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EVA/Crew Transfers

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OK, now that I've finally managed to accomplish a docking, the next step is moving crew from one vessel to another. I've got several questions, and I hope y'all can help me...

!. If I understand correctly, my Kerbonauts won't go through the docking port - if I want to move a Kerbal from my capsule to my "space station" (a Hitchhiker canister with a clamp-o-tron, two solar panels and an ASAS/RCS/RCS tank attached), I need to do EVA and maneuver him from the capsule to the station, is that right?

2. The Hitchhiker looks like it has one hatch (which I covered with a clamp-o-tron on my last effort, unfortunately) - is that where I'd send my Kerbonaut?

3. Can I stick enough ladders outside the capsule and the hitchhiker so that I don't have to make the Kerbal let go and use his RCS pack to move him? I tried that once and lost him in orbit - I had no luck at all controlling him and he just drifted off into his own orbit. It was quite sad.

4. Unrelated to EVA. I think I'm missing something blindingly obvious here, but when I click on the in-capsule view for one of my Kerbonauts, how do I switch back to the regular view so I can control the ship again? I can't see any control to do that, and I know there must be one staring me in the face.

If it makes any difference, I'm still running version 0.19.

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If you aren't opposed to mods, Crew Manifest will make your moving/managing tasks a lot easier. You can add/remove crew while on the pad (which is gonna come in handy in .20, what with crewable pods being crewed when you don't want them to be), and transfer crew members between pods.

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