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[WIP]United Launch Alliance Pack *V1.0RC1 Released*


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Well what do you want? There have been 38 launches do far. A few notable ones (from the wiki) are MRO, MSL, SDO, LRO, New Horizons, Juno (I will be having a go at Juno). There's a good spread if stuff to pick from. Word of advice though, a lot of the NASA meshes are very high poly so they may not translate into the game too well, also in my opinion it's a bit cheating :P

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Boom. Mind blown people. I'm a genius! And probably wrong...

Edit: BTW Chimer4, your 77th post was the 77th post on this thread :P.

Edit Edit: I know a few mods that used NASA meshes, one being a Space Shuttle mod in progress, I heard it runs fine on average computers.

Edited by RocketTurtle
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Wrong again :P further off than DarthVader. I thought that saying "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" would make it too easy lol. Although having the x-37b/c would cool, I'm not going to venture into space planes just yet

And I did not notice that, pretty cool eh?

Another clue: A.C.E.S. (too easy now :P)

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Wrong again :P further off than DarthVader. I thought that saying "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" would make it too easy lol. Although having the x-37b/c would cool, I'm not going to venture into space planes just yet

And I did not notice that, pretty cool eh?

Another clue: A.C.E.S. (too easy now :P)

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!...

Nope, got nothin'.

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Really? It's even mentioned on the wiki page, although not I'm much detail. But then again detail about it isn't everywhere. I'm pretty sure of "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" but "Phase 3" is a bit sketchy, some say one thing, some say other things

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Advanced Common Evolved Stage.

Edit: The Advanced Common Evolved Stage, or ACES, is a proposed LOX/LH2 upper stage rocket for use on space launch vehicles. The design concept is from the U.S. company United Launch Alliance (ULA).[1] ACES is intended to boost satellite payloads to geosynchronous orbit or, in the case of an interplanetary space probe, to or near to escape velocity. Other alternative uses include a proposal to provide in-space propellant depots in LEO or at L2 that could be used as way-stations for other rockets to stop and refuel on the way to beyond-LEO or interplanetary missions, and to provide the high-energy technical capacity for the cleanup of space debris.

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Replace the normal bracket with square brackets

Or if you want text linking use


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Advanced Common Evolved Stage.

Edit: The Advanced Common Evolved Stage, or ACES, is a proposed LOX/LH2 upper stage rocket for use on space launch vehicles. The design concept is from the U.S. company United Launch Alliance (ULA).[1] ACES is intended to boost satellite payloads to geosynchronous orbit or, in the case of an interplanetary space probe, to or near to escape velocity. Other alternative uses include a proposal to provide in-space propellant depots in LEO or at L2 that could be used as way-stations for other rockets to stop and refuel on the way to beyond-LEO or interplanetary missions, and to provide the high-energy technical capacity for the cleanup of space debris.

ACES is "Phase 1". It's a new stage designed to replace the centaur/DCSS and flown on existing and future launchers.

Another hint. It is proposed that "Phase 2" can lift 70mt to LEO

DarthVader check your Sig, it's not just by me. BlazingAngel is working on it to :)

Edited by Chimer4
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It is proposed that "Phase 2" can lift 70mt to LEO

Is it the 5m diameter Atlas V?

" At 5 meters, a stage can accept dual RD-180 engines.... The proposed heavy-lift vehicle is "Atlas Phase 2" or "PH2".... The Atlas PH2 HLV would launch a payload mass of approximately 70 metric tons into an orbit of 28.5 degree-inclination"

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Is it the 5m diameter Atlas V?

" At 5 meters, a stage can accept dual RD-180 engines.... The proposed heavy-lift vehicle is "Atlas Phase 2" or "PH2".... The Atlas PH2 HLV would launch a payload mass of approximately 70 metric tons into an orbit of 28.5 degree-inclination"

And the internet cookie goes to Ipam :D

Yes it is the Atlas V Phase 2, or EELV Phase 2. It's proposed to use a 5m CCB with dual RD-180s or the Hydrocarbon Boost (not found much on that yet). It will use ACES as it's upper stage and will be able to get around 70mt to LEO. ACES will use 4 RL-10 engines to propel it and it's payload. It can be augmented with up to 6 Atlas SRBs, or 2 additional CCBs.


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It also has 5 RD-180s powering it in the main core! With the additional boosters that's 13 total RD-180s, or 26 nozzles!!!! I think the guys over at LM have been playing KSP :D "it's not big enough" "add more engines!" I have to say, that Phase 3b looks a bit ridiculous, but amazing at the same time. 140mt!!!

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It also has 5 RD-180s powering it in the main core! With the additional boosters that's 13 total RD-180s, or 26 nozzles!!!! I think the guys over at LM have been playing KSP :D "it's not big enough" "add more engines!" I have to say, that Phase 3b looks a bit ridiculous, but amazing at the same time. 140mt!!!

LM employee: Sir! We have two designs, this simple but very capable one, or this massive, explosive, and totally Kerbal one with 4 CCB's and 13 RD-180's! So which one are we gonna use?

C.E.O.: Hm... safety is our main priority so... number 2!

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I appreciate the kind words fellas! It's supposed to be a Delta IV CBC. Data collection wasn't a priority for me when I started putting it together, I was just piddling around with whatever I thought looked rocket-y. I've been paying more attention to detail now. If you need an extra modeller, I'd be more than willing to help any way I can!

Btw, RocketTurtle, your models are amazing I'm realllyyyyyy looking forward to using the Atlas you've been building!!!!!!

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Well I am almost done with the Atlas V, just a texture touch up and SRBs to do, so I don't really need help with that, but if you ask Blazing Angel, who is doing the Deltas, he might be able offer you something :)

Also I have managed to get even more stuff on the Atlas Phase 2 and have a pretty good idea of how I want to do it. I'll do a 5m CCB with 2 RD-180s with the A.C.E.S. upper stage (also 5m) with 4 RL-10s. I'll use 5m and 7m fairings for this and you should be able to get some pretty hefty payloads up. I may have a go at the "Phase 3", but I'm not sure how the game will handle an 8.4m (~5.4m in game) stage

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