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Star wars style ships in ksp.

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After reading through some posts, and being guilty of adding star wars style ships myself, I have this to say about it. It seems to me that star wars style sci fi ships are basically appealing in the sense that we all dream of these ships, and yes they are cool. But they are by no means practical for this game. Star wars style ships have the usefulness of a fleet of super carrier cargo ships that service the Hawaiian islands only. These ships are long range combat and haulers, the kerbal game is all based on short range discovery and colonization. I personally like the star wars line, and for that matter all the sci fi stuff, but still the limited range and system size takes away from them. Like the USS enterprise, a long range exploration ship. Someone. Even mentioned an imperial star destroyer.

I have completed converting the rebel blockade runner to work in the game with 8 life pods that can be used, having done this, I can't see a use for it. My xwing conversion and all the other craft again pretty useless in the game, but fun to play with. I am by no means a talented modellers like some here rather I have learned how to limited convert models for usage.

I guess what I'm saying to all the modders out there, is please keep up your hard work and dedication to making this game fun. I will still tinker with converting and I will always get permissions to use others meshes. But to the real teams that make original stuff, kudos.


Can someone make me a delorean time machine?


Captain Morgan.

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After reading through some posts, and being guilty of adding star wars style ships myself, I have this to say about it. It seems to me that star wars style sci fi ships are basically appealing in the sense that we all dream of these ships, and yes they are cool. But they are by no means practical for this game. Star wars style ships have the usefulness of a fleet of super carrier cargo ships that service the Hawaiian islands only. These ships are long range combat and haulers, the kerbal game is all based on short range discovery and colonization. I personally like the star wars line, and for that matter all the sci fi stuff, but still the limited range and system size takes away from them. Like the USS enterprise, a long range exploration ship. Someone. Even mentioned an imperial star destroyer.

I have completed converting the rebel blockade runner to work in the game with 8 life pods that can be used, having done this, I can't see a use for it. My xwing conversion and all the other craft again pretty useless in the game, but fun to play with. I am by no means a talented modellers like some here rather I have learned how to limited convert models for usage.

I guess what I'm saying to all the modders out there, is please keep up your hard work and dedication to making this game fun. I will still tinker with converting and I will always get permissions to use others meshes. But to the real teams that make original stuff, kudos.


Can someone make me a delorean time machine?


Captain Morgan.

The best I did was make a somewhat functional AT-AT using the damned robotics mod. I kind of got it to walk, but it was pretty shakey.

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IMHO 'Sci-fi' ships lose a lot of their appeal in KSP due to well.. physics.. Most sci-fi movies/shows throw physics right out the window and spacecraft end up flying like planes... That isn't the case in KSP.. .or reality.

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IMHO 'Sci-fi' ships lose a lot of their appeal in KSP due to well.. physics.. Most sci-fi movies/shows throw physics right out the window and spacecraft end up flying like planes... That isn't the case in KSP.. .or reality.

I agree, but I have always considered this option when watching sci fi craft. It would be far easier to adapt a space plane to fly like a plane, than to have to train separate pilots. I imagine that the people on these fictitious worlds have developed air flight first, and over time have simply modified the space planes to behave in a manner similar to the aircraft.

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Its a pain. Mainly keeping it balanced and giving it enough power...

To maintain its shape I pretty much need to use the large variant fuel tanks which are heavy. I'm using 4 sabre style engines just now, but even that is awkward at the moment.

Ill get it working... Its just going to be an engineering nightmare.

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That's the spirit, keep at it. I know I am. I am / was working on the UDL-4 and M577, from aliens then I discovered that devo was doing one, so I backed off. But I have completed my version and it's nice, it's a conversion. But for the sake of things, I won't be making it AVAILIBLE for uploads. Still it looks good.


Edited by ThePyrateCaptain
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After reading through some posts, and being guilty of adding star wars style ships myself, I have this to say about it. It seems to me that star wars style sci fi ships are basically appealing in the sense that we all dream of these ships, and yes they are cool. But they are by no means practical for this game. Star wars style ships have the usefulness of a fleet of super carrier cargo ships that service the Hawaiian islands only. These ships are long range combat and haulers, the kerbal game is all based on short range discovery and colonization.

Sci-Fi ships will always hold some appeal in my mind, just as a figure of nostalgia. However, any argument of their being useless is pretty much null and void. This is a goal-less game at the moment, any argument of practicality is inherently invalidated. They're pretty great for just existing, as all things in KSP are.

I personally like the star wars line, and for that matter all the sci fi stuff, but still the limited range and system size takes away from them. Like the USS enterprise, a long range exploration ship. Someone. Even mentioned an imperial star destroyer. I have completed converting the rebel blockade runner to work in the game with 8 life pods that can be used, having done this, I can't see a use for it. My xwing conversion and all the other craft again pretty useless in the game, but fun to play with. I am by no means a talented modellers like some here rather I have learned how to limited convert models for usage.

The developers have planned FTL and procedurally generated solar systems, you may one day get a destination for the good ship Enterprise.

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That's the spirit, keep at it. I know I am. I am / was working on the UDL-4 and M577, from aliens then I discovered that devo was doing one, so I backed off. But I have completed my version and it's nice, it's a conversion. But for the sake of things, I won't be making it AVAILIBLE for uploads. Still it looks good.


Dude that looks amazing.

Does it fly?

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Dude that looks amazing.

Does it fly?

Yup. I didn't model it, I converted the mesh to something ksp could handle, set up the cfg files, reworked the textures a bit, and viola. The Dropship flies, although its more designed for recently and VTOL flight. The APC, don't drive, haven't figured out carts yet. Again, I did not create the mesh, merely imported it. But yeah it's great.

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Remember, Star Wars craft had repulser lift technology.

This is correct. I incorporated antigrav into it to simulate repulsors lift. Basically the antigrav spa with a B brake to stop and hold ascending. Works nicely. Then that coupled with hyperedit to kill forward velocity, and the likes makes em good enough. Lotsa people downloaded em. There on the star port. Last one I converted was the life pod, and now converting the ce90 corvette to hold eight of those, works so far.

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These were fairly functional in both atmosphere and space using conventional aerodynamics and Newtonian physics. They utilized RCS thrusters and reduced forward velocity by retrograde burning.


Now as to the reality of space combat...less so. Though I thought the Mass Effect universe thoroughly explained practical space warfare even if it didn't visualize it properly. (Granted everything ran on only a semi-plausible capability of mass manipulation)

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These were fairly functional in both atmosphere and space using conventional aerodynamics and Newtonian physics. They utilized RCS thrusters and reduced forward velocity by retrograde burning.


Now as to the reality of space combat...less so. Though I thought the Mass Effect universe thoroughly explained practical space warfare even if it didn't visualize it properly. (Granted everything ran on only a semi-plausible capability of mass manipulation)

I was always a fan of BSG, always liked the viper.

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Well the thing about sci fi is, it has to look good, lucasology makes em fly.


Take that one for example, although a great design, making it fly was rather difficult, so i opted for a set of vtol engines that dont let thrust be seen, oh its there, but no damage, no effects, other than flight.


This is it in the hanger with the APC stowed. The whole thing is quite amusing to use,

As stated in the thread, wont really be availible for use, but i have seen military style ships being done, and they get "colorful" military equipment is plain, drab and ugly. Having served 8 years in an AB, i know this first hand.


Now if only i can get the CART thingy down. i dont have a clue how it works. But i will dismantle one and see.

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Slight update on the TIE SSTO design, made it lighter, added more engines: failed to reach high altitude but flew stable.

Added more weight and removed a set of engines: still very stable... Have to be very careful when gaining altitude and try and gain as much speed as possible. She's a big girl and takes a while to gain velocity.

Think I pushed it up too hard to early. Had to nose down at about 12k to gain speed. Flameout at 22k. Remained stable. Managed to get sub orbital at 80k with some fuel left for the jets.

Ended simulation.

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