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How to get my rendezvous closer

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Ok, Here is a picture of how close (away) the space station (the part i have in orbit) and the part i am trying to connect is... can someone help me on how i can get it closer so they can renzdevous... the closest i can get them is 600 km away...

I tried to make the orbits almost the same but that does not help..

To help you the target is the space station (right now it is behind me)


Sorry if the image is too big...

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Now I am not that good with actually docking but I happen to know that with orbital rendezvous is kind of like spinning a bucket on a string (physics class reference). The reason I am using this analogy is because the farther out the string is from your hand, the slower it has to travel to keep it's momentum going. Essentially this is true of the orbits. Think of the orbit plane as a string and your space craft and space station as individual points on the string. The current path is set to have your spacecraft catch up to the space station, however, you want the opposite. Adjust your orbit so the craft is farther out than the station, the farther out your craft's orbit the quicker the two will meet up. I wish you luck

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To clarify, it takes longer to go on a larger orbit, and shorter to go on a smaller orbit. To rendezvous, you get either a larger or smaller orbit until you get close, and then you decelerate (relative to the target) so you can dock.

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There are many threads in the tutorial section that go into this in detail, the one that helped me the most was http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24670-Tutorial-Orbital-rendezvous-You-can-do-them! The biggest thing to remember is that spacecraft further from a planet are traveling slower, and thus you'd want to raise your orbit so that the station can catch you. Maneuver nodes are incredibly helpful for this, play around with one and keep an eye on how various manipulations affect the target indicators.

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If it is behind you then move into a slightly higher orbit and then use a maneuver node. I find that maneuver nodes are pretty handy for rendezvous (and pretty much everything else). Just mess around with the maneuver node, extending it both prograde and retrograde and try moving the node along your orbital path untill you find a close enough approach.

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