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  1. 1. Character's Name?

    • Xavier
    • Peter
    • Altair

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Inventory: Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers, helmet

Currency: 100 credits

Time: Night, Zombie date 6-5-0 (6 months, 5 days, 0 years after the first zombie)

Place: At a fort, 28 miles from home

Health: Minor injuries

Thinking rationally, you head over to the depot to purchase a vehicle. You have several options:

(unless specified, it comes with 100 miles worth of fuel)

a) 100 credits, this vehicle may not look like much, but it comes with 1000 miles of fuel!

B) 50, same as above, minus the bonus fuel

c) 100, a capable vehicle with plenty of accessories for off-road driving (which is most of the world now)

d) 25, you wonder why this dealer can get away with selling this crap

e) never mind, go to sleep


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Inventory: Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers, helmet

Currency: 0 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 100 miles of gas

Time: Night, Zombie date 6-5-0 (6 months, 5 days, 0 years after the first zombie)

Place: At a fort, 28 miles from home

Health: Minor injuries

You hand over your well-earned credits to the dealer, and walk over to your new vehicle. What now?

a) sleep at the inn

B) work some and earn some more credits

c) head out for home

d) take a few potshots at the zombies

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Inventory: Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers, helmet

Currency: 0 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 100 miles of gas

Time: Night, Zombie date 6-5-0 (6 months, 5 days, 0 years after the first zombie)

Place: At a fort, 28 miles from home

Health: Minor injuries

You hand over your well-earned credits to the dealer, and walk over to your new vehicle. What now?

a) sleep at the inn

B) work some and earn some more credits

c) head out for home

d) take a few potshots at the zombies


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Inventory: Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers, helmet

Currency: 0 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 100 miles of gas

Time: Night, Zombie date 6-5-0 (6 months, 5 days, 0 years after the first zombie)

Place: At a fort, 28 miles from home

Health: Minor injuries

You are about to walk over to the inn, when you hear the alarms. Zombies have broken through the first line! You grab your rifle, and head out. You come across several other traders, and try to figure out where the zombies are. At that moment, the breach in front of you falls down, revealing a horde. You and the traders instantly hunker down and fire at the zombies. Head after head explodes as your rounds fly through them. Unfortunately, a small group of 7 traders cannot hold out against a near endless horde, and the zombies get nearer and nearer to your perimeter. One zombie charges toward you, but is stopped by a deer slug to the head. Keeping at this spot will be suicide to your team unless the militia arrives. Being the most experienced in the group, you are left with commanding this 'squad'. What should you do?

a) counter-offensive: push them back with force.

B) hold your ground, and find a way to signal the militia

c) fall back until you find the militia

d) fall back to a defensive position

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Inventory: Upgraded sniper rifle, 0 rounds, 5 daggers, helmet

Currency: 0 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 100 miles of gas

Time: Night, Zombie date 6-5-0 (6 months, 5 days, 0 years after the first zombie)

Place: At a fort, 28 miles from home

Health: Minor injuries

Party: 6 other traders

You give the order to fall back, and you slowly back away towards the main street. You occasionally stop and hold a perimeter for as long as you can, then move on to the next. You decide to send one of the traders to go get help. he runs off, and you continue to fight. Minutes tick by, as the zombies get closer and closer. Some civilians join in the fight with their own weapons, but the zombies still move forward. You quickly discover that you are on your last round, as well as the other traders. You each fire off your last rounds, and charge with daggers in hand. At that moment, an IFV appears behind you, and starts mowing down the horde in front of you. A squad then jumps out the back, and use flamethrowers to push back the horde. A couple more troops come, and hand you more rounds. After a few more minutes, the horde has dissipated, and the town is saved! In return, the militia hand you 150 credits. You feel very tired, and decide to head for the inn. You go to your room, and immediately fall asleep.

You wake up the next day, and head down for breakfast. Lucky for you, traders have a tax on their sales that allow them to go to any inn for free. What should you do now?





a) hire a hand

B) head out

c) stick around

d) join the militia

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Inventory: Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers, helmet

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 100 miles of gas

Time: Morning, Zombie date 6-6-0

Place: At a fort, 28 miles from home

Health: Normal

You head over to the headquarters, and ask to join their forces. You explain to them what you have, and they give you a mountable machine gun for your vehicle, as well as 500 rounds. They also hand you body armor and:

a) a rifle, you will be a scout

B) a rifle, you will be on a patrol

c) a shotgun, you will tackle hordes before they arrive at settlements

d) a flamethrower, you will be a defensive shock trooper

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 50 miles of gas

Time: Evening, Zombie date 6-6-0

Place: Fort Trenton

Health: Normal

They hand you your flamer and give you your first mission. Their is a horde of zombies that is moving towards Fort Trenton, and they need more reinforcements. You drive out of the fort, and join the convoy. After a couple hours, you reach Fort Trenton, and help the troops unpack. You move your vehicle into an entrance and mount your machine gun. After an hour, the perimeter is set, and just in time too, as you see the first few zombies of the horde. The defense is a slow grind, and is mostly target practice for you. After a few minutes, you hear a scream from inside the fort, and seem to be the only one who heard it. What should you do?

a) Investigate the scream

B) Stay put

c) Consult your commander

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 50 miles of gas

Time: Evening, Zombie date 6-6-0

Place: Fort Trenton

Health: Normal

Since everything is under control at the perimeter, your captain sends you to investigate the fort.

Not surprisingly, the fort is deserted, save for a few local militia patrolling the street. You get to the market place, and see what the scream was for. It\'s that damned cult again! They think that these zombies are the next step in human evolution, and thus released some zombies into the market place. First, you create a fire barrier, then torch the zeds. No big problem for you, until you hear a call for you back at the perimeter.

Apparently, the 'horde' that you have been defending against was only the skirmishers, and now you are being overrun. All the shock troopers do their best to push them back, but now your just buying time. That\'s when you learned of a new and terrifying zombie behavior: the zombies all start hissing, and charge forward. They completely break through the flanks, and are overwhelmed the troops. The commander gives the order to retreat, and everyone falls back into the fort. There, the force disbands, most helping the townsfolk escape, and the shock troopers holding back the horde. Finally, the fort is abandoned, and the militia runs off. Unfortunately, you were separated from the rest of your team, and had to sneak out on your own. You\'re now stuck near a zombie infested fort, and no idea which way to go. Which way shall you drive?

a) North

B) South

c) East

d) West

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 5 miles of gas

Time: Morning, Zombie date 6-7-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

After a couple hours, you come upon a fort. The sign says Harris, so you guess that\'s the name of the fort. You come in and sit down at the bar for a drink. Seeing you were a militia man, your first drink was on the house. Now what do you do?

a) Keep drinking

B) get some sleep

c) refuel and keep going

d) check out the town, maybe their hiding something

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 5 miles of gas

Time: Morning, Zombie date 6-7-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

You decide to look into the goings-on of this town. First, you take a walk to get a mental map of the fort. You don\'t notice anything strange, until you find a small tower that seems to be in construction, as it\'s metal frame is all that is there. You decide to head over to the tavern to listen in on the loud-mouths there. You overhear that there have been strange sounds coming from the tower. This sounds interesting. You go to the capital and try to eavesdrop on any conversations. You hear many of varying degrees: guards talking about the latest horde; politicians discussing the upcoming meeting; how everybody\'s family is doing. However, you hear two things that interest you. First, you heard some soldiers discussing an upcoming mission to the Waste, AKA the nearest city that is teeming with zombies. Rumor has it that the Waste holds key information to stopping the zombies. The other thing you hear of is small, but still sounds important: Project Exodus. Those two words are all you hear from the two officials who talked about it. After all this snooping, you head to the inn and fall asleep.


You wake up on the next day, unsure of what to do.

a) find out more about Project Exodus

B) find out more about the mission to the Waste

c) head back to your safehouse

d) do more snooping

Does anyone know how to remove an expired poll?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back, and ready for a doozy. If you just want the information in the snooping, open the spoiler

Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 5 miles of gas

Time: Night, Zombie date 6-7-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

Most information you acquired was through official-looking people.

Someone wants the information kept secret, as areas you believe to be linked to Project Orion are heavily guarded, and anyone talking about the project seems scared to talk about it.

Project Orion seems to be a long-running plan.

It probably involves that skeletal tower in the town.

It needs materials from the Waste.

The lights you saw in the distance some months ago may be linked.

You go to several places, and learn as much as you can:


You enter the building again, and sit down to eavesdrop. A couple of officials walk past, and one mentions 'the plan', but the other immediately stops him from talking anymore. They then walk into a guarded door. One of the guards notice you and kick you out. You notice another official walking towards the mysterious tower, but he\'s got a squad of guards with him, so you can\'t tail him. You decide to listen in on some guards.


You easily find a squad of grunts and start tailing them. They talk about trivial matters: family, the quality of the drinks at the tavern, the odd reduction in the size of the hordes. Then one of them starts talking about the mission the the Waste. Apparently, the objective is two-fold: the public objective is to find out more about the zombie hierarchy, but the elite soldiers are in charge of collecting some materials in the Waste. Other than that, they know little more than where to sign up for the mission. Apparently anybody willing to fight zombies is welcome for the mission. With this information in mind, you go to the tavern to find some loose tongues.


You almost reach a door, when a hand grabs you and pulls you into an alley. You discover it\'s an ex-guard that grabbed you.

'I can\'t talk for long' he warned, 'they\'re about to find me.'

'Who\'s about to fin-'

'Shhh! I need to tell you what I know! I saw you listening, you\'re interested in Project Orion, aren\'t you? Well, The first I heard of it was about 4 months ago. About a month ago, I heard some explosions coming from the wilderness, and I knew no zombies were around!'

'Wait? Explosions? Have you seen any lights in the wilderness?'

'Yes, and that is what my next point is! They-'

At that point, a dart hit his neck and he fell over, dead. You look up and see a shadow on the roofs. You duck behind a dumpster, and hope whoever killed him doesn\'t notice you. You wait for what seems like hours before you peek out and notice that there is no-one around. You head into the tavern to hide and rest. You\'re too tired to listen in anymore: besides, anymore eavesdropping might get you killed.

Okay, chapter over, now I need something from you guys. I need help resetting the poll. Anyone who knows how to reset it, please help me out.

A) Break into the capital building.

B) Break into the tower.

C) Find the lights and investigate.

D) Join the mission to the Waste.

E) Leave well enough alone.

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 5 miles of gas

Time: Evening, Zombie date 6-8-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

After a whole day of waiting around, you finally see the sun set. You encountered several scares throughout the day, where you thought someone was tracking you. After the sun set, you look outside the fort, but do not see the lights! You sit and wait all night, but the lights do not come. What should you do?

A) Break into the capital building.

B) Break into the tower.

C) Repeat tomorrow night.

D) Join the mission to the Waste.

E) You think you remember where to go, try and get there without the lights.

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