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Lag class: The lagnaught.

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Taking all the lessons I learned from previous designs I give you the Lagnaught.

Because building it small just isn't an option.

Part count: 3,180

Size: Large

Known issues

Game crashes if you load directly to launch pad. You have to load craft in the vab and launch from there.

Can be hard to control

A little laggy

Will freeze for a few seconds when you disconnect the first few stages

Will break if you timewarp before launch, as seen in picture

Other than that its great.






Just in case its to small for you I will be building bigger versions and updating this thread.

Edited by DaveofDefeat
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All that, just to lift that one small can? That's great :)

I believe the point is the excessive amount of liquid fuel he's managed to stick in orbit. Somewhat like this - my fuel depot:



The spherical tanks mod thankfully includes empty tanks. This depot was launched with all shperical tanks empty, then filled by tankers that can put a single large tank into orbit.

Not gonna lie, I didn't do that manually. I launched my refilling tankers with mechjeb, and gave them a silly amount of RCS so I could let Mechjeb burn it all auto-docking. I don't have the patience to dock something that handles like a rocket on the back of a small asteroid over and over.

Edited by Immashift
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