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Is it me or has command pod torque been buffed?


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I compared the stats of the 0.19 and 0.20 version of the 3 man command pod and this bit is the same:

// --- pod/rcs parameters ---

rotPower = 20

linPower = 20

So I think nothings been changed there.

Edit: Ok I didn't see the (on pod torque alone) part but I have checked those and they are all the same. However the new large rockomax size probe has the highest value of all the probes.

Edited by cypher_00
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I have an unmanned tug using one of the new probe cores. It cannot be turned without using RCS. I don't mean it's slow, I mean it literally will not change rotation at all. I just tried slapping 12 SAS modules on it, and it still won't go anywhere. Then I attached one 3-kerbal command pod on it and it works, though very slowly (it's a heavy tug, 5 full orange tanks)

So, don't know if the command pod has been buffed, but the new probe cores don't work at all for maneuvering.

I'm using that tug anyway by using RCS, but it'd be nice to not have to like other ships I've built. I guess I haven't built very many unmanned ships though.

.craft file if anyone wants to tell me what's wrong with it. Has a MechJeb, stock otherwise.

(To launch with MechJeb: limit accel to 19m/s2, and turn RCS on when it starts to spin after a few stages have finished)

Edited by Ogre
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