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Best ascent path for mechjeb


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I have MJ; currently the default ascent path settings are:

turn start 5 km

turn end 70 km

final path angle 0°

turn shape 40%

but you can simply turn on 'Automatic Altitude Turn', which seems to make an attempt at optimizing for you.

AFAIK, the stock game atmosphere hasn't changed, yet. So I'm sticking with my preferred turn start at 8km, with slow vessels turning aggressively to go lower and fast vessels turning more slowly to go high.

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  • 2 months later...

I testet the some ways to launch a single stage in a Kerbin Orbit.

My best results for a 75Km Orbit:

-TWR 1.62

-start ascent path on 7,3 Km

-ascent paht angle 38,7%

(this rocket use less than 900L Fuel, and can push 1t)

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  • 7 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Old post I know, 

Overall, I make rockets different depending on what I am doing, In the later game I tend to do a single stage, early in the game I use multi-stage (2 stages or more to orbit) I never bother with spaceplanes and the shuttle. I can't land for the life of me (or for my kerbals) Plus I use Kerbalism so shutting down and restarting engines causes malfunctions.   

The way that I do it regardless of the weight of the vehicle. Is fly manually then when I found the perfect balance for a particular rocket I then plug in what flight path I used into mechjeb and let it automatically take over. 

BTW I do make launch vehicles for different weights and roles, so I get many uses out of one design. 

I tend to with heavy rockets with less than 1.5TWR or first stage boosters is turn about 10km up aim at 60degrees, wait until the atmosphere drops off about 40km up then turn to 30degrees wait again till i get to 50/60km, and then pull over to even out at 5degrees to the desired height ie 80km. then it is the last little push to orbit. 

Lighter rockets 2TWR+ I use max thrust until i have control to turn, I turn as early as possible, then I pivot over to about 30degrees until I get near to the target altitude 80km, then turn to 5degrees and slow burn up. Ideally it does not require much of a burn to get into orbit. 

I never been sure that this works best, But I like it. 




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