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Two years ago today


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I saw the "two years" and wondered if it really had been that long.... The first pubic release of KSP was June 24th, 2011, so those screenshots can't be 2 years old yet. At most that's one and a half years.

But regardless, it does show how far it's come. Back in those days, everything was a placeholder, there was no such thing as a proper space system simulation, and there were a LOT of unsolved potentially project-breaking problems.

There's still a long way to go, certainly, but at least now we're fairly sure the sandbox works (most of the time). :D


You guys have done an excellent job with the game. Congratulations for making it this far and thank you for an amazing sandbox.

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Yup... Your spacecraft'd blow up when it touched down.

The glorious dark-side bug, a treachorous baby it was, had to ride it ou- Wait, what were the lines again? .. Explo..io..Right, right, explosions. In othe ne- Giv.. He Hook.. Wait what are you doing, no, Wait, WA-

Erm, I kind of got carried away.

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Back then I didn't think this game could evolve so much ... but now oh boy :D endless possibilities await!

1PZ3RbHl.jpg <- my oldest screenshot found, 40 days away from 2 year anniversary. Time flies really fast.

You have my biggest thanks for this awesome game SQUAD team!

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I wish I made screenshots back then. But in those days, I played it more casual. Big fan of the TES series, you know? When the modding community was trying to make things "realistic" I wanted to play a game like freelancer, but found ksp instead. Started playing more intensive after a while. My autism keeps me unemployed, so more time to play ksp.

Edited by MennoLente
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Hehe, i still remember when the Mun was added - i was so excited! :D

Course, the landing was a failure (engines do NOT make good landing legs), but i'll never forget the feeling of touching down for the first time. :)

Thanks Squad, for making it possible. :)

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Hehe, i still remember when the Mun was added - i was so excited! :D

Course, the landing was a failure (engines do NOT make good landing legs), but i'll never forget the feeling of touching down for the first time. :)

Thanks Squad, for making it possible. :)

I remember touching down the first time, too! I was timewarping at ~100x speed

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The tower was getting in the way of launches. I remember having to scale rockets specifically for that annoyance, and it was just another thing to worry about.

I ended up doing these lateral asparagus designs, which would extend out along one axis, to avoid the tower. They got quite absurd.

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I saw the "two years" and wondered if it really had been that long.... The first pubic release of KSP was June 24th, 2011, so those screenshots can't be 2 years old yet. At most that's one and a half years.

But regardless, it does show how far it's come. Back in those days, everything was a placeholder, there was no such thing as a proper space system simulation, and there were a LOT of unsolved potentially project-breaking problems.

There's still a long way to go, certainly, but at least now we're fairly sure the sandbox works (most of the time). :D


Frankly, when I started (late to the game at 0.18), I was utterly awestruck at the job you'd done, and it's got so much better since even then.

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I pushed all my rockets right over to the side of the VAB so they'd be clear of the tower. But this made tweaking asparagus rockets such a pain.

Two years eh? I would've been finishing highschool, (and not up at this ungodly hour). I wonder if I'll still be playing in a few years time?

Well, I still play DS mariokart, Smashbrothers, Spectrobes, Age of Empires, and a few others that are two years or more old, so don't see why not, short of something bad happening.

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Gosh, I was an idiot. Look at me putting solid rocket boosters and multiple SAS modules on top of the fuel tanks...
You weren't an idiot at all. Back in those days you couldn't attach the liquid tanks to radial decouplers so you had to put the under SRB's :)
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I remember a thread about old "free" versions being hosted somewhere?

Oh, here is it (Google is better at searching the forum than the forum search -__-)


And... the links are broken and people report them as viruses -__-

Edited by Fel
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