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[20.2] KW Rocketry 2.4


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That is exactly what I have done. It works fine. Just make sure to scale the mass and fuel volume by the correct amount, which for scaling 3.75m parts to 5m is (5/3.75)3.

What was your rescaling factors for the thrust of the 3.75M motors? did you drop their ISPs as well?

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Wouldn’t mind seeing the expanded fairing bases have a secondary wall part that can be jettisoned. Something that leaves behind a part that looks like the standard payload adapters but using the expanded parts. It would give another cool look and the ability of having more parts being shed. Not that it is the same as but an example would be how the Altas V and its 5 meter fairing have the support rings for the centaur.

Long Live KW Parts!

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What was your rescaling factors for the thrust of the 3.75M motors? did you drop their ISPs as well?

to get it accurate, it should be x2,37, but Id like to point out KW rocketry engines were made so that each has its counterpart on a different scale, but via squaring, so to get a useful engine you would have to scale a size 2 down by the factor of 4, and not 8, to get a normal 1.25m engine...

(yes,looks unreadable, dunno why)

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What was your rescaling factors for the thrust of the 3.75M motors? did you drop their ISPs as well?

I didn't rescale the engines. I only rescaled the fairings, nose cones, tanks and decouplers. Instead I make use of the NovaPunch adapters for fitting multiple smaller engines to 5m tanks. You can make a convincing Saturn V using this combination.

Edited by ZRM
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I'd like to save some RAM by merging parts. Which parts are re-scales (or maybe it's easier to list the parts that aren't re-scales)?

The parts I condensed are: KWDecoupler, KWExpandedFairingBase, KWExpandedFairingCone (1 & 2m), KWExpandedFairingWall (1&2m), KWFairingBase, KWFairingCone (1&2m), KWFairingWall (1&2m), KWNoseCone, and KWRCSfuel. Some of the other parts might be combinable, but those are the only ones I changed (since they're the ones I use most from this set).

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Think the pancake tanks use practically identical parameters as well, only difference seems to be rescaling of their sizes and capacity, otherwise the same save for the slightly differing textures, but that's aesthetic... Could be wrong about that, though, just what I saw rescale being the only thing different mostly in the files when doing some minor touchups on the connector nodes sizes in the newly downloaded cfg files... (Btw, Thanks K&W! You guys rock! :D)

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KWDecoupler, KWExpandedFairingBase, KWExpandedFairingCone (1 & 2m), KWExpandedFairingWall (1&2m), KWFairingBase, KWFairingCone (1&2m), KWFairingWall (1&2m), KWNoseCone
those are exactly the same ones I need. I will be doing the same edits.
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Faring halves don't match up.


So before you ask:

These parts are all 2.5m expanded fairings.

Placed the base, then the nose cone, then the fairing walls. Exactly like in the video.

The same thing happens whether you are using the 1.25 or 3.75m fairings (expanded or not).

Has there been a fix for this issue? I'm getting this as well with a fresh install of version 2.4

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im a HUGE fan of KSP, but one of my main gripes has always been the utterly unstable rockets the stock parts create, without using twice your part count in struts. KW rocketry(and NP to a lesser extent) have been my saving grace. from the mundane 1m sat. launches, to a really close Saturn V, all the way to having 9 Saturn Vs strapped together to launch 63 kerbals to the Mun at once( my poor computer;.;) this part pack is in no way a cheat pack, superbly balanced imo, great variety works awesomely with stock parts. one of if not my favorite KSP add-on keep up the good work KW:cool:

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There are a lot of attachment point scaling problems!



On some parts the attachment points are further away on some they're closer than they should be.

I guess these are scale/rescalefactor problems, I read somewhere they changed something about it for 0.20. Although I don't have problems with my mods

Edited by nothke
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I think I know what the problem might be. It seems that parts that don't include the "Scale = 1" line in 0.20.x are downsized a bit. I had the same problem with some of the NP parts, even though they are still in the legacy parts folders.

When I combined the fairings and such, I made sure to add that line to all the config files, and I haven't had that problem.

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Same here, all KW part working flawless since the update for me.

To anyone having these issues check and make sure you have latest update of KSP and KW, and make sure you have KW installed right (none of this legacy folder silliness). If its not that then my guess would be another mod is messing it up.

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Have the audio sounds fixed?

Again, this is working fine for me. The sounds play as expected when the fairings jettison. Could it be another mod is interfering?

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Have the audio sounds fixed?

Are you referring perhaps to:

-Unable to fix fairing jettison sounds, using stock decoupler sound until this can be resolved

Taken from the latest entry in the changelog in the OP? I think that's self explanatory...

I also have no problems with KW parts or fairings in 0.20.2 as far as alignment or attachment nodes go. If you used the non-Winston KW update before this I suggest removing it completely (delete 'KWRocketry' completely from 'GameData') and installing a fresh 2.4 set. Be warned, this 2.4 set has one part missing, a SRB nosecone, so if you used that part it may stop your ship loading. I believe the other person who 'fixed' KW for 0.20.0 may have futzed with the scale and stuff to 'fix' the nodes that were'n right by editing the part.cfg files and that could cause conflicts

Winson: That part you removed, the SRB nose-cone, is still present on one of your (excellent, by the way) sample .craft files. Can you fix the files so they load? I think it's one of the Rigel 2 rockets?

Edited by MDBenson
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Again, this is working fine for me. The sounds play as expected when the fairings jettison. Could it be another mod is interfering?

No, is not a conflict, is that the original sound was traded by the original, because the way sounds load now in .20 is different.

I would wait until the original fairing detachment sound come back, but i think i'll instal it right know...


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No, is not a conflict, is that the original sound was traded by the original, because the way sounds load now in .20 is different.

I would wait until the original fairing detachment sound come back, but i think i'll instal it right know...


Ah, OK! My mistake! Shows how closely I paid attention to the sounds. :blush::D

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Can we possibly have 4m or 5m parts in this mod?

It is my opinion that with KSP being a single player mod enabled game people should play however they see fit.

That having been said Im curious as to why so many seems so eager for parts bigger than 3.75meters. Using only stock parts I can fling a 160ton payload into LKO consistently, so past the allure of making RL replicas I don't get the draw....especialy since any 5meter parts I've ever played with were wobblesaurus rex! Even the very well made NovoPunch 5meter sections would arc and flop all crazy on accent.

Don't get me wrong, I would never in anyway tell someone they should not play with certain parts.....use 12meter rockets if that's what does it for ya, no skin off my back =P

This post comes from honest curiosity

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I've tried using the 5 metre parts from NovaPunch, and to be perfectly honest I abandoned them. Too unwieldy for my purposes, and they ended up limiting my design choices.

Now, if I wanna go bonkers and create a totally overpowered monster, I won't hesitate to bolt five Jool V boosters together... :cool:

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