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info on other worlds (science & campaign?)

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ATM is is there any in-game method to get information about the celestial bodies in kerbol system, apart from travelling there? As a new-ish player I'd like to have a clue of what to expect when I prepare to launch towards another world - like approximate mass/size/gravity, does it have an atmosphere, or is it even solid... Does this already exist in the game?

As a campaign idea I'd love to see only very crude information in mission center, which would then be improved if I had let's just say built a telescope, or had a craft (with suitable science equipment) orbit or impact the body, even better data if kerbals have landed there... you get the picture. This seems like an obvious idea so it probably has been suggested before but what the hay =)

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Actually, in the most recent update, a very useful tool has been implemented that allows this. If you go into map mode, and tab your way to or double mouse click on a planet, it will bring you to it's view. From this, on the right side of your screen, there will be two small buttons. One being a planet with a sort of ring around it, and the other just being a sphere. The top one will give you a "In-character" sort of description, some info about the planet put into Kerbal wordsense.

The bottom one, however, lists very useful information about the planet itself such as equatorial gravity, atmospheric height(if it has an atmosphere) and SOI distance and escape velocity. There are much more, but I can't list them off the top of my head. Though before you look at that, you may actually want to do some science yourself, it's a ton of fun as it gives you a small feel of what campaign mode will be like.

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You can switch through planets using the tab key which will cycle through all the planets or you can double click on them which will focus the camera on them. you can then use the info bar on the right side of the screen to find out about them, like with Kerbin. You can also use the Wiki out of the game.


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otherwise there is always ISA. In the last compete version the data wasnt always correct (atmosphere too high or low) but maybe the new version does have accurate data. Otherwise check the planet boxes in the kerbal wiki.

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