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[0.20] Angara rockets family. (rockets in kit !)

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Hello :)

i tried to make a stock version of the Angara rocket Family, by creating the components that make them individually. this results in a complete rocket in kit system ^^ (thanks subassembly loader :P)

first - the various parts which compose the Angara's (not all parts are used in each of the rockets (the fairings are exclusive to each for example) some parts are made by reusing other parts. (example : the Briz KM which is the basic system with a small tank, and the Briz M which is in fact a large tank around the Briz KM in real life).

the parts where made with ease of use with subassembly loader, so various parts have adapters to the stage below it (with a decoupler in the middle, with struts making a strong connection between the adapter and the stage above it (and for russian rockets, as they use open lattice shrouds between stage, it's almost mandatory to use struts :P).

those rockets and upperstages are not made for docking things together - your payload will have to do this job :P

so now, the parts :

final stages :

the Briz KM (hard to recreate ingame, as it has to be clipped into a 2.5m tank to create the Briz M)

picture with and without the lower stage adapter. this bad boy has an incredible TWR for the payloads it has to ferry, and only 27s of burn at full burn, so recommendations are to use it with a throttle at 1/3rd :P (which still gives it 1200+ m/s of delta V with it's 2 tons payload)


the Briz M uses the Briz KM as a base, which gives it a nice TWR of 0.80 for manoeuvering in orbit with it's heavier payloads (designed with a payload of 24.5tons)


the KVTK, designed for heavier payloads :


Second Stages :

The soyouz Block I upperstage, with added controls / RCS (so we can deorbit it)


And it's modified version for heavier payloads (upgraded engines, additionnal tank of fuel) (the lower stage adapter remains the same than the standard Block I)


First Stages :

The URMs - universal rocket modules. the first stage is created by sticking urm's together for the desired rockets. versions of the angara use 1, 3, 5 or 7 URMs.

central URM core and capped version. (the engines are the same on both, two skippers clipped together to look like there's only one engine):


The fairings : all my fairings are made to be separated in halves during staging.

From left to right : Angara 1.1 fairing; Angara 1.2 fairing; Angara A3 fairing; Angara A5 fairing; Angara A7 fairing.



now the assembled rockets themselves, side by side,shown with half fairings - note : (the final stage is protected by the fairing in those designs):

From left to right : Angara 1.1 (with a 2 tons payload) Angara 1.2 (3.7 tons payload) Angara A3 (14.5 tons payload) Angara A5 (24.5 tons payload) Angara A7 (36.5 tons payload)


So here's for a tour of this rocket family :)

here's the links / some tips on those rockets :


Rocket kit pack : for Subassembly loader users, which would want to copy the parts 1 by 1, or those who want to study them. don't forget to take a look at the strutting of the full versions. (notably the fairing struts)

note : for those who want to build their own payload with the below rockets, just declip the rocket by clicking the decoupler under the payload, trash the payload, and remake your own. (the starting node is always in the dummy payload in those .craft files)

Angara 1.1 :

for this rocket, normal ascent to 10000m, start your G-turn, and once you jetisonned the first stage, reduce your throttle to 1/3rd to not overshoot your apoapsis :P

Angara 1.2 :

Slow ass ascension, the first stage will be jetisonned soon after you started your G-turn at 10000m. reduce a bit the throttle of your second stage (between 2/3rd and 1/2)

Angara A3 :

this one should be pretty straightforward.

Angara A3 with Kliper :

Flight instructions at the bottom of the first page of this thread :P(direct link to the post)

Angara A5 :

reduce a bit your first stage throttle after going over the 20000 meters mark.

Angara A7 :

a bit wobbly, but it holds. like the A5, reduce a bit your first stage throttle after the 20000 meters mark.

As always in KSP, have fun :)

Edited by sgt_flyer
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Awesome, awesome. I'd like to see an example mission using these parts.

i think someone uf us should open the "Stock Russian Rockets" Thread in the Rockebuilder section

I actually like clogging up this section with our awesome stuff. :P

I agree though, it would be good to have a thread to showcase our things in a central location.

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the dummy payloads weights listed above are close to the working capabilities of these(after these weights, one stage or another will lack TWR or Delta V for the ascent) i usually send my payloads to a 100x100 LKO, and the final stage still have delta-V left for various manoeuvers in orbit (ex : the Angara 1.2 has a TWR of 1.22 at liftoff with it's 3.7 tons payload... the soyouz Block I is damn heavy ^^)

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Here's Kliper mounted Atop Angara A3 (which was one of the possible launchers for kliper) - Briz M replaced by Kliper on this version, and winglets added to first stage.

i have included an access arm on the launch pad (it will separate and fall away from the rocket on liftoff) for adding up to 4 Kerbals into the Hitchiker's. (press 3 to deploy the access arm ladders)


abort sequence : press the abort button or backspace (don't forget to disable ASAS just after hitting abort) and, once the escape tower finished it's burn, jetisson it with 1, and glide your way back to the surface. (you can reuse ASAS after the abort sequence)

the craft is turned so it's wings face north at liftoff, it's to prevent from having the wing lift messing with the rest during g-turn (the rocket will slightly rotate during G-turn, but it won't make the rocket uncontrollable.)

you should set your throttle at a bit more than 2/3rd (like on the image) and you shouldn't need to move it until orbit (if you go full throttle, you will hit your target Apoapsis too soon).

start your G-Turn at 10000m, make a smooth turn to reach around 45° at 20000m, then continue your smooth turn to reach the horizon at 50000m. (the first stage will run out of fuel around 30000m, the escape tower will be jetisonned at the same time than the first stage).

once at 50000 m, continue to burn towards the horizon until you have your apoapsis at the desired height for LKO (i usually go for a 100kmx100km orbit) , then circularize (and correct your orbital angle as needed, if you want to go equatorial).

you can then separate from the second stage, switch to it, turn it retrograde, fire it's engines, and switch rapidly back to the kliper (the burn the second stage will make during the 2.5km until it goes on rails is enough to deorbit it) and voila, your kliper in orbit with 1200 m/s of Delta V in it's orbital module for your orbital manoeuvers needs :).

As always with the kliper, it's a great reentry glider, which can do precision landings (no parachutes :P) for reentry : deorbit with it's orbital module engines, turn your kliper's prograde, and jetisson the orbital module.

(i usually do my deorbit burn from a 100x100 orbit over the big mountain range in the desert, and let my orbit path fall a bit before the middle of the ocean east of KSC, this should bring you near KSC, and once the kliper speed is under 200 m/s, you should be able to easily manoeuver it to line up with KSC's runway, and landing at around 50m/s.

(my usual suborbital trajectory after Deorbit burn with the kliper, though the end point can be even a little nearer KSC than what's in the pic) : K4CqMlrl.jpg

here's the Angara Kliper : http://www./?06c048owuodieas

New version of Angara + Kliper : at 345 parts, the A5 with modified soyouz block I - it can make a Free return trajectory from mün with the upper stage :) (kliper's will only need to use it's fuel to circularize around Mün, and coming from a FRT, you'll have plenty of fuel left to service whatever station you have up there :)


- does not come with the access scaffolding this time.

ascent profile is as follow :

liftoff with the throttle 4 small notches below the max.

at 10000m, start a smooth G-turn, in order to reach : 45° at 15000m, 30° at 25000m, 20° at 35000m, and 0° at 45000m - burn until your apoapsis is at 80000m then wait until apoapsis to circularize.

you can then make your Free return trajectory, to the Mün as usual with the Angara's upper stage as a transfer stage. (when i tested it, i had enough fuel left in the upper stage to send it on a crash course to mün after decoupling)

once at mün, circularize with the kliper, and service whatever stations you have in orbit up there, before coming back to kerbin :)

here's the Kliper around mün :

ZBjIyUTl.jpg - as you see, plenty of fuel left (around 1000 / 1100 remaining delta-V :P)

Edited by sgt_flyer
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  • 2 months later...

well, i still use those angaras in various configurations, depending on the payload - in the end, the various final stages is completely optionnal for those lifters, and are only useful as transfer stages. ex : the A7 with the upgraded block I without fairing can lift around 60 tons to LKO without much of a sweat :)

and regarding the fairings, i now have even better ones ;) but i'm still working on these new fairings.

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the angara's expanded fairings are made by creating a 'flat' base from cubic struts or beams starting from the radial decouplers, which allows me to correctly angle the fairings at the base, then i build then from the ground up, with a x2 symmetry.

@giggleplex the main problem i have with those, is that the rocket stacks are supposed to be of smalled diameter than the upper stages - but this would utterly defeat those rocket purposes to try to limit their size : the part count would skyrocket :P

i keep using these angara's various components for when i have a payload + transfer stage weight up to 60 tons. (without those heavy fairings, those are effective and with a part count not too high, and easy to adapt to your payload :P)

else, one main element i would rebuild, is the Block I (maybe to add a engine fairing which splits in 3, and maybe try to make it a bit wider, in order to match a bit more closely the real angara's shape. - else, they still work in 0.21 :) )

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Well, i based myself on this picture, or a similar one, and there are vernier pods on it :)


i picked the block I directly from my earlier soyuz rockets for angara :)

That's a rd-110 :) main nozzles are fixed on the rd-110 :) it´s the improved block i which is supposed to use the rd-124, which have gimballed main nozzles.

In the end, the 124 is heavier, has slightly less thrust, but has a much better isp thanthe 110.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, this rocket is fully modular, so the twr is not the same for each version. I usually build my payload, add one of the transfer stages if required, then the necessary combination of first and second stage through engineer redux. (With the various parts as subassemblies and engineer redux, i usually need less than a minute to assemble the correct launcher for the job. (Basically, it ends up with 'do i have a twr between 1 and 2 and 4500 d/v with the two first stages.

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