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Is KSP your most played game?


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  that1guy said:
Well, I have to estimate, but I would say the order goes something like this

#1: Civ V at 399 hours

#2: Spore at 200 hours

#3: KSP 199 hours (on steam, much more if I added the unaccounted for time before it was on steam)

yeah, its #2 for me:

Civ 5: 740 hours

KSP: 440 hours

I might have a problem saying no to the next turn. Or the next launch.

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KSP is really the only computer game I play anymore. Prior to KSP I was all in on World of Tanks, but that feel off near the end of my wife's last pregnancy and the birth (IE I ended up not having ANY free time anymore). Then my brother-in-law last summer mentioned KSP as my youngest started being a better sleeper at night and I was hooked. I haven't gone back to WoT and I spend any gaming time with KSP.

It isn't as much time as I'd like the last 5 or 6 weeks. Been doing a pretty major basement renovation, plus I hurt my back pretty badly about 3 weeks ago and sitting is not always the most comfortable thing (especially not having to actually go to work as much as possible and sit at a desk). I figure in 2 or 3 weeks I should be mostly healed up again and my basement renovation should be winding down a lot. So hopefully by the time the .20 patch comes out I'll be back to playing KSP 2-3 nights a week (usually 3-5hrs a night). Right now I am probably managing at most 1 night a week for 2-3hrs.

I do also occasionally play Star Craft 2 with my brother-in-law and father-in-law, but that isn't more than maybe one night a month.

I'd say so far I probably have slightly more time in on WoT. I'd estimate I probably put in around 600hrs or so on WoT over the course of about a year. I've probably only put in maybe 300-400hrs on KSP so far. The only other games I have put in nearly as much time in my life have probably been FFVII (I have played at least 7-9 times at a minimum of 30hrs each time and the longest game was just shy of 80hrs before I decided to stop doing side quests and beat the game) and maybe the Total War series if you count them collectively (Shogun, Medieval, Rome, Medieval 2, Imperial are the ones I have/have played and I've probably put in at least 50-80hrs on each...except for Imperial, maybe only 25-30hrs in on that one).

Actually, scratch that. Back in the day in HS and College I might have put more time in on Counter Strike + Day of Defeat (if you count them collectively, which I do). I probably played at least 2-3hrs 5 nights a week my Senior year in HS and Freshman year of college + scattered playing of them my Junior year of HS and 2nd and 3rd years of college (not much by then. I was with my "ex" at that point and ignoring the rest of my life except her by early in my 2nd year of college).

Edited by lazarus1024
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  Uncle Mort said:
I must have spent thousands of hours on all versions of Civ ~ I thru V over the years. I always go back to it.

I spent like 3000+ hours on pokemon yellow special pinkichu edition alone

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I have over 200 hours of TF2 logged. I don't know about KSP and won't do the transfer because I like using Google Driv.e to sync stuff. But KSP has been my most-played game lately.

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Battlefield (pretty much all of them) have been my favourite games by far. Still remember playing BF1942 back in the day (and it still had better plane handling than KSP even if it was a FPS :0.0:).

KSP is by far one of my favourite games though, and I will be playing it for a longer time than any individual Battlefield I feel.

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I'd say KSP is my most played now. I had been playing Battle Pirates (a facebook game) a lot but I've advanced to the point where things take a while to build/research/upgrade now. So I find my self spending a lot of time in KSP. :cool:

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Of the moment, yes by a long way. Of all time not by a long chalk, yet. In a years time it may well be though!

Hard to say what is my most played game of all time, I put a lot of time into EVE Online at one point years ago, also Star Trek Online, but aside from MMOs, I think MAss Effect 2 has got a LOT of hours on it as has Skyrim. Going back into antiquity, KSP has to be the most outright addictive game since Sim City 2000 :)

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I'd probably say I've played KSP consistently for quite a while now, enough to rival other games, but for sheer playing hours, it would come mid-table, after Team Fortress 2, Halo: Combat Evolved (I worship the game), and Sonic Heroes on the original Xbox. Sonic Heroes was the game of my youth. And Skyrim is just amazing. They're in no particular order, I just know that I've racked up many an hour on those, and SPORE, which is one of the best games I have ever played. I can see KSP getting to that level though, it is one of those rare games when you really only are limited by your imagination.

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I have no idea how many hours I've played KSP. I got it way before it was released on Steam and intend to remain that way.

But right now it's my most played game since it's the only game I play. I'm not much of a player except for my green Kerbonauts.

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I play KSP so much that sometimes when I have forgotten what I am doing on the computer, my hand half-consciously pulls the mouse over to the KSP button and clicks it... Its like my default action.

But its a game that I am proud to "Over-play", rather than spending all my time on FPS's.

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I'd say compared to how long I've been playing Warcraft III, my time played in KSP is nothing compared to my time played in Warcraft III, and I have 215 hours played for KSP, and that's after I transferred to Steam.

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