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Kerbalised film / game posters! [image heavy][now adding!]


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Kerbalised game / movie posters

Hello and welcome to the completely redesigned thread! Formerly this thread was to show off a KSP adaptation of the Kill Bill film poster, requested by Kaspervld while on TTlabambaTT's stream. Now its home to a wide range of posters;

Here's the current list, i will add to it however when it gets too long ill leave it a while to get some things ticked off before it grows again:


magical link to votes as i'm incapable of working out how to do it via the forums: http://goo.gl/UD5hfo

please no longer vote for the following as they have now been done:

The kerbinator



Colour coding:

Red means not started!

Yellow means started; but not done!

Green means finished by me, Scroll down to see!

Blue means that its been done by one of you! Scroll down also!

Feel feel free to do some from the list; however i called dibs on my favs ;) Also ideas to replace taken ones are appreciated.

The Dark Side of the mün- benjiful9000 (not sure to go with original or the transformers film :P)

Originally "Dark side of the moon"

Boosterfield 3 - gmpd2000

Originally "Battlefield 3"

Burn hard 2: burn harder - draeath

Originally "Die hard 2: die harder"

SAS Wars 6: return of the Jebidiah - the Ginosaji

Originally "Star wars (6): return of the jedi"

Krakengeddon - kookoo_gr

Originally "Armageddon"

Kerbollo 13 (basing it off of the community campaign is cool, but ill use the film poster to base it off of ;)) - kookoo_gr

Originally "Apollo 13"

Kerbalization 5 : Brave New Kerbin - Sesni

Kerbalisation 5 : Boosters and Kraken edition - The destroyer

Originally "Civilisation V brave new world:" (when i get to it people can decide which is better)

Kerbal Who - Tyber

Originally "Doctor who"

The Kerbinator - kookoo_gr I call dibs on this one!:P

Originally "The terminator" (for this people can choose which terminator film)

0.21 A Kerbal Odyssey - kookoo_gr

Originally "2001 a space odyssey" (this guy is on fire! So many good suggestions!)

Grand theft rover - Katve

Originally "Grand theft auto"

The kerbal scrolls IV: jeblivion - Flixxbeatz

Originally "The elder scrolls IV: oblivion"

Mythboosters - the ginosaji

Originally "Mythbusters"

Kercific rim - whatshtisthis

Originally "Pacific rim"

FTJ: Faster Than Jeb - scorpi15

Originally "FTL: Faster Than Light"

Team Kerbal 2 - Scorpi15

Originally "Team Fortress 2"

Jeb in black - Vargata

Originally "Men in black"

Krakens: Kerbal marines - kopykat99

Originally "Aliens: colonial marines"

Ghost boosters - IWantSumCrusha I call dibs on this one!:P

Originally "ghost busters"

The K team - Kookoo_gr

Originally "The A team"

Dawn of the Jeb - jpem

Originally "Dawn of the dead"

Jeb cause 2 - palker

Originally "Just cause 2"

Kersassin's kreed - omicron314

Originally "Assassin's creed"

Kerbals revolution - Designer225

Originally "Worms revolution"

Kommand & konquer: green alert 3 - Fox62 / pachi3080

Originally "Comand & conquer: red alert 3"

  Apollo1391 said:
my idea is: Human Space Program based off of Kerbal Space Program it would have a kerbal launching a space shuttle on his computer :)

Just normal kerbal space program posters? - Cooly568

Submission criteria:

When submitting an idea, please give what the original was as others or even i may not know what it was! Having this will allow me to know what you on about!

When submitting an image make sure that it is ALL YOUR WORK! Please don't take something someone else has done and claim it to be yours; for photo-manipulation i understand you need to take photos from google or what ever but please don't steal others work! If you have borrowed things from other people please do credit them! E.g, if i were to have help say with the background and i had a friend do it, i would credit them unless they specified that they don't mind being left out. Even then i would still credit them!


When i start to make the posters don't do the ones i am, as i don't really want to have multiple versions of an image; but a wide variety of them for people to see! So if it says, im currently working on "The Kerbinator" for example, don't go and do that one ;) And if some one has already done another, don't do that one! If your planing on doing one please post so that others can see that your going to work on it.

Finished images:

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Here's a timelapse of the kerbinator!

If you like it please checkout my youtube channel for others! See my signature or for those who are lazy click HERE

Oh and feel free to use any of my images for flags and whatnot :)

Here are the posters / images done by you guys!

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Dawn of the jeb by jpem, page 5, originally "Dawn of the dead"

Jeb cause 2 by Palker, page 6, originally "Just cause 2"

Kerbsassin's kreed by Omicron314' page 7, originally "Assassin's creed"

Boosterfield 3 by gmpd2000 page 7, originally "Battlefield 3"

Vall report by by JustinS222 page 9, originally "Europa report"

Edited by IWantSumCrusha
added image!
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it's been a while since i've been on the KSP forums, im glad to see everyone liked it ;) I would totally do another but i've got other things that are more important.

Also benjiful, your list is quite good.

Call of Boosters

The Good, the Bad and the Explosive

One flew over the Kerbal's nest

Super Kerman Bros.

Dawn of the Jeb

The Dark Side of the Mün

Black Holes and Explosions

Jebtroid Prime

(there will never be) Aliens

Crash Hard

Dark side of the Mün has to be my favorite ;) may do that later on. chow for now!

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I made an account just so I could reply to this

How about some famous blockbuster movies

Kerbals of the Caribbean

1, The curse of the black Pol

2, The dead man's Vall

3, At Jool's end

4, On Laythe's tides

SAS wars

Episode 1, The Booster Menace

Episode 2, Attack of the struts

Episode 3, Revenge of the RCS

Episode 4, A new Bob

Episode 5, The kraken strikes back

Episode 6, Return of the Jebediah

Lord of the Müns

1, The fellowship of Gilly

2, The two (launch) towers

3, The return of the Kerman

And last but not least

The orbit, an unexpected journey

More on the way, I love this thread already

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This has just turned into a Kerbal movie naminig thread.

Kerblab (just a thought when I think of Skylab)

The Kerbal Games (derived from the Hunger Games)

Catching Kerbal (More deriviation. From Catching Fire.)

Kerbingjay (Even more deriviation from Mockingjay)


*head explodes*

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Alrighty, seems as this was so popular i gotta do more, perhaps just change this into a Kerbalised movie poster thread, here are my favourites which i'll try to get round to doing once im back from my holiday:

The Dark Side of the Mün - benjiful9000

Boosterfield 3 (im a Battlefield guy myself!) - gmpd2000

Burn hard 2: burn harder - draeath

SAS Wars, (no. 4,5 & 6 have to be favs on that, ill probally do no. 6 tho) - the Ginosaji

Feel free to post titles that you want to see, and if there good enough ill put them in! Perhaps i should make a poll to see which s the most popular of the list i make to do first, i dunno. Holiday now, drawing and KSP in a weeks time :P

Edited by IWantSumCrusha
Added more stuffs :)
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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