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On Custom Control Boxes for KSP


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I just started on a project along these lines, in true Kerbal fashion. By that I mean lots of "found lying by the side of the road" parts -- the only parts of this that weren't salvaged from the garbage are the Stellaris Launchpad microcontroller, the breadboard, and the LED. It's in its infancy; last night I just managed to get the Launchpad talked into speaking USB HID, rigged a launch abort switch, and spent the rest of the evening aborting launches. That solid, satisfying CLUNK of the toggle switch is addictive.

I'm up to abort (switch on the left, duh) and two action groups (with the center-off SPDT on the right) now, which I've standardized as jettisoning the launch escape tower and deploying parachutes.


Those banana plugs at the upper right are only there because their threads seem to be mangled and I couldn't get them out easily. In the end, I decided they're appropriately Kerbal and gave up.

Edited by Bunsen
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