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I find it kind of hard to make it look good with B9 parts. I m so use to hammering crafts out with stock parts that I was surprised how hard it was to create a good looking craft despite a variety of parts in B9 and KW rocketry.

Fuselages dont have good points for wing attachments in B9. Ithere you mount it like I did under the belly in the center line or use a mid mounted wing. Fuselages cant hold 2.5m parts very well at least not with wheels and driving a tank longer then 1/3 a jumbo tank is like asking it to get stuck on the ramp.

Also B9 lacks 2.5m fuselage parts that are well round thats why I used KW rocketry to.

Still its the best earopack out there from what I can find but still I would love bigger cargo bays. Rear cargo door that can take a 2.5m jumbo tanks on the big wheels easily and fuselages that are wide in in the bottom with adepter parts so one can get the airliner look at the bottom of the fuselage where the wings are connected.

Also cargo bay fuselage parts with out top mounted doors would be nice because one cant use wings top mounted on the cargo bay. I only need the rear door realy.

Also a cargo bay door facing forward with fuselage mount for cockpit above and forward of it would be nice so one can drive in and out from the front under the cockpit in to the cargo bay. That way mounting engines at the rear of the fuselage would be possible and the wings could be left less cluttered with stuff.

B9 is nice but there are improvements that would make sense I feel.

NERVA engines for spaceplanes would be nice to. Basically needs fairings attached to them.

Really not happy with the looks of the craft but well practise makes perfect they say.

I cant realy mod, I wish I could then I could do my own mod pack.

I think there is a pack called something like "Mk 4 fuselage system" or "Mk IV cargo bay" or something like that. A truly humongous cargo bay and fuselage sections pack, with about 4 times the cross section of a Mk3 fuselage, ramps and cargo bays. Sounds like made just for you.

But about B9, I feel the same as you. It looks sexy, but when you get down to it, it is much more restrictive than stock. You feel as if there is a finite amount of good looking crafts to choose from, rather than the infinite variety of stock. And since I just build small to get around the part count issues... yeah, I find I use it less and less.

Oh, and "a couple" of things I might or might not release, just to show I really haven't stopped making SSTO's:






That might have been a bit more than a couple. I'm addicted ^^'.

Rune. See? I need a test team! There are more where those came from... :blush:

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I find it kind of hard to make it look good with B9 parts. I m so use to hammering crafts out with stock parts that I was surprised how hard it was to create a good looking craft despite a variety of parts in B9 and KW rocketry.

Fuselages dont have good points for wing attachments in B9. Ithere you mount it like I did under the belly in the center line or use a mid mounted wing. Fuselages cant hold 2.5m parts very well at least not with wheels and driving a tank longer then 1/3 a jumbo tank is like asking it to get stuck on the ramp.

Also B9 lacks 2.5m fuselage parts that are well round thats why I used KW rocketry to.

Still its the best earopack out there from what I can find but still I would love bigger cargo bays. Rear cargo door that can take a 2.5m jumbo tanks on the big wheels easily and fuselages that are wide in in the bottom with adepter parts so one can get the airliner look at the bottom of the fuselage where the wings are connected.

Also cargo bay fuselage parts with out top mounted doors would be nice because one cant use wings top mounted on the cargo bay. I only need the rear door realy.

Also a cargo bay door facing forward with fuselage mount for cockpit above and forward of it would be nice so one can drive in and out from the front under the cockpit in to the cargo bay. That way mounting engines at the rear of the fuselage would be possible and the wings could be left less cluttered with stuff.

B9 is nice but there are improvements that would make sense I feel.

NERVA engines for spaceplanes would be nice to. Basically needs fairings attached to them.

Really not happy with the looks of the craft but well practise makes perfect they say.

I cant realy mod, I wish I could then I could do my own mod pack.

I agree, the cargo doors are way to small, and the next largest cargo bay and doors is the MkIV pack, and they are just ugly and make anything look like a pregnant beetle. But will fit a Jumbo-64 without a problem.

And I couldn't agree more that I wish it had 2.5m round body parts and tanks. I have considered KW Rocketry pack, but not sure if I have the RAM to run it, seeing as I had to run the texture reduction pack for B9.

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I have seen the MK 4 fuselage on youtube and its easy to find with google but it seems like its no longer being developed. Cant find a forum thread for it either and its ugly beyond reason so I have decided not to use it.

I use the reduction pack for B9 and unless you run higher then 1920x1080 and want to zoom in on individual parts theres realy not much difference and I save like 600Mb ram using it so KW rocketry can easily fit it. I use a howl bunch of mods and use about 2.4Gb of ram.

I realy dont hit the 4Gb limit but rather other problems I have discovered that causes the game to crash with a ton of mods. Dont know why tough.

The 64bit linux port hates B9 pack or mods in general not sure. 19 out of 20 times it wont load B9 pack and just print abort on the terminal after it crashes. But when it do load it works just fine. Seems to me there s some kind of race condition or something.

Yea the B9 pack needs to be tough trough better I think. If I could make mods, I can model a LITTLE bit but not enough atm but that I could probably learn. But I have a hard time finding a good mod guide that is up to date for 0.22 and has all the steps needed to make say an engine, wing etc once you created a model in blender. I would try to do some sort of system that had clearly defined rules for wings and fuselage pieces so they fit in a variety of ways. Not that is easy but it should be a bit like lego so it scales well. Feels like B9 and a lot of mods just have parts with different size and shapes that just fits in a very specific order and thats a problem. Craft looks ugly or needs a ton of adaptors to fit one cockpit with one fuselage. My favourite cockpit dont fit well with my favourite fuselage etc. Annoying as F.

Wing peaces also leaves some things to be desire. I like the delta wing look of the Shuttle but most wing parts I ahve used in KSP tends to favour more traditional aircraft style wings. Dont make sense to me. Might work as well or better but I want some style to not just a A380 SSTO look alike.

But I suck at modelling, not to good at keeping the poly count down and doing good textures. I just model from time to time so never realy get in to it to much. I do have a wacom bambo but same problem there, only use it maybe 1-2 months every year at the most. I get bored doing the same thing for to long.

Edited by pa1983
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I think there is a pack called something like "Mk 4 fuselage system" or "Mk IV cargo bay" or something like that. A truly humongous cargo bay and fuselage sections pack, with about 4 times the cross section of a Mk3 fuselage, ramps and cargo bays. Sounds like made just for you.

But about B9, I feel the same as you. It looks sexy, but when you get down to it, it is much more restrictive than stock. You feel as if there is a finite amount of good looking crafts to choose from, rather than the infinite variety of stock. And since I just build small to get around the part count issues... yeah, I find I use it less and less.

Oh, and "a couple" of things I might or might not release, just to show I really haven't stopped making SSTO's:


That might have been a bit more than a couple. I'm addicted ^^'.

Rune. See? I need a test team! There are more where those came from... :blush:

Ooooooh I like this one

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X48. Capable of putting one Kerbal almost anywhere he wants to go. Probably not there and back though.

Full VTOL capabilities, flies rather nicely.

I'm not sure of the purpose of this one. Weaponised, it might pass as an interplanetary bomber.


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Codename: X-2

Tonnage: 25.52

Max thrust: 990kn

Is powered by twin basic jets engines clipped into twin Turbojet engines, with two mark 55 radial engines for space travel.

Mechjeb is REMOVED from craft file but is in the pictures.





Does contain modded parts from Restock mod Mostly the MK2 dual engine adapter.

Click here to download the craft file, It IS from my sky-drive as i have no other file sharing If you have trouble let me know and I'll look into another.

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Not a lot of fuel left over *____*

I think your best bet is to get into orbit around the Mun, then send a refuel probe to top it up with fuel before heading back to Kerbin...

I burned to much on landing. Got to the Mun with 697m/s dV. I have a refuel ship in route, don't have to send it to orbit, just land the ship near it and use a KAS winch and transfer fuel that way.

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I burned to much on landing. Got to the Mun with 697m/s dV. I have a refuel ship in route, don't have to send it to orbit, just land the ship near it and use a KAS winch and transfer fuel that way.

I swear there is a mod for everything.

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Ooooooh I like this one
Rune, that is just so adorable!!! I really want to try that out :D

By the mouth, the fish dies, as we say in Spain. I've just sent you both a couple of PM's, with the different versions I have of each ship, so you can test them out to your heart's content, and tell me all the things that are wrong about them.

Cruzan, I'm pretty sure about what's wrong with that SSTO, lack of aviation fuel and lift since it climbs soooo slow, so I also put an improved, never-before-tested version in your rar. Hope you can actually fly it, and that it fixes the other one's shortcomings

The 14th, you have also a couple of versions, but I'm pretty sure both work without issues, at least going upwards. I'm not so sure about landing them again, and I most certainly don't have a decent imgur album of any of them.

So, armed with the files, if you find the time and the inclination to test-fly them and take some screenies, I offer you the following deal: You test them, create an imgur album, and you can post a thread about them. You can even alter the designs if you find a good fix to a serious problem, just ask me to give the OK. And then I swoop in, and shamelessly steal all your work to link those threads (with ample credits to you) to R-SUV, and you can both appear in my catalogue as test pilots without whose assistance those ships would have never made it to release. How does that sound?

If you want the challenge, my usual way to post crafts (to maintain format) is an introduction paragraph, a nice picture, a second paragraph with the technical details, then the embedded imgur album of a full mission and the download link at the end. Thanks for your collaboration in advance!

Rune. Glad you guys like them, BTW!

Edited by Rune
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I swear there is a mod for everything.

Pretty close. But I love KAS for the uses, it has so many applications that are available in the real world and is handy when you run Kethane or even RemoteTech2.

I design many of my ships to be as realistically plausible as I can, without running Earthsized Kerbin mod and KIDS. Granted when Ferram4 gets KIDS working with the B9 SABRE engines I will be switching to that.

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So I tried out the combining a TurboJet Engine with a Basic Jet Engine and wow~!! It looks really cool!!

The second screenshot is showing how I combined them..

It is basically a Cubic Octagonal Strut.. with another Cubic Octagonal Strut placed on the first and then inverted back into the first Cubic Octagonal Strut.. Allowing you to place the two engines as you see here.



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So I tried out the combining a TurboJet Engine with a Basic Jet Engine and wow~!! It looks really cool!!

The second screenshot is showing how I combined them..

It is basically a Cubic Octagonal Strut.. with another Cubic Octagonal Strut placed on the first and then inverted back into the first Cubic Octagonal Strut.. Allowing you to place the two engines as you see here.

<pics removed to shorten post>

does this work without needing to run fuel lines to em both?

Nevermind It works without fuel-lines Great job there, didn't think of it before.

Edited by Damaske
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My refuel station:


Modded content: restock, and Davon Supply Mod

Roughly 20 orange tanks worth of fuel the bottom arms have the docking ports on it all three sizes Jr, Sr, and standard size. Sitting at 3 Million Meter orbit used Hyper-Edit to place.

Setting up for longer run SSTO's trips to mun and back, i have this large station and a smaller one to help move outward from Kerbin. Smaller station is at roughly 250km orbit to give a little fuel to let them run to the larger station and fill up fully for the run out.

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does this work without needing to run fuel lines to em both?

Nevermind It works without fuel-lines Great job there, didn't think of it before.

Yeah~! Because Cubic Octagonal Strut's allow fuel to pass through them!~! So no need to use fuel lines.


Currently trying to make an SSTO that can carry a Big Red fuel tank up into orbit to dock them to my space station core.... It is quite challenging.

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