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Hello Community

Dakota Kerbin

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Hi, my name is Dakota Kerbin and I have played Kerbal Space Program(KSP) for a while now but recently thought I would join the community of Kerbonauts. I am a computer whiz and love anything to do with space. One of my favorite subjects is that of orbits or, more specifically, slingshot orbits.


and also Warp Drives.

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Welcome to the forums! :)

If you ever get stuck anywhere in the game or just want to learn more about how it works, feel free to check out the Drawing Board (link in my sig) or ask questions in the How To section of the forums. There are plenty of helpful resources out there, and plenty of people who can help you understand them. If you want to contribute something of your own, you can create something for the Fan Works or Add-Ons sections as well. Above all, just look around, and jump into any conversation that interests you.

Happy landings!

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