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SSTOs! Post your pictures here~

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But then when I touch the ground I'm screwed... everytime I hit the ground, the plane wants to go back up and the wheels won't do any braking

I'm having the same problem right now. The plane manages a nice, gentle touchdown at ~80 m/s, then hits uneven ground, flips over and explodes. Still searching for a patch of flat land...

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Just one question.

You said that it can take 2 kerbals into orbit, but.... can you EVA them? or "hatch is obstructed"?

Yes when you delete the Wing right to the Cockpits, (there just for the style) :sticktongue:

i provide the craft file when i'm home again

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sorry people, I was mistaken - Duna is landable after all ;)

Also probably all of my previous planes were Laythe-capable, I was just a thrash space navigator.

...Come on now, no one ever mentions the benefits of hohmanning while still in the sphere of influence!

Astroliner IV Comet:

Has 7 jets & 2 Atomics.

No parachutes, no vertical or retrograde engines.

Does not destroy stars.

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Have fun ;)

(The plane isn't very user friendly...)

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a couple SSTO's I been working on

The first is a Fat VTOL SSTO I was building .. I have a stable hover at over 100 tons .. but it gets crazy after a few minutes.

The second I had to get funding and build to save Jebediah from his last mission. Usually its much shorter but this version I had to put in a cargo bay.

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Edited by Nabbs1
hmm cant get the pictures to link correctly
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a couple SSTO's I been working on

The first is a Fat VTOL SSTO I was building .. I have a stable hover at over 100 tons .. but it gets crazy after a few minutes.

The second I had to get funding and build to save Jebediah from his last mission. Usually its much shorter but this version I had to put in a cargo bay.


That's a great looking design. I have something yours looks a lot like.

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I love the first design picture you have. If you need any help with fixing it just let me know, I have built a fair number of wingless SSTOs that take off that way.

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