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Starship Andromeda, the M-1-X

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This is a totally stock Starship that I spent yesterday afternoon putting together. It is mostly for aesthetics, as the Delta-V is a mere 10,000m/s (appx.) The interior is the highlighting feature in my opinion. It has space for 24 passengers below-deck (26 if you cram the leisure observatories) and 5 command staff on the bridge. Believe it or not, this craft is balanced and will fly almost perfectly straight, though I have seen a few phantom forces at work so SAS is a good idea to have on (it's equipped with ASAS by the way...) It's not very fast, and a Kerbal on EVA can easily outfly it even when it's engines are on full power, but once again, the ship isn't really intended to fly well so much as it is to look good. to experience the interior, just simply zoom in during flight so that your view clips through the front of the ship so you can see the interior hallway. From there, select a cabin, and EVA a Kerbal. use the EVA pack to fly down the Hall. The bridge is accessed via the ladders in the main hall, and to exit the ship just jet pack down to the end past the power station, and go down through the gap. To lower the ladders in the bridge hit 1. Do this before playing around on the inside for simplicity sake.

I strongly recommend using Crew Manifest to load the ship prior to take off, and it should be noted that I did NOT design a legitimate way to launch this thing. My means of getting it to space was editing the savefile. If you have Hyper edit, it will be much easier to enjoy this ship, while avoiding the pesky savefile editing. It should also be noted that there are two mods which were present in the version I used for the pictures, but these mods are no longer there. The KSPX tanks are replaced with stock Monopropellant tanks, and the Engineer chip is gone.


For some reason, probably a side effect of mild part clipping, if the ship is moving, and a Kerbal hits it on EVA, the Kerbal is very likely to be killed. There are also some tight corners here and there that can achieve this effect, so I advise caution when moving about the craft. Also worth note, the Bridge is on structural pylons with built-in decouplers, so if you stage, the bridge will be ejected, however, not without tearing the ship to shreds and scattering over 340 parts into space. The engines also tend to get a little warm when running at max throttle But I haven't yet had an overheating issue. DON'T EVA THE CAPTAIN! The crew member in the main cupola on the bridge is kinda trapped... Unfortunately, EVA-ing him will pop his head through the front panel on the top of the bridge and he'll be stuck. A lot of wiggling can free him but it's very likely that he'll die, or break the bridge before this happens. (see the pictures for an example of this mishap) A Kerbal can enter the Captains seat however, it just takes a little wiggling to get up the ladder, and once on it's a breeze to enter the Cupola... just don't plan on leaving.


Craft File

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Just seeing the pictures of the hallways and bridge immediately make me think it's going to turn out to be a alien horror movie like Pandorum. >_>

Oh yeah I only saw like the first half of that movie. But if you want sci-fi horror, turn off the ships lights before you go on EVA, then use just the Kerbal's Headlamp.

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