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[WIP]United Launch Alliance Pack *V1.0RC1 Released*


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@Rocket Turtle, @Darth Vader

I need your testing results. . .

I'm not at my gaming computer. My parents are divorced and I only have a KSP capable computer at my dads house, the next time I'll be there is monday, unless you want results from the computer I am on, (fps effects physics calculations) I can't, sorry. :(

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I'm not at my gaming computer. My parents are divorced and I only have a KSP capable computer at my dads house, the next time I'll be there is monday, unless you want results from the computer I am on, (fps effects physics calculations) I can't, sorry. :(

That will be fine, let me know if there is serious lag issues or something.

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Either, it would be good to know if it lags but If I wait until Monday thats fine too. Tomorrow by midnight a release will be out, because I will be AFC for 5 days. The release will contain a less than perfectly textured CBC and a CSS that I hate with a passion but it should work fairly well to start with. I learned a lot in two weeks so the redos will be much better.

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Ok, so we may have to stick with the slightly buggy Atlas V CCB for now, blender just crashed when I went to unwrap the new model and lost a few hours of work :mad: and honestly at the moment I really dont want to have to go through it all again, and have to model the CCB for a third time. As mentioned before the current CCB doesnt effect its performance in any way, and has no effect on the game itself other than taking a bit longer for the physics lag to wear off at the start.

And why on kerbin is my 5m fairing pink!!?!!?!?!

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Ok, so we may have to stick with the slightly buggy Atlas V CCB for now

I am just wondering, how long does it for the physics lag to wear off? Unless it is stupidly long I don't see any reason to relive all those frustrations making a new model just for the sake of saving a couple of seconds when loading.

Anyway that is just my two cents. Obviously I don't know how bad the bug is; and I don't want to seem pushy to force you to release an unfinished mod; I just don't want you getting overly frustrated.

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Is it really worth your time making another part then? As I said its your mod and therefore your choice but I wouldn't want you busting a gut making a new part, only to find out that it it has the same lag.

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I know,I would just rather there wasn't something wrong with it, but everything I do too try and fix it actually makes it worse. So for now the current version is fine, I may try doing another one at a later date

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Testing out the sketchfab plugin, but not sure how to get textures on there


I am pretty much good to go for a release some time later today, I managed to put together some decouplers for the SRBs out of some scraps I had lying around. With these new decouplers it means that you wont have to use struts to keep the SRBs in place. I think that I have the CCB properly balanced, the SRBs could do with burning a bit longer and maybe a bit more thrust, and the centaur is quite overpowered at the moment. In 411 configuration, I got a ~7t payload the best part of the way to the Mun :D Im thinking that I should reduce the fuel a bit in the centaur, I had around 1/5 of a tank left after circularizing at 98 x 102km

Edited by Chimer4
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Testing out the sketchfab plugin, but not sure how to get textures on there

You and me both, I spent four hours trying to make it work for my Copenhagen Suborbitals pack. Even when it worked fine in blender it seems that Sketchfab can't use png or jpeg textures, somehow you need to make .tiff textures (which I did) and zip them into the folder and upload the folder, with materials?

Never mind that however.

Delta IV Version 0.1 RC3 is now release with a temporary CSS model and somewhat lackluster CBC texture. Bug reports are appreciated.


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Buggy one, and I dont know how to make something solid in blender either

Also I here is Version 1.0 RC1 of my Atlas V

Atlas V Version 1.0 RC1.zip

Blazing Angel will open a release thread soon with a combined pack

Sorry guys. I mistakenly uploaded an old version of the Delta IV, Chimer4 was good enough to fix it. Use the combined pack with the fixes instead of my link, which I will fix momentarily.

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Ok so I got my computer running in cripple mode (one HDD only and not much spare space) but have KSP installed and working and am ready to start helping out again. Downloaded the first release pack and will comment on stuff as I play around over the next few days.

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