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XerZin here with alot of different gaming experience, then I found Kerbal space program and I feel like a total noob.

Building and sending stuff into space, land on other planets.. I'm sold! Here we go!:0.0:

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Thank you :) Now I have come to a mind killer, I have built a rover and did a test drive at KSP and left it there. Then I go to the space center and try to find it under rovers section, not there, its classed as a probe. Same thing when I send up a lander around the Mun, classed as a ship. I send up a the space station core (stock) and its classed as a ship too.. why? And where is my Jeb? Had him in a ship in orbit around Kerbin, ended the flight and now he wont come out in any of my new rockets:(

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There is a cycle for the kerbals so you have to wait a bit to see Jeb again and to change the type of rocket or rover etc etc right click the command pod and click rename ship and then you can change the name of your ship and the type of ship its classed as.

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Welcome to the forums! :)

Your ship's class is typically determined automatically by your dominant command pod on the vehicle. You can change it manually by right-clicking on one of the command pods, then selecting the option to rename. It'll bring up a dialogue box that also allows you to select what category your ship belongs to.

Every one of us was a newbie at this game at some point :P I'd highly recommend you check out some of the tutorials on the Drawing Board (link in my sig) if you ever have any trouble grasping something. The people in the How To section will also be more than happy to answer any other questions you may have.

Happy landings!

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