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Show off your rescue craft!

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I've recently gone from the "Leave-Everyone-Stranded" stage to the "No Kerbal Left Behind" stage, and worked on building some rescue ships. After completing one, I started to wonder what kind of rescue ships others had built.

So, post your favourite/best/worst rescue ships below!

I'll start:


The Spitfire Rescue Ship. Owned by the Spitfire Rescue and Recovery company, this is the main ship used to rescue stranded ships and powerless probes.


Using the towline mounted on the underside of the vessel, this ship can either tug the target to a safer place, refuel or recharge the target, or carry one passenger back to any nearby stations.

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That's it in the background.


Been using it since 0.18.

I have a one man version, but haven't got a pick ATM.

If the stranded guys are on another planet, they get a set of vessels designed to give them things to do while they wait for the return window, and then carry them home.

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What's the percentage of each kind of Kerbal?

I dunno, 70-30 ish? I could be way off though.

Now that I think back, I did have one instance where a lander tipped over that probably should have required a rescue misson, but instead Jeb tried ramping his rocket off of a hill to get it off the ground. It didn't go so well.

Edited by KevinW42
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  • 4 weeks later...

I decided to build a vehicle capable of retrieving the capsules that land in the area of the KSC. Since half my landings end up in the water I made this amphibious search and rescue vehicle capable of retrieving both the Kerbals and the capsule.


Here it is at night during its first mission:


Getting in the water:


Picking up Bob and Bill


Coming out of the water with the Kerbals and the capsule:


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