glass. My right arm when I rolled down a small hill and into a wooden play frame and the left arm falling of a sofa trying to reach for a remote control.

Yeah, what's weird is that, except for my head, I've never broken a single bone in my body.

Also: Sapient, Robotic, Turrets can sing and make glorious music. Destroyer where are you?

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had my index finger crushed by the gear of a bicycle ,and bike chain.Also you ,rage, are prone to more accidents than me.so far 100% of mine are just cuts ,burns,scrapes.After all i can't just merely go up 1 flight of stairs with out slipping on the second step the way up ,or not get my self electrocuted.

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I wouldn't know anything about abdominal surgery, but I've been able to get them to not knock me out for three separate broken bones. One was when a guy broke my arm and they had to get a fragment out, one was just them splinting a broken leg, and the last one was them putting another broken leg back together again with a little metal plate. Still surprised they let me on that last one, and just as surprised I didn't twitch or something during. xD

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My family is Cursed about injuries. Here's how it works: Every male on my fathers side of the family WILL fall of of a ladder at some point in their lives. My grandfather had a bad one involving a tree and chainsaw. My father wasn't up too hight when the ladder suddenly broke. my uncle fell of a ladder at some point...And i'm next.

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What did he fall onto? Did he just trip and the shock of landing on a leg broke it? That's what happened with my left arm, the shock went up my arm and broke the bone above the elbow.

My parent's were adding an addition to the house and part of the back wall was ripped out. He wasn't looking where he was going and...

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My parent's were adding an addition to the house and part of the back wall was ripped out. He wasn't looking where he was going and...


My family is Cursed about injuries. Here's how it works: Every male on my fathers side of the family WILL fall of of a ladder at some point in their lives. My grandfather had a bad one involving a tree and chainsaw. My father wasn't up too hight when the ladder suddenly broke. my uncle fell of a ladder at some point...And i'm next.

Why not simply avoid all ladders in life?

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I had a minor concussion when i was small because i wanted to understand physics...so far i learned that humans can not go through walls or floor from that.

one does not simply avoid ladders

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i have never broken a bone in my body although thats probably because i am quite adversed to dangerous situations, the most serious thing that has happened to me is getting rammed by a bicycle straight into my back .

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one does not simply avoid ladders

Lock yourself up in a house, work at home, have internet connection and order everything online. You would never have to leave the house!

Edit: @redwolfy, I've been run over by a bike before.

@Trekkette, I think my family may have a curse that the people in it show promise at a young age but become failures later in life from not working hard. That pattern is spreading to me...

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Lock yourself up in a house, work at home, have internet connection and order everything online. You would never have to leave the house!

As i said one does not just avoid ladders.One because you can have a ladder truck crah into your house ,and injure you.

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Lock yourself up in a house, work at home, have internet connection and order everything online. You would never have to leave the house!

even better lock yourself in a mineshaft (with stairs) and buy a robot and live your life through it you also need a butler to buy you food

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