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Space Race 3: Totally not a shameless rip-off: (3/4 Players):WE NEED DA PLAYAHS, MON!


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9 August 1945:

In a bright flash of light the Japanese city of Nagasaki is annihilated, killing almost 40.000 people and ending the second World war. At the Western front the war had been decided earlier, but now the time had come to divide the spoils of war and to rebuild. Agreements were made to prevent a war on this scale from ever happening again. The german scientist teams were broken up, and the knowledge of rocketry was spread around the world. The V-2 had been a terrible weapon: mostly silent, unstoppable once launched and armed with almost a ton of explosives. But now the time had come to use this knowledge for the benefit of mankind, to learn new things and to ensure peace and prosperity around the world.

1 January 1946:

You have been appointed leader of the national space program. For now you have a tight budget and almost no facilities but that will soon change, as your prestige and honor raises with your succeses. However similair organisations have arisen around the globe. For now it's just a friendly competition, but it might soon turn into a dangerous and fast arms race.

This is another Multiplayer game. . I'm looking for up to 8 fairly active players. The game will at least be updated weekly but I aspect a bit more player input than just a few lines in the sense of "Build space shuttle". As you might have guessed, you're all all the leaders of various nations space programmes.

The rolls will mostly be d100's, unless other situations apply.


-Scientist: You're a scientist yourself, so of course you're science deparement is the pride of your organisation

-Can do research yourself

-+5 to other scientist efforts

-Lobyist: You're hard work in public relations allows you to easily charm the public

-P.R: Allows you to raise or lower the amount of prestige gained by a certain mission.(Both yourself and other players )

-Can use money to gain prestige

-Engineer: You design and build things. This gives you an advantage in rocket construction

- Can design rockets yourself

-+5 to others designing rolls

-Astronaut: You're actually not an astronaut, but are at least a qualified test pilot.

- Can join missions yourself( Doubles prestige gain/ loss)

-+5 to astronaut training/rolls

-Businnesman: You're managing talents allow you to run this organisation at peak efficiency

- You can gain extra money.(+10%)

- You start with double money

All players also have right of exactly one special thing they got from the german research teams. Be it a scientist, a component or maybe something else...

Sign-up sheet

Player name:


Funds: 10.000 (20.000 with business man archetype)

Organisation Name: Have fun with Acronyms


-Nation: Your the national organisation of some country

-Researched components

- Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter hight)

- Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 50%, 1meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)

- Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters)


-None at the moment


Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money)

Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year)

Small Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 1 launch a year)

Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket))

-Special people

-None yet

-Special thingy:

-Whatever you looted from german rocket research

How to launch a rocket

One: research the components

Two: Design the rocket( Specify which components you use, how big they are)

Three: Build the Rocket(You get a prototype for free when designing one.

Four: Launch

Five: If spontaneous explosion, redo. If not advance to 6

Six: Jump a hole in the air then redo from start.


Prestige is gained from successful missions and subtracted for failed ones. Prestige modifies your funding(500*prestige+1000) and might allow you to get other benefits.


Almost anything is permitted, as long as there's an agreement between both players. Here are some sample agreements

Sell/Buy rockets: You sell build rockets to another nation, they can try to reverse- engineer, but that is hard.

Sell/Buy rocket blueprint: They give you the blueprint to build the rocket. This does not give you the related techs, though you can try to reverse engineer them

Sell/Buy techs: What do you tink it does?

Sell/Buy service: Example: one organiztion pays another to bring a sattelite in orbit

Warning though: Trades may be intercepted, there are shipping fees(you're sending rockets after all) and nation may order trade embargoes

Nations and random events

Nations have relationships, which may help or hinder you with your ambitions. Every turn one random event happens that can influence these relations

One global event roll/turn:

1-20: Relations worsen between two countries

21-40: Relation improve between two countries

41-50: Random nation's economy get better

51-60: Random nation's economy get worse

61-65: Global economic recession

66-70: Global economic boom

71-90: Solar storms: Everyone not inside a magnetosphere is dead

91-100: No event this turn.

25% chance/player/turn of a random event:

1-20: New scientist

21-40: Lose scientist

41-50: Minor prestige gain

51-60: Minor prestige loss

61-75: Bonus funds

76-90: Lose funds

90-100: Minor boast to research.


For payload of multistage rockets:

Thrust stage 1/(Weight stage 1+Weight stage 2+ Payload)+Thrust stage2/ (Weight stage 2+ Payload) needs to be greater of equal to one

For other destinations than LEO( Multiply the weight(of the rocket) by X)

LEO: X=100%

MEO X= 125%

GEO X=150%

Out of orbit X= 200%

The moon:

Landing: 25% extra thrust

Take-off 25% extra thrust

Out of orbit 100% extra thrust

To get something into orbit multiply the weight of the object(payload) in question by 110%.

For thrust bonuses multiply the amount of thrust by your thrust bonus( Pretty straightforward)

Thrust is calculated by multiplying the amount of fuel by the fuel burn rate.( STandard 2kg for 1liter). This happens before the thrust bonus.

Since the prices aren't really that important

Hull plating: 25 per meter

Fueltank: 50 per meter

Engine : 100

Station parts

Small station part(1m):

Weight: 400

Can contain:

Small lifesupport(3 People)(Small)

Storage area(Doubles storage capacity)

Small Power and computing hub( minimum 1 per station: command center) A small command station can support a station of up to 10 modules


Storage capacity:100

Power required: 0.2 ( 1 solar panel= 1)

Medium station part:(2 m)

Weight: 600

Can contain:

Medium lifesupport(9 People)

Storage area(Doubles storage capacity)

Power and computing hub( minimum 1 per station: command center) A small command station can support a station of up to 25 modules


Storage capacity:300

Power required: 0.25 ( 1 solar panel= 1)

Large station part (3M)

Weight: 800

Can contain:

Storage area(Doubles storage capacity)

Large airlock

Power and computing hub( minimum 1 per station: command center) A small command station can support a station of up to 40 modules


Storage capacity:500

Power required: 0.4

Large station part (4M)

Weight: 1000

Can contain:

Storage area(Doubles storage capacity)

Large airlock

Power and computing hub( minimum 1 per station: command center) A small command station can support a station of up to 60 modules


Storage capacity:800

Power required: 0.5

Also note that your current technology caps out at 5. From then on you have to come up with something new if you want larger station parts. ( Like inflatible parts, origami parts, accordion parts... I don't know)


Player name: Nikolai Barabshnov

Archetype: Engineer

Funds: 11.000

Organisation Name: German Space Program

-Motto:Still safer then the kerbal space program

-Nation: Germany :P

-Researched components

- Solid Fuel (Doubles explosion chance but 170% the amount of thrust of normal fuel [0.85])Note: Due the inability to turn engines on and of, cannot be used to get in orbit of something.)

- Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter height)

- Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 50%, 1 meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)

- Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters)


-None at the moment


Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money)

Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year)

Small Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 1 launch a year)

Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket))

-Special people

-None yet

-Special thingy: Solid fuel

I guess I'll use my application from the second Space Race game if that's alright:

Player name: Peter Fletcher

Archetype: Lobbyist

Funds: 15,000

Prestige: 0

Organisation Name: SPACE: Space Projects for Australian Commerce and Exploration (yes I know it's a recursive acronym)

Motto: Ad astra per ardua

Nation: Australia

Researched components:

- Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter height)

- Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 45%, 1 meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)

- Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters)


-None at the moment


Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money)

Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year)

Small Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 1 launch a year)

Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket))

Special people:

-None yet

Special thing: Expert Electrical Engineer (+5 payload research)

P.S. it's a bit unfortunate that we don't have spoilers here.

Player name: Leonardski Korolevskigrad

Archetype: Scientist

Funds: 3200 Rubles

Organisation Name: VOWEL (vocational other-world exploration legislation)

-Motto: To Space for !

-Nation: USSR

-Researched components

- Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter hight)

- Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 50%, 1meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)

- Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters)


- Korabl-Odin: Costs 800$, 275 kg to LEO


- Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money)

- Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year)

- Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 2 launches a year)

- Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket))

-Special people

- None yet

-Special thingy:

- Former propaganda maker who can help promote the VOWEL (1.10*Prestige per mission)

I will choose those players who's entries I like most(Assuming I can choose, never got a waitlist before). A bit of roleplaying/ Description is encouraged. Creative thinking is encouraged. Only one organisation per nation, first come, first pick(Reserving permitted).

All credit for these rules goes to 10ebbor10 of the Bay 12 forums. I encourage you to read the original tread and tell me if I missed anything.

Original thread: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=100361.0

Edited by dansmithers
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Player name:nikolai barabshnov

Archetype: engineer

Funds: 10.000

Organisation Name: german space program

-Motto:still safer then the kerbal space program

-Nation: Germany :P

-Researched components(Please place these in a spoiler)

- Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter hight)

- Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 50%, 1meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)

- Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters)


-None at the moment


Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money)

Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year)

Small Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 1 launch a year)

Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket))

-Special people

-None yet

-Special thingy:bigger fuel tank

Edited by lukerules117
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SRB would be solid fuel. Here's the original description:

Solid fuel(Doubles explosion chance but 170% the amount of thrust of normal fuel [0.85])Note: Due the inability to turn engines on and off, cannot be used to get in orbit of something.

Just say which fuel you want to use.

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When designing a rocket, say whether you want solid fuel or liquid fuel for each stage. Right now you can make a grand total of one stage per rocket. Also, please use capital letters at the beginnings of sentences, and periods at the end. :D

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I guess I'll use my application from the second Space Race game if that's alright:

Player name: Peter Fletcher

Archetype: Lobbyist

Funds: 10,000 (+1000)

Prestige: 0

Organisation Name: SPACE: Space Projects for Australian Commerce and Exploration (yes I know it's a recursive acronym)

Motto: Ad astra per ardua

Nation: Australia

Researched components:

- Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter height)

- Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 50%, 1meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)

- Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters)


-None at the moment


Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money)

Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year)

Small Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 1 launch a year)

Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket))

Special people:

-None yet

Special thing: Expert Electrical Engineer (or whatever gives a bonus to payload research)

P.S. it's a bit unfortunate that we don't have spoilers here.

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Player name: Leonardski Korolevskigrad

Archetype: Scientist

Funds: 10,000 Rubles

Organisation Name: VOWEL (vocational other-world exploration legislation)

-Motto: To Space for !

-Nation: USSR

-Researched components

- Small fuel tank ( 125 liters of liquid fuel per meter hight)

- Small thrusters Weight 100 kg,Failure chance 50%, 1meter high, Can carry 2kg of weight to LEO per liter fuel, Max fuel use: 1000)

- Single stage hull(75 kg weight per meters high, max 10 meters)


- None at the moment


- Small labs(1 research action per year, researching cost 1000 money)

- Small launchpad(Can launch rockets of up to 10 meters, max 12 launches a year)

- Small Mission Control(Can monitor exactly 1 launch a year)

- Small manufacturing and design factory (Can build rockets, can design new rockets($2000+Price rocket))

-Special people

- None yet

-Special thingy:

- Former propaganda maker who can help promote the VOWEL (1.1*Prestige per mission)

Can you give a walkthrough of what one turn would look like? I'm having trouble understanding what I need to do. Hope I can play this though, it looks fun!

Edited by Holo
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Basically a turn has these possible elements, not in any particular order:

Design Rockets

Launch Rockets

Research Tech

Build Structures

Other actions i.e: trading, roleplaying, Fluff.

Ruler Of Nothing, tell me if I'm wrong on this.

TIDE:Let's start the first turn.

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That's what I did during both of the previous Space Race games. So if we are starting, here is my first turn:


Lab 1 will improve the reliability of the small thruster (-$1000)

Research costs: $1000


None this year.


Upgrade the lab to get +1 action (-$5000)

Construction costs: $5000

Total cost: $6000

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It should be {roll}-25, so that researching isn't pointless and has just as good a chance of worsening things. As it is, it's not worth it to research.


The rocket design rules are downright confusing, I suggest that you just use delta-v (we all know how to calculate it here :)).

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I would, but I don't think I can respect someone who doesn't use delta-v, instead opting for some arbitrary "2 kg payload per liter fuel"

Just kidding :) (though the inner astrophysicist in me does want to strangle you :)). The only thing I need to do my turn is the mass of fuel per liter, so I can start designing my spacecraft.

EDIT: The bay12 thread uses a density of 1 kg/l, gimme a sec to design a rocket.

EDIT2: Halfway through the rocket design, and I've realised that your method which I decried earlier is actually much more fun that a purely scientific approach. I agree with you now :)

EDIT3: My completed turn:




I want to design this rocket, the Korabl-Odin


It has a mass of 1975kg, a cost of ¤800, and a payload to LEO of 275kg. That's ¤2900 per ton, which is the absolute maximum with my present technology.

This will cost ¤2800 to design, due to the ¤2000 design cost + the cost of the rocket.


I spend ¤5000 on upgrading mission control to get an extra flight per year.

This brings my budget down to ¤2200, but it brings my assets up one design and up a mission control :). Hope I did this turn post correctly, I'm new to this :).

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Wow, you're like a busy little rocket scientist bee, churning out maths. If you could do the rest of the percentages, that'd be lovely. Also: I didn't make up the rocket rules.

EDIT: Apparently these rockets are water-powered. Or 2/3 H to 1/3 O. I've totally redone the research system so it is more challenging, but not quite so random.

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Turn 1: 1946-7

January 2 1946: With the formation of three space agencies, the future of space travel looks bright. But can these organizations survive each other?

World news: The massive bubble generated by the return of American vets from Germany suddenly bursts, plunging the world into a deep recession.

Country Relations:[TABLE]





































SPACE Yearly Report:

Research:Work on the small thruster goes smoothly, scientists say that they've made it 10% safer (-1000$)


Building:While expanding the lab,a wall collapses, killing three people. No progress is made (-5000$)

VOWEL Yearly Report:


Design:Design work goes swimmingly, the engineers say this may be one of the best rockets ever built! (-2800$)

Building: Mission control is expanded, but it wasn't a very efficient job.(-5000$) It will cost 10,000$ to expand again.

GSP Yearly Report:


For ease of use, updated stats are in the 1st post.

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