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Choose the Path Story


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  1. 1. Character's Name?

    • Xavier
    • Peter
    • Altair

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 5 miles of gas

Time: Evening, Zombie date 6-9-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

You wake up the next morning, and hang around. It seems that since that ex-guard\'s death, none of the officials have visited the tavern. That\'s probably a good thing for you, since you don\'t want anyone recognizing you right now. Finally, night falls and you head to the wall. You see a flicker of lights about 15 miles to the North, but then you hear and see a massive explosion to the South. At that moment, the horde alarm has gone off. A horde of zombies has appeared at the Eastern wall. Where should you go?

A) Back to bed

B) North

C) South

D) East

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Vehicle: Fine, 5 miles of gas

Time: Evening, Zombie date 6-9-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

You feel tired, but you are obligated to defend the fort. You arm your flamethrower and head toward the East gate.

You come and see that, though the horde is small, the defense is poorly prepared. Zombie after zombie is scorched as you torch a perimeter around the gate. You call out for the nearby troops to form up with you. Slowly but surely, the soldiers set a secure perimeter, and the horde is wiped out. Everyone congratulates you, and offer you a drink, but you decline and head to the inn.

On your way, yet another arm pulls you into an alley. This time, you can\'t see who is talking to you

'I know who you are, and that you are looking into Project Orion. I can\'t tell you anything, but I can offer to recruit you for the mission to the Waste. There, you\'ll find out all you need. If you want to join, meet me behind the North gate tomorrow night.'

With that, he left. You head back to the inn to get some sleep.


You woke up the next morning, unsure of what to do.

A) Join the mission.

B) Don\'t join, but tag along.

C) Head to the waste by yourself.

D) Keep searching for the lights.

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Inventory: Flamethrower, Upgraded sniper rifle, 50 rounds, 5 daggers

Armor: Helmet and Body Armor

Currency: 150 credits

Time: Evening, Zombie date 6-10-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

You head toward the North gate, and sit down. A man sits next to you, and talks to you.

'Don\'t look, or everyone will get suspicious.'

'I guess you\'re my contact?'

'Yeah, so do you wanna join the mission?'


'Alright, you\'re in. You\'ll know when to get ready, but as for now, I have two instructions for you. One, if you want to help with the elite objective (something about Project Orion), then follow the soldiers with a red star on their right shoulder. Two, before you leave I would like for you to have a better arsenal. Give this pass to the guard at the capital at any time, and he\'ll take you to the armory. I trust you\'ll do well, (Need a name)'

With that, he leaves.

A) Go to sleep

B) Go to the armory, then skip to mission

C) Go to armory, then hang around

Also, whats your name?

A) Luke

B) Peter

C) Altair 8)

D) Other

Do both polls in the form

1:(insert choice)

2:(insert choice)

First choice for the story will be chosen, but the most popular name wins.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great, one vote for each one. It\'s Altair.



Currency: 150 credits

Time: Night, Zombie date 6-10-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

You walk up to the guard, and say your name.

'Welcome, Altair. The armory is this way. Unfortunately, we can\'t let you walk away with all our weapons, so we selected some loadouts for you. I should warn you, we\'ve seen evolved zombies out there that may have different abilities. (Yes, I ripped off Left 4 Dead, so what?)'

A) pump shotgun, handgun, wrist knife, sealed helmet, one gas bomb (deadly gas to zeds, they are infected)

B) assault rifle, handgun, combat knife, tactical helmet(can pull up more info than just radio), two frag grenades

C) flamethrower, wrist-mounted single-shell shotgun, combat knife, fire retardant suit, one flame grenade(like a military-grade molotov)

D) submachine gun, sawed-off double-barrel shotgun, combat knife, sensor helmet(has heartbeat sensor for zeds), two zed flares (lures away zombies)

E) pump shotgun, handgun, combat knife, standard helmet, one pipe bomb

FYI, anything else you need for the mission will be given later, you can use it in different ways.

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Inventory:smg, so db shotgun, combat knife, two zed flares

Armor: sensor helmet

Currency: 150 credits

Time: Night, Zed date 6-10-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

This is your sensor. X\'s are zombies, H\'s are humans, The Y in the middle is you.


? ?

? ?

? Y ?

? ?

? ?


You grab your equipment and walk out.

Time: 0300, Zed date 7-03-0

You head to the load up point. There\'s soldiers everywhere, and even see that other forts have contributed troops to the mission, each a small company. Your 'commander' walks up to you.

'Glad to see you, Altair. We move out at 0400 hours, pick your fireteam to join. I can assure you that there is at least one operative in each group. The challenge for finding operatives in combat is FLASH, counter challenge is THUNDER. If this all goes well, I\'ll see you back here in a week. Make it alive, and I\'ll buy you a drink.'

With that, he walks away. You discover five teams that need an extra member.

A) Recon team, CQB armed with bikes

B) Assault team, Standard Arms with Humvees(minigun on top)

C) Support team, LMG\'s and Flamethrowers with IFV (Think M112 Bradley)

D) Heavy team, LMG\'s and Rocket Launchers, with a tank (think M1 Abrams with a minigun on top)

E) Spec ops(not operative, just stealthier troops), CQB armed with helicopter(minigun on side)

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