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WIP - Vostok


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oh my god! this old mod :D!

last time I used a Noyuz was when I docked to this station:


this was BEFORE docking rings were even added by Squad mind you! we used Erkle back then

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oh I did, my first station docking was ORDA powered. Orda had two faults though: it was immensely complex and you could not warp whilst docked, you'd just drift away

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What is the point of reviving this old mod when Bobcat's Soyuz is better in just about every way?

BTW, this isn't Noyuz. This is the old RocktCo Soyuz launcher by Deusoverkill.

The Noyuz was a copy of the Soyuz spacecraft by Xemits.

They didn't even go together unless you edited the cfgs to make them work.

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EDIT:Xemit gave me permission to use the name of his old Soyuz spacecraft mod, I'm proud to place it over this mod xyz times.

BobCats Soyuz is great, sure, but this one is really detailed, better textured, and overall looks better and is modular. I like it more.

And ofcourse, the most important thing...WHY NOT? :)

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Hello, if you are the author of Noyuz, I would like to excuse myself, I sadly named a "revival" of an old Soyuz launcher Noyuz, I edited this out as soon as I found out about it!Sorry again!

No problem. My noyuz is long dead and to be honest quite bad, so you can use the name and make it mean quality! You have my blessing or something ;)


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Sooo, Ive been fiddling around a bit, and with some more fiddling I think I might be able to create a replica of the Soyuz I,II-III and III

EDIT, 31st August '13, this has low priority now.

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What is the point of reviving this old mod when Bobcat's Soyuz is better in just about every way?

If I had to guess, RocketCo's Soyuz was really polished (and also had stuff like its own radial decouplers), even if it was just for the Kerbabl Lander. Of course, that means the port needs a lot of polish too, but honestly, I'd love to have both options. Definitely going to be keeping my eyes on this.

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Im slowly learning about Unity...now if God would help me and tell me how the crap I am supposed to texture stuff...and how to model stuff...

Well anyway, I have finnaly been able to modernize the NK-33 from "Vlad.JustVlad.", I have also scaled it to 1.25m diameter (or a bit less, so it fits decouplers...)

Ofcourse, it hasnt got colliders, Im not /that/ advanced...oh,and it hasnt got textures...did I mention you have to strut it down with your fueltank if you want to keep it in place?

So, the Soyuz I is going to use the NK-33-1 engine (approx. 100kN more thrust then the normal NK-33, with normal Isp and 0.35 gimbal range)

The Soyuz 2-3 and 3 (mind you, I dont know where to find a Zenit replica, and cant get those dual-chambered rocket engines to work...quiet) are going to have as their core the normal NK-33/43 (I named it like this cause I dont feel like having 2 different .cfgs, and cause Im currently too tired to care about the difference in nozzle diameter etc.) with improved Isp and around 375kN thrust, and about .5 gimbal range...

A very very early WIP of the Soyuz I, the fuel tank comes from part generator...


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  • 2 months later...

At the risk of necromancy (I know, I know), has any headway been made with this? I've come to the inevitable conclusion that Bobcat's wonderful Soviet Historic Pack is just going to be very problematic, even after trimming it down to only Soyuz and Progress components. Despite having a good system, I guess KSP just isn't having any of it (along with my other mods, which I consider indispensable), and an alternative would be great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depends on what you mean with it (and dont you DARE to not answer to this, Im not replying to a stone old topic of mine for jiggles), I came to the conclusion that it is extremly difficult to balance...I mean, the Energia engine (yeh, got it to work) has ridicoules Isp for KSP, and for the needed 4,5k delta v orbit, and having a 1.25m engine of 700-900kN thrust (dont remember the exact figures, but its essentially the super-optimistic design study of the NK-33 engine...you can guess how fun it is to have like 5 different versions of a NK-33 with the same bloody looks)...

Soo, whatever you want, Ill do it, just lemme point out my problems with this stuff:

1.Isp values (say the LOX/Kerosene mixture is ridicoulesly inefficient compared to KSP engines which pull off 370s without breaking a sweat)

2.Power to weight ratio (the NK-33 series is nigh weightless when I balance them historically correct, if Im in a "game-balance" mood theyre still lighter than any average 1,25m engine except the 909 maybe)

3.different versions of one engine with different properties (would YOU like having 5 different NK-33 versions with the bloody same model)

4.no one cares about this (seriously, I expected people would care "a bit" more when you get a friggin NK-33 together with a new, modular Soyuz to work in a new version of the game)

5.overall use, Id love to create historical rockets, but they dont have any, like any resemblance to real-life performance...say you wanna create a N1, if you use for the upper stage LOX/LH2 engines , with 400 or 440ish Isp, you can launch up to 100 tons of payload whilst your rocket weights...what...600 tons? thats, me thinks, a 4.16 times smaller proton rocket with an increase of payload by...20 times?if you keep the scale that is...

If I would have just one or two people with which I could discuss how to balance stuff out this would be long-released on KSPPort and might have more than 20 downloads...if Im lucky, that is.

Oh, and dont expect me ever figure out the texture problems...thats just plain impossibruh

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Can't argue with that--I'm sure we appreciate the effort, even if this thread has kind of died off. Sadly, I can't offer much advice when it comes to performance balancing (I just keep everything pretty close to the stock game with few exceptions).

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Well, it took me half a day, but I modified the R7 to work somewhat properly in-game...if it would launch from Eve, without an upper stage it might just be able to launch a 100, maybe 200 kilogram into orbit. (if it would launch from Kerbin, it could do significantly more, but you would definately have issues with the sustainer not having a high enough thrust-to-weight ratio.)

EDIT:Eve has a higher gravity...I forgot that...damn... wonder if hyperedit can change that.


Btw, seems the stayputnik is...big, a bit too big tbh, if I ever get around looking if fairing factory still works...and if I ever get around to get it to scale...

EDIT2:for as long as a mod which edits gravity or atmospheric scale height does not appear, this mod is ON HOLD. (not dead, on hold)

Dont worry tho...Ill put up the proper version for someone to pick up...If I will have a lot of time, or will just feel masochistic, I might put a "balanced" version up...balanced meaning the thrust will work out for the maximum possible payload the Delta-V allows...and I hate myself for my determination.

EDIT3:I have an idea...what, if you would mess around with the drag? Could that increase the amount of delta-v needed to launch? Oh my...now I have to test it...goddamnit

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Well, seems if you derp around with drag you can acctually increase the amount of delta-v needed...by bringing it from 0.2-0.3 to 0.5-0.6 I already needed like 6k delta-v... If I'll have a bit of luck, this might work out...

EDIT:well moving to 0.9 increased it again just by 1k delta-v...so I'll have to...*gulp*...balance it...

EDIT2:in the end, I think its impossible to give the rocket scaled performance without it being a shadow of itself (cause you could create a better 0.5m rocket with stock parts than the R7 would be with its majestic lifting power of 275kg into LKO, so Ive decided to do it like this : I did, for the moment, a Soyuz-U, it should be able to lift approx. 9, maybe 9,5 tons. After I create the Soyuz FG fuel tanks (yes, the ever so slight in-game difference of 0,2 tons per fuel tank is enough for my masochistic mind to go and create a new .cfg for it...because why not), which are finnaly going to give a point to the RD-107A and 108A, aswell as the 0124, it might be raised to 12, maybe 14 tons. And also, if I feel masochistic enough, I might rescale BobCat's shrouds (but at some point this rocket might have its very own shrouds...aswell as something bobcat's pack doesnt have...specially made for "lonely" kerbals...(enough of the all-to obvious spoilering)), but I think the Fregat is plain impossible to adapt to this rocket, with 2kN of thrust, I plain fail to see how it could work in the extremly short amount of time for a Kerbin orbit...except if you'd make a 200, or even 400km orbit...but then comes the question..how will the sustainer lift it? for now, as theres not much more to balance, I consider my job done...(but, if you take the spoilers into account...a release might come a bit later...and yes Im working on this mostly because of those spoilers...dunno why Im typing so much tho...*must...STAHP...TYPING...hnggggghhh*)

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Comrades, it is my pleasure and honour to say that, with the help of comrade MrTheBull


WE HAVE SUCCESFULLY CREATED THE 1ST .MU FILE OF THIS MOD! This is, comrades, a small step forward, but it is nontheless significant enough!

I am also proud to announce that NoMrBond has agreed to help us balance it out! But, thats not all, comrades! We have more!




Comrade MrTheBull has started work on the Vostok spacecraft!!! (!!!(!!!(!!!)))

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