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We finally got 0.20! But what about the future?


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Don't get me wrong when I say this because I love the game and SQUAD to death, but I just wish they would finish projects instead of putting them in a corner to collect dust while they start something new.

Also, some wheels that are a little bit bigger than the tiny ones so that we can make realistic manned rovers with wheels that are the right size.

Edited by NuclearWarfare
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Also, some wheels that are a little bit bigger than the tiny ones so that we can make realistic manned rovers with wheels that are the right size.

The medium wheels seem to be of a fine size for manned rovers

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things I'd like to see


-Better loading times/efficiency(not loading every part in the game when launching a small probe)


-Reentry heat

-More interesting planets with weather/plants or something

-Another planet other than a gas giant


I'm not suggesting all this get added, I'm just saying I hope atleast one of these is in it

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Aerodynamics, Re-entry heat, Resources.

All I really want. Clouds would be nice, along with making Kerbin appear like there's a space faring species on it instead of an empty world would also be nice. But these things are both eye candy really. I really do think a weather system would add a lot to the game though. Especially if it could actually effect your craft. (Flying through hurricanes and stuff). It would sure as hell make the world(s) seem a lot more eventful and alive.

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Don't get me wrong when I say this because I love the game and SQUAD to death, but I just wish they would finish projects instead of putting them in a corner to collect dust while they start something new.

Also, some wheels that are a little bit bigger than the tiny ones so that we can make realistic manned rovers with wheels that are the right size.

HarvesteR did a blog about this, it amounts to the fact that doing the first 80% of the work takes about as much time as the final 20%, and at this point they'd rather work on other area getting them to 80% then get the relatively marginal improvements from finishing off that last 20%.

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You are seeing limitations of the Unity Engine, not a matter of limitation by the programmers. There was a video in a cafe with the devs and Scott Manley where they talked about it some. Unity2 might help open that up some, but it is still in development.


O ok Thanks for leting me know.

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Things I'd eventually like to see included in KSP (not all at once, of course):

Mining/resource acquisition, and accompanying parts.

A need to provide resources for Kerbonauts, in career mode. (All capsules would contain a certain amount of food, water, atmosphere, etc, that would be depleted over time.)

More information available at VAB: think Mechjeb, but without the auto land/takeoff/fly/orbit/everything.

In career mode, those little "information" panels you see in the tracking station about planets and etc; made only available after sending probes.

Speaking of which, functionality to the "science" parts. Eg, you'd need a probe with communo-trons to be able to track vessels (ie via map view) in career mode.

Re-entry heat, and accompanying heat shielding.

Surface mapping with new science parts, again, in Career mode.

Extended stock parts, much like "KSPX" has.

More detail to current planets (eg, devs have talked about cryo-volcanic activity on Eeloo, volcanic activity and radioactivity on Laythe, etc. Things like that, dynamic surfaces.)

More planets/moons.

Interstellar travel.

Most of them have been talked about already. But it's really exciting to imagine where KSP will be by the time we get to 1.0.

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