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Choose the Path Story


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Inventory:smg, so db shotgun, combat knife, two zed flares

Armor: sensor helmet

Currency: 150 credits

Time:0350, Zed date 7-03-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

Cpl. Staten: Fully-armed, Normal health

Harris: Fully-armed, Normal health

James: Fully-armed, Normal health

Tagger: Fully-armed, Normal health




You walk up to the chopper.

'You must be Altair. I\'m Corporal Staten, and this is Fireteam Bravo. Let me introduce you to the team.'

You walk up to a man with satchel bombs across his chest.

'This is Harris. He\'s our demo specialist. Just give him some C4 and he\'ll go to town.'

You then see a decently armed man, but he has a geeky aura around him.

'James is our zombie specialist. The only reason he\'s on the team is so that we can get more information on the zombies.'

Finally, you see a man who looks older than he should be.

'This is Tagger. He may not look like much, but he\'s learned 23 ways to kill a zombie with a stick. He\'s marked every kill on his knife, then his gun, and finally on his body. He\'s got a skull tattoo on his chest for every 10 zeds he\'s killed, but he won\'t show his chest to anybody.'

A loudspeaker then announces:

'0350 hours, move out in 10 minutes'

Staten then turns to you and says 'Here\'s your equipment for the mission. I\'m counting on you to keep all of these items, or we may not accomplish our objective.' With that he hands you your case and goes to help tie the helicopter onto its trailer. You open the case and pull out: C4, a beacon, a radio, a flare gun with 3 shots, and a heavy piece of metal. You put all of the items in your pack, and go to your team.

Part two will come tomorrow, so chill out!

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Weapons:SMG, Shotgun, combat knife, two zed flares

Armor: sensor helmet

Inventory: C4, beacon, radio, a flare gun with 3 shots, and a heavy piece of metal.

Currency: 150 credits

Time:0400, Zed date 7-03-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

Cpl. Staten: Fully-armed, Normal health

Harris: Fully-armed, Normal health

James: Fully-armed, Normal health

Tagger: Fully-armed, Normal health, Plenty of Medical supplies




You get the helicopter and all of it\'s maintenance onto the trailer, and load up in the cab. At that time, the loudspeaker comes on:

'The time is now 0400 hours. All APC\'s please head to the loading station. All other vehicles prepare for convoy formation.'

A couple of men come out and guide your vehicle to its point in the convoy.

0410 hours

'All APC\'s loaded. Convoy 1 is moving. Convoy 2 prepare to move out.'

0420 hours

'Convoy 2 moving. Convoy 3 prepare for move out'

0430 hours

'Convoy 3 moving out. Good luck to all and Godspeed.'

'Here we go boys!'

'Yeah! Let\'s get those zeds!'

With that, your vehicle rolls out.

A) Skip to Mission

B) Something happens along the way

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Weapons:SMG, Shotgun, combat knife, two zed flares

Armor: sensor helmet

Inventory: C4, beacon, radio, a flare gun with 3 shots, and a heavy piece of metal.

Currency: 150 credits

Time:1910, Zed date 7-03-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

Cpl. Staten: Fully-armed, Normal health

Harris: Fully-armed, Normal health

James: Fully-armed, Normal health

Tagger: Fully-armed, Normal health, Plenty of Medical supplies




The convoy stops, and the lead vehicles set up camp as the others park strategically, with transports in the middle and tanks on the outside. The lead truck extends a tower and serves as a lookout post. You go to set up up your team\'s tent.

0034 hours, Zed date 7-04-0

You try to sleep, but something is keeping you up. You decide to go take a walk. You reach the tower, and decide to talk with the lookout there.

'How\'s the horizon?'

'Good, but I thought I saw something about 3 miles North of our position. I don\'t think it was anything though. I just got to keep a wary eye, so nothing sneaks-'

With that last word, a shadow leaped out of nowhere and attacks the lookout. You then hear screeching and moaning in the distance. The only way you can alert the base in time is to press the button on the top of the tower, but that shadowy figure is still up there, and you only have your knife with you. What should you do?

A) Climb up and confront the figure.

B) Go Paul Revere on the base.

C) Screw it, you can take on that horde.

D) Run like hell!

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Weapons:SMG, Shotgun, combat knife, two zed flares

Armor: sensor helmet

Inventory: C4, beacon, radio, a flare gun with 3 shots, and a heavy piece of metal.

Currency: 150 credits

Time:1910, Zed date 7-03-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

Cpl. Staten: Fully-armed, Normal health

Harris: Fully-armed, Normal health

James: Fully-armed, Normal health

Tagger: Fully-armed, Normal health, Plenty of Medical supplies




You run like hell into the horde, then go slo-mo side-held SMG on dem beeches! Unfortunately, the zombies do not go slo-mo, so you\'re stuck in the middle of a horde going slo-mo.

A) Stop goofing off!

B) The base saves you!

C) Something completely different!

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Weapons:SMG, Shotgun, combat knife, two zed flares

Armor: sensor helmet

Inventory: C4, beacon, radio, a flare gun with 3 shots, and a heavy piece of metal.

Currency: 150 credits

Time:1910, Zed date 7-03-0

Place: Fort Harris

Health: Normal

Cpl. Staten: Fully-armed, Normal health

Harris: Fully-armed, Normal health

James: Fully-armed, Normal health

Tagger: Fully-armed, Normal health, Plenty of Medical supplies




As you go into slo-mo, let\'s change perspective to the lookout.

'I just got to keep a wary eye, so nothing sneaks-'

With that, a zombie jumps on you and tries to rip your chest apart. You grapple with it, and manage to throw it over the tower. You look down there, and see some retard who thinks he is in slo-mo. You crawl up to the alarm button, and with your last breath push the button.

The alarms sound as the base comes to life. The soldiers discovered an odd behavior: none of the zombies were charging them. They surround the horde and slowly cut them down. You discover some idiot who thinks he was in slo-mo.

'What the hell is wrong with you?'

You look up to discover than in reality, life does not slow down around you.The alarm stops, and everyone goes back to their tents. No casualties were taken that night.

More to come tomorrow.

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Frogger, I\'ve been trying to figure out how to use it in the story, for now you had it off because there was no threat.

I now have a question for you all: Would you like the story to stay with choices, make it linear (in that I choose how it goes), or have it that there is a choice every now and then (like 2 to 3 posts)? Vote now!

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