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Is KSP your most played game?


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I've had Star Trek Online for 3 years and racked up 800 hours on that. I've owned KSP for 2-3 months and have 498 hours on it. That shows proportionally I do play this more than anything else in my steam library

Edited by Curs0r
Edited for coherence. I needed coffee.
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It's quickly ascending the list, but still a long way to go.

#1. World of Warcraft - I don't even want to know how many hours I have in this, but played it since beta and still do occasionally.

#2. Tribes 2 - No stat counter, but I'm still playing it occasionally and it came out in 2001.

#3. Transport Tycoon - The game came out in 1994 and I still play it occasionally so it's gotta be up there (I include OpenTTD combined with the original)

EVE Online - Not sure where this fits. But probably somewhere between Tribes and Civ. I've started and quit this game many times so it's difficult to judge.

The rest I'll go by steam stats:

#4. Battlefield: Bad Company 2: 344 Hours

#5. Civilization 5: 280 Hours

#6. Planetside 2: 180 Hours

#7. Team Fortress 2: 153 Hours

#8. Skyrim 150 Hours

#9. Kerbal Space Program: 132 Hours

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With single missions taking over 5 hours... i think it quickly becomes one of my most played game.

My most played game is WoT with over 300 hours spend in it.

2# Star Trek Bridge Commander with >250h? , played it since it was released , still have it installed (Maximum Warp for the win).All the mods ,the ships , Kobayashi Maru....Man ,my last wish before i die is to play again a GOOD online match , my last online game was like 5 years ago.

3# Gmod with around 130h

4# Half Life 2 with 110h , don't judge me , i loved that game :sticktongue:.Finished it again and again.

5# Skyrim with 88h

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  • 1 month later...

Hmmm, not even close, I once had ~1000 hours logged with a virtual airline in Flight Simulator (probably another few hundred hours not logged or logged with other VAs), that's probably my record. I also play grand strategy games, hundreds of hours each in different Total War versions and various Paradox games.

Since I only got KSP half a year ago and have been otherwise occupied at times since then it's still lagging behind...

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For me, WoW is the most played.

I think I spent 4-5 years playing it. In terms of actual hours I can't remember, though I wouldn't be surprised if it was close to a year of actual time.

Since I stopped playing, got into Minecraft, and played that for 2 years.

Now on KSP, which is currently 3rd.

In terms of games I currently play, KSP is #1, then Oolite, then Minecraft, and when the new Thief comes out, I'll be playing that.

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mine is like:

1. Maplestory (been playing since it started and gave up 2 or 3 yrs ago)

2. League of Legend ( ~3000games in total now)

3. Terraria (~200hrs according to steam client + ~200hr in a pirated copy of the game)

4. KSP (43hrs Steam version + ~100-300 hr in standalone version)

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  Peenvogel said:
The C64 has 64 kB of RAM (hence the name) of which 38 kB are available to BASIC. Imagine that! A lot has changed...

And I can proudly say I wrote a game which used up all of that 38KB!

Not a good game, and it got trashed when I reached that limit, but it was a lot of code!

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  xandski said:
I think I was about the same with WoW before I quit(ish). That game is such a time sink :cool:

I pretty much just stopped it. It became too much like work. I still miss it, but when I got on while missing it, it felt different to what I remember.

I guess it was like a bad relationship that you have ended, you have fond memories of it even though it was bad.

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I can only say my most played steam games, but I have played on my PS3 a lot more, so my most played games would probably be the Gran Turismo and CoD series.

My most played steam game by a wide margin is Left 4 Dead 2 with about 350 hours... Lmao. Kerbal Space program shares a close second place with GTA San Andreas and they are both around 70 hours, but that doesn't include the many hours I played KSP before transferring it to steam, and it is probably a lot closer to L4D2 than I would admit to :P

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I haven't played any other games since I bought KSP in August last year.

Well that's not completely true, I did play Zelda Twilight Princess(and finally beat it :D).

That was because I was waiting for some mods to be compatible with the newest version at the time. XD

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I've had KSP for around 6 or 7 weeks I think and, looking at Steam, I have 110 hours logged...not bad.

Team Fortress 2 is my most played game of all time, I play competitively 3 or 4 nights a week. That's been around for a while and I have a very addictive personality. I got 4607 hours of cartoony, hat simulator fun to 'boast' off.

Second is Dota 2 with just over a thousand hours and Football Manager in third with 800 odd. I have plenty of games coming in at the 50-150 hours mark. Endless Space, Skyrim, Blood bowl, X-COM and, thanks to steam sales, a whole load of games with less. Yes I play games a lot. Yes, I have a full time job and yes, I have a girlfriend. (Luckily she likes crap tv, so whilst I play she can watch all the poop on tele and I can shoot people in the face and fly to other worlds, win-win).

KSP is certainly my current obsession though. Absolute love. I have 'encouraged' at least 5 people that I know of to join the fun as well. I'm spreading the word as much as I can because it really is something a bit different this game. Love it.

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Right now it's Call of Duty Black Ops 2 multiplayer. Trying to kill time until the next update, Total War Rome II, and GTA V.

It sucks because I keep starting the game up to do something and I can't bring myself to start anything because I have no idea when the update drops.

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KSP is basically the only game I play now-a-days. I used to be a hardcore FPS gamer and worked for a company that was writing a tournament/betting system for counter strike, but I've got so fed up with the communities that surround most games, they are all so aggressive and rude (and worse) and there is so little creativity. I still play DayZ very occasionally but not anything like as much as I used to.

Bang bang is all good, but really a game has to either have a very imaginative story or gameplay mechanics, or it has to let me be imaginative. KSP is just perfect, it lets you be as creative as you can imagine and make your own story as you go. And the community is without comparison, I've never encountered such an awesome gaming community. It's made a single player game more social than most multiplayer games!

I'm quite glad I'm not a steam user and don't have an actual count of the hours (months) that I've spent in KSP, I think it would be a bit concerning.

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Oh no, KSP is in no way a competitor for time compared to Egosoft's X3 series. X3 Terran Conflict: 2194 hours played. X3 Albion Prelude: 2103 hours played. KSP: 1059 hours played. Am basically done with KSP until something new to do comes out in an update or two.

X3 is a space empire building game. There are so many ways to play that game differently it's just mind boggling.

Not saying that KSP won't eventually get there. But X3 has been worked on for about 15 years now.

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