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Kerbolar Demo Parts Extravaganza!

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Greetings, Kerbonauts!

As it appears my account was wiped out with the forum outage a few weeks ago, and since I posted this challenge previously... I figured with the interest it garnered when I posted it a few months ago, and as much as I enjoyed attempting a similar challenge posed in the pre-.18 days, that it's worth reposting.

Of course, in the current demo version of the game (.18.3), the only available bodies are Kerbol, Kerbin, and the Mün, and a comparatively small selection of parts from which to choose. With this design constraint in mind, my challenge to you is to explore other bodies in the Kerbol system--using only demo parts. All that being said...


  1. Demo (.18.3) parts ONLY (list available here)
  2. Vessel construction must be in VAB only
  3. Cannot launch new flights if 3 or more are already in progress
  4. Multiple capsules/crew ARE permitted

Note that as docking parts are unavailable, crew transfer will have to be accomplished with rendezvous and EVA, if desired. Plugins are not loaded in the demo, but so long as you don't use any on your craft in flight, I can't exactly stop you from, say, using MechJeb in the VAB to get an idea of the TWR and delta-V you'll be working with. ;)

UPDATE: Here's some (admittedly preliminary) scores to shoot for. Enjoy!



  • Encounter/Orbit: 250 pts
  • Land and return to Kerbin: 500 pts


  • Encounter/Orbit: 1000 pts
  • Land: 250 pts
  • Return to Orbit: 250 pts
  • Return to Kerbin: 1000 pts


  • Encounter/Orbit: 750 pts
  • Land: 250 pts
  • Return to Orbit: 5000 pts
  • Return to Kerbin: 1000 pts


  • Encounter/Orbit: 2000 pts
  • Land: 500 pts
  • Return to Orbit: 500 pts
  • Return to Kerbin: 2500 pts


  • Encounter/Orbit: 2000 pts
  • Land: 750 pts
  • Return to Orbit: 750 pts
  • Return to Kerbin: 1500 pts


  • Encounter/Orbit: 3000 pts
  • Land on Laythe: 1000 pts
  • Escape Laythe: 2500 pts
  • Land on Vall: 2000 pts
  • Escape Vall: 2000 pts
  • Land on Tylo: 5000 pts
  • Escape Tylo: 3500 pts
  • Land on Bop: 500 pts
  • Escape Bop: 300 pts
  • Land on Pol: 250 pts
  • Escape Pol: 200 pts
  • Return to Kerbin: 4000 pts


  • Encounter/Orbit: 4000 pts
  • Land: 1500 pts
  • Return to Orbit: 1500 pts
  • Return to Kerbin: 4000 pts


  • The More, the Merrier: +10% for each additional crew member
  • Münlighting: Land on the Mün AND Minmus with a single flight 1000 pts
  • The One And Only: Single-Stage-To-Orbit vehicle 3000 pts
  • The One And Only, Professional Grade: Single-Stage-To-Moon vehicle (Mün or Minmus) 5000 pts
  • The One And Only, Nightmare Grade: Single-State-To-Planet vehicle 10,000 pts
  • Moving Mountains: Heaviest Vehicle* +100% (per given objective landed upon; e.g., separate awards given for the heaviest Minmus vehicle and heaviest Duna vehicle, etc.)
  • Stuff We Had Lying Around: Fewest parts* +100% (per given objective landed upon)
  • The Eisenhower: Land on Ike and Duna in the same flight 1500 pts
  • Gee Gillikers: Land on Gilly and Eve in the same flight 2000 pts
  • "I'm a little cooked, but I'm okay:" Closest stable orbit to Kerbol 8000 pts
  • Joolienned: Jool capture orbit with aerobraking only 3000 pts
  • Joolian Tour: Land on more than one Joolian moon in the same flight 5000 pts
  • Falling With Style: Land intact without the assistance of parachutes or engine power +50% (Remember, you DO have access to two types of winglets!)
  • Homesick: Shortest total mission duration with successful return to Kerbin** +50% (per given objective)

*Tiebreakers to be determined; factors such as whether one craft returns to Kerbin, or has a shorter MET, et cetera may apply

**Tiebreakers to be determined


metaphor: 46,500 (Tylo landing and return to Kerbin, Moving Mountains, Stuff We Had Lying Around)

hermes47: 34,650 (Laythe landing, 3-man return, Moving Mountains, Stuff We Had Lying Around)

gm537: 33,000 (Eeloo landing and return to Kerbin, Moving Mountains, Stuff We Had Lying Around)

hermes47: 24,750 (Val, Bop, Pol landings, Joolian Tour, Moving Mountains, Stuff We Had Lying Around)

hermes47: 23,000 (Tylo landing/departure, Laythe Orbit, Moving Mountains)

metaphor: 10,750 (Eve landing, The One And Only; Nightmare Grade)

Spaceisbeautiful: 8250 (Minmus encounter, lowest Kerbolar orbit)

Hermes47: 8250 (Moho landing, Moving Mountains, Stuff We Had Lying Around)

gm537: 8000 (lowest Kerbolar orbit)

Professorel: 5250 (Minmus landing, Münlighting, Moving Mountains, Stuff We Had Lying Around)

metaphor: 1000 (Eve landing)

Current Record-Holders***

"I'm a little cooked, but I'm okay" - gm537 - 20,857,895m

Moving Mountains (Moho) - Hermes47

Moving Mountains (Minmus) - Professorel

Moving Mountains (Jool, Tylo) - Hermes47 - 480.21 Tons

Moving Mountains (Laythe) - Hermes47 - 447.91

Moving Mountains (Vall) - Hermes47 - 349.49

Moving Mountains (Bop) - Hermes47 - 349.49

Moving Mountains (Pol) - Hermes47 - 349.49

Moving Mountains (Eeloo) - gm537

Stuff We Had Lying Around (Moho) - Hermes47

Stuff We Had Lying Around (Minmus) - Professorel

Stuff We Had Lying Around (Eeloo) - gm537

Stuff We Had Lying Around (Jool, Tylo, Vall, Laythe, Bop, Pol) - Hermes47 - 377 for Tylo, 366 for Laythe, 337 for Vall/Bop/Pol

***Your score on the Leaderboard will be unchanged even if your record is broken

The point awards are admittedly a bit arbitrary, but hopefully they're suitable. I'm also open to suggestions for objective and achievement awards. Without further ado, here's some screencaps from my initial Minmus foray when I proposed this challenge pre-forum-meltdown a few months ago. Good hunting!

On the launchpad.


On approach...


Landed! Don't mind the jettisoned transfer stage in the background.


Home in time for supper.


Edited by TheMontgomery
Clarified qualifiers for some achievements, noted tiebreaker rules for records
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Congrats TheMontgomery, I have stickied your thread as the first of the brand new "Featured Challenge of the Month" initiative we are trialling.

Your challenge is well presented and should be good for established players because of the parts restriction, while also being beginner friendly :)

Have fun everyone who gives this challenge a go :D

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Ah, I remember this. I went and landed on Moho back before the forum massacre. I'll go see if I can maybe scrounge up some pics.

EDIT: And look, here they are.

Ready to launch


On our way up


Burning for interplanetary space


Organising Moho intercept


Approaching circularisation burn point


Yay! Orbit.


Coming in to land



Whoop! Landfall!


Jeb testing out the G's. He's stuck there now.


And I'm currently planning a multi Jool moon mission.

Edited by hermes47
Pictures of Moho
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@sal_vager: I'm honored and flattered! Glad I could provide a worthy challenge here for the community.

@angusmacbeth: If you're trying to attain some achievements, post screenshots of the relevant milestones (mass, number of parts, MET, et cetera), otherwise a few of liftoff, maybe some map screens of your trajectories, landing, return, and so on.

@hermes47: Very nicely done! Seeing your screencaps, I believe I recall your Moho journey. At first glance, looks like that'll net you 2,750 points if I'm not mistaken. And of course, as the only Moho entry thus far, you'd also be entitled to the Moving Mountains, Stuff We Had Lying Around, and Homesick achievements for Moho. ;) I'll update the leaderboards this evening.

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Look at my signature and you'll find what I have done.

Yes, I have gone to all the planets. Even tried to land on Jool before the Kraken got me.

Edited by Sun
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I've updated the Leaderboard and Record-Holders so far, with the leaderboard scores containing descriptions for the criteria used to calculate them. Let me know if I messed anything up.

I've also taken it upon myself to clarify a few of the achievements and the like, I'll try not to retcon TOO much if I need to tweak anything for practicality in the future.

Very nicely done so far, everyone. I look forward to seeing more. I may try my hand at an SSTO or a gliding return vehicle in the near future, stay tuned.

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I managed to make an SSTO--if just barely!


I squeaked into orbit with but a sliver of fuel left. Conveniently, just enough fuel to deorbit to a suitable aerobraking altitude and attempt to land.


...Which itself has proven unsuccessful thus far. Moar winglets may be required to not go into an uncontrollable spin at around 10,000m and die.


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I've got a ship design (300 parts) that should, in theory, manage to get me out to Jool, land on Bop, Pol and Val and back to Kerbin, probably with flybys of the other moons and maybe a Minmus landing on the way back. Now I just need to get the planets lined up nicely...

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Semi-major axis is probably the best metric to judge it by, yes.

In other news, I'm still trying to cobble together something capable of gliding to a landing, SSTO or otherwise. As I'm presently terrible at both bulding serviceable SSTO craft AND landing planes... it's a tall order for me.

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My lowest Kerbol Orbit has a SMA of 1,151,226,888. Also I will now ask the stupid question of how do you post the screen shots?

Best way I've found is to upload it to Imgur or some similar service. The "insert image" function will allow you to plug in the URL.

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I've got my multi Jool moon trip ready to go. The ship (containing three landers and a return stage), with judicious use of the Launch Window Planer and the Aerobraking Calculator (brilliant tools), is capable to getting out to Jool, and the landers doing their assigned jobs. At only 337 parts, I'm kinda considering adding to it to get a landing on all the moons. Or maybe launching a second ship with the other two landers (Laythe and Tylo). Over the weekend, I'm probably gonna make a video (or several) of my attempt. Things are looking good though.

Edited by hermes47
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Here are the images from my lowest Kerbol orbit.

Me on the launch pad:


Showing Periapsis:


Showing Apoapsis:


I have also done a Munlighting challenge that I will be posting soon. On the "More the Merrier" challenge does it matter if we literally bring more Kerbals? I built a rocket with 7 capsules but am pretty sure there is no way in either the demo or full stock version to add Kerbals to the empty capsules without a mod like crew transfer. Since Kerbals don't add mass I figure it doesn't matter from a performance stand point.

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I started trying but gave up. You'd need SRB's and T30's to start, running out of fuel and doing all orbital operations on one or more 909's. I couldn't quite get the required delta-V to orbit.

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