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Placement of Structural Wings?

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In my free time, I often like to create warships, similar to the creations in the Interplanetary Defense Initiative threat in the Ship Exchange. I've noticed structural wings are far lighter than the structural plates for armor, and I would like to utilize them to have a lighter, yet slightly weaker armor onboard my new escort carrier. Unfortunately, when I try to place one on another's edge, it is off center, leaving either an ugly gap or an even more ugly, they end up with only their corners touching, leaving a... I suppose... Cliff, for lack of better words.

I have halted construction of my escort until I can find a way around this problem. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

G.C. Industries EShMwbP.gif

Edited by Golden Clock Industries
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Hey Golden Clock, In my spare time I also like to build War ships. However your idea of making the escort lighter is kind of hard for your exact reason. There is no real work around except to work around the wings' dimensions.

(Also with Hyper Edit down my defense program is at a halt)

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I find that disabling the snap to angles option helps immensely when fitting pieces together. Another option might be to enable part clipping then try to put some of the wings inside other wings. If all else fails, just use the structural pieces, they are a lot easier to work with and man, are they ever tough! :)

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