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A short treatise on the Kerbals


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This is my first foray into KSP fan-works. Rather than post an after-action report (none of my missions have been particularly original or exciting so far :) ), I thought it would be fun to try and put together a vaguely coherent backdrop for the Kerbal Space Program and for Kerbalkind in general. Aceassasin's thread on theories of Kerbal biology, finally prompted me to actually write down some ideas that have been floating around in the back of my head for a while.

Thanks Ace.

Encyclopaedia Galactica

Article ZZ9sZA - The Kerbol System

Section 3 - Kerbin (Kerbol 3)

Subsection 5a - Overview of dominant lifeforms


Symbiosis can be defined as the process whereby unlike organisms live together for mutual benefit and is an evolutionary strategy that has been found on many planets throughout the galaxy. However, the planet Kerbin (Kerbol 3) is unique in all the Charted Worlds for the depth, complexity and sheer pervasiveness of symbiotic pairs within its ecosystem. Preliminary surveying and cataloging reveals that each plant species on Kerbin has its own animal symbiote. These provide a wide range of ecosystem services for their plant partner, most notably seed dispersal and active defence against competing species. The benefits to the animal partner are less clear. In many cases the plants do not provide a food source, indeed in a few cases a symbiotic pair has co-evolved to such an extent that the biochemistry of a particular animal partner is entirely dependent on specific micronutrients synthesised by the plant partner, significantly reducing its ability to adapt to changing ecological circumstances.

The dominant plant species on Kerbin is the Kerm tree. Each Kerm tree is part of a planet wide network, linked through a complex array of direct root to root connections and indirect chemical signals. The signal processing capability of the Kerm tree network is substantial and forms a trans-planetary neural network akin to that found on Pandora, Chiron and the other Manifold worlds. The Kerm network monitors and regulates the Kerbin ecosystem with exquisite precision. It is unclear whether each tree in the network is individually sentient but their symbiotes are both sentient and the primary technology using species on the planet. They call themselves the Kerbals.

Kerbal physiology

Visually, the Kerbals are humanoid in appearance, although their cranial capacity is unusually large compared to their overall body size. Their characteristic protruding eyeballs give them good binocular vision and excellent spatial perception. Their skin is a uniform green colour, although the precise shade can vary from individual to individual. Hair cover is limited to the top of the head and exceptionally to facial hair. The few Kerbals that do possess facial hair appear to possess it in great abundance, although it is unclear whether this is driven by aesthetics or by innate biology.

Kerbals are hermaphroditic and may switch between a female form and a male form several times throughout their lives. The switch appears to be triggered by an as-yet unidentified pheromone secreted by the Kerm trees. Female Kerbals appear to be marsupial and carry their young in a pouch. It has been speculated that the unusual Kerbal body proportions precluded the development of the more typical mammalian reproductive mode.

Biochemically, a Kerbal are more similar to plants than animals. Their bodies are tough and woodlike, with movement being provided by the cooperative motion of bundles of lignin-similar fibres. Motion is generated by the twisting (short form) and untwisting (long form) of fibre bundles, rather than the more common ratchet type molecular motor - see for example the Terran actin-myosin system. Their green coloration is due to an evenly dispersed layer of subcutaneous chlorophyl and as a result, Kerbals are phototrophic, although they normally depend on both heterotrophic and phototrophic nutritional modes. However, in emergencies, a Kerbal can survive solely as a phototroph although at a substantially lower metabolic rate, similar to the hibernation modes observed in other galactic species.

For more detail on Kerbal metabolism and biochemistry we refer the reader to the collected works of Professor A.C. Eassasin.

Edited by KSK
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Social structure.

Although they are individually sentient, each Kerbal remains a symbiote of the Kerm tree network (referred to by the Kerbals as The Kerm) and this is fundamental to any understanding of Kerbal society. Broadly speaking, the Kerbals belong to one of three main social groups, group membership being a decided by biological function rather than individual status. Indeed, the groups are both fluid and socially equivalent. Group membership is largely down to individual choice, subject to the overarching requirements of The Kerm.

The Kerm-an (literally outside the Kerm) often shortened to Kerman are the main technological drivers in Kerbal society. They are the most outwardly visible part of Kerbal civilisation to the extent that less sophisticated galactic observers have mistaken them for the entirety of Kerbal civilisation. The Kerman are also exclusively male.

The Kerm-ol (with the Kerm) or Kermol for short, are primarily forest dwellers and are responsible for tending The Kerm. Living in close proximity to The Kerm enables the Kermol to switch between male and female forms and bear children. The Kermol tend to be reclusive and are rarely seen by off-world observers.

The An-Kerm (inside the Kerm) are non-corporeal entities that exist solely within The Kerm and are necessarily the most closely attuned to it of all Kerbal social groups. Broadly speaking, the An-Kerm are the true leaders of Kerbal society and interpret and communicate the will of The Kerm to the Kermol. Communication appears to depend on direct contact between The Kerm and the Kermol rather than a purely telepathic link. The Kermol spread the word of The Kerm to the various Kerman regional leaders or Presidentia.

In general, a Kerbal will only become An-Kerm shortly before physical death. Under certain circumstances, Kerbals may be raised An-Kerm whilst still alive and exceptionally, their An-Kerm personas may be reincarnated as new Kerbals following the untimely demise of the original. Reincarnation is not a straightforward process and the reincarnated Kerbal will not retain any memories of any events occurring after becoming An-Kerm.

Kerbal names consist of one or more given names followed by their current social group name. Thus, to many observers, the Kerbals consist of a single "Kerman" family or tribe.


In general the Kerbals are an easy going species, characterised by an intense curiosity about their own world of Kerbin as well as the other worlds of the Kerbol system and beyond. This natural drive to explore is usually tempered to some extent by a very real anxiety caused by separation from The Kerm. However, any doubts and anxiety caused by a journey away from The Kerm are normally overwhelmed by the sheer joy of finding and exploring new places.

Their physical resilience and possibility of literal reincarnation mean that Kerbals tend to be risk tolerant. In some notable individuals, risk tolerance is taken to extreme levels that would be regarded as foolhardy by most other galactic civilisations.

Industrial and economic development

Technologically, the Kerbal civilization is comparable to that of most other nascent spacefaring races in the galaxy. In contrast, their industrial base and general level of economic development are notably more primitive than their technological status would suggest. Two reasons have been proposed for this, one straightforward and the other more subtle.

At heart, the Kerbals are still symbiotes of The Kerm and deliberate damage to The Kerm is anathema to them. Therefore their drive for industrial development is inevitably subsumed and limited by their drive to avoid environmental damage wherever possible. More speculatively, their symbiosis with The Kerm gives the Kerbals an enormous social safety net. Each and every Kerbal knows that they can rely on The Kerm to provide the civilised basics of food, clean water, shelter and protection. In that sense, no Kerbal is truly poor. As a result, they tend to be generally disinterested in acquiring excess material wealth and the notion of mass producing consumer goods for sale and personal profit rarely occurs to them. Thus Kerbal industry tends to be characterised by individual craftsmanship and bespoke works rather than heavy manufacturing and mass production. Thus, Kerbal technology almost inevitably has a rather eccentric and often somewhat ramshackle appearance.

Historically, Kerbal technological development has been driven by phases of expansion and a deep seated urge to extend The Kerm to new lands. They are exceptionally proficient seafarers, navigators and astronomers.


Ever since the discovery of the other planets in the Kerbol system, Kerbal astronomers have dreamed of the possibility of carrying the seeds of The Kerm to new worlds. More recently, it has become apparent to the Kerman that continued industrial and technological development can only realistically take place off-world due to the overriding need to preserve the Kerbin environment for The Kerm. However, the question of how to actually reach those worlds has never been satisfactorily answered… until now.

The Kerbal Interplanetary Society began as a group of hobbyist engineers and aerospace enthusiasts, gathering together at Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spare Parts Company. Mainstream Kerman society regarded the KIS with amused tolerance, particularly after any more than usually spectacular failure of their prototype 'rockets'. However, the pioneering sub-orbital flight of Jebediah, Bill and Bob Kerman aboard the Kerbal 1 was to change everything. The first blurry photographs of Kerbin from high altitude sparked a wave of excitement throughout Kerbal society. From the intrepid Kermans of the KIS to the most reclusive An-Kerm, the promise of spaceflight spread like wildfire.

Now, the Kerbin civilisation stands on the threshold. The Spare Parts Company is no more, replaced by Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Company. Other rocket companies such as Probodobodyne Inc and the Rockomax Corporation have sprung up, seemingly overnight. Finally, the KIS has been replaced by a far larger organisation. One that has drawn upon the talents and skills of Kerman, Kermol and An-Kerm from across the planet. One that is dedicated to the exploration of space and taking The Kerm to worlds beyond the ken of Kerbalkind.

That organisation is the Kerbal Space Program.

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Yes! Yes! YES! I have been trying to write one of these for so long, and I could not seem to get it to work, but you, you have created a masterpeice.

If you want help or anything, just ask.

Subscribing and + repping

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Wow - thanks for the kind words and +rep. I'd have been happy getting comments for my first bit of writing, let alone such enthusiastic ones!

@Mekan1K. I have some ideas on Kerbal agriculture and life support systems that I plan to add when I get a moment to write them up. Any suggestions on what else to explore would be gratefully received, along with any proofreading. Granted this is only fictionalised 'science' but I'd like it to be self consistent if nothing else. Feel free to add your own thoughts too!

@Needles_10. Oh that sounds fun. Lots to write though and I don't think editing it down to 'mostly harmless' is going to cut it :) I think I'll keep the Hitchhiker version separate from this one but look out for a 'Don't Panic' thread sometime soon... Quick question - did you spot the Hitchhiker reference in my 'encyclopaedia' piece? :)

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